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<br /> <br />d~ <br />-~. t-, o <br />' ~ ~~ ~ ~ I <br />~ &. ~.4~ <br />,.y ~ <br />~- i <br />_~N <br />v ~ <br />,.~, le W - <br />o t <br />x <br />rn <br />Ettcerpts From Internal Revenue Cade <br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes. <br />If any peredn UM4e m pay airy uac negiecs m retetae5 to pay <br />the same after tlemarrtl. trio amount (Indudfng any interest, <br />azldttDpW amoum, adttftion to ux, m assessable penalty. <br />Mgeitter wtih any casts ttut may accrue M adtllOdn thereto) <br />stu0 be a lien M favor b tlee Urtlied States upon all prapeety <br />aM righLS m Droperry, whether real or personal, Delonging m <br />such person. <br />Sec. 6322. Period Of Lien. <br />UNess anollter date rs specificatty fined Dy law, ine iien im- <br />posed by section 6321 shop arise at the lime [he assessment <br />rs nude aM staH cormnue unfit IDe liahtury im the amount w <br />assessed {m a iudgtrent agalnsi the taxpayer arising out m <br />sucft liabiidy) is satisfied or becanes unenforceabia by reason <br />of copse d time. <br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority <br />Against Certain Persons. <br />(a) Puroiaaers, Holders Qf SBCUtity Inler- <br />esta, Mecfiasie's Lienms, And Judgment <br />tJen CtedRors. -The lien imposed by section 6321 snau <br />rrot ce valitl as apairrst airy purctuser, odder of a security m- <br />ierest, mechar~'s fiercer, w judgment lien creditor anti: <br />notice Nered which meets the requirements of subsectiun tf i <br />has been feted br the SecretarY'. <br />(b) Pra[aeHeo Far Certain itderosts Evan <br />Thougk NMiee FRed. -&en though rwtice of a een im- <br />posed by SettiPn 6327 has Deer liied, such lien sluff not ce <br />valid- <br />ity Plara For Figng Notice: Form. - <br />{t) PWce For Firing.-The nonce referred m m sub- <br />section (a) stuff ice (aert- <br />(A) UnOer Stale t2ws.-. <br />(il Real Property.-In the case c! real property. m <br />are otfke wiWn the State im dte aumy, m past <br />govermiertul subdivision), as tlesigruted Dy trio uws m <br />sucn Sate, in which the property sullied io the iien is <br />situated; aM <br />(Ii) Personal PmPertY.-en the rase ei personae <br />Property, whether tangible cr intangbb. in one amts <br />wiUdn the SAte (or the county, a other governmental <br />subdivision), as desgnatetl by Itce laws d such State, in <br />which the property sutyect M ine Ilen a situatW; <br />or <br />(B) Wibt Clerk M Dauict Cann.-in trio o0ece m Ure <br />Clark of ine UrUted States tlistrk:t cPUrt Im the ;udicai <br />tlis0ict in which the propiirty subect to icen is situated. <br />wherever ine Sate has cwt by law desigrateU one eeice <br />whtGt meets the requVerrrents~dt sultparagnph {a). a <br />T <br />e <br />n <br />z <br />-niered as Gocumenl tvv, <br />~ 82-U 0 4 7 <br />6 2 <br />Z , <br /> Gfactor ..,,.~._ <br />~ Grantee. <br />C'1 Nurnerkal.~:isL~. <br />~ 1. 2~ 3~ ar,. ~ <br /> <br /> . <br /> <br /> 9a~ ria~ f <br />rin io ~s m <br /> <br />r <br /> art , <br /> •. E L, e,. <br />iCi 'Ni[n Retarder U( Deetls D! Thd District of Colum- <br />Dea--in me office m me Recorder ai Deees pf tce <br />Dstict of CclumDU, if the property sudieci to eRe nen is <br />SltealPA In the DiSlfid of CdatnDla. <br />!21 Situs Oi property Subject To Lien.-For purposes <br />d pzragraphs (ti antl I<), Property snzll De teemed to be <br />situated- <br />- _{A) Reai Property. --in the case of real property, at its <br />pny5tae !cC31iPn, G: <br />fB) v=rsonai ?mperty -iu the case of personal <br />prpper*y. w"ether tadq:bie er m!argiD:e. zt tl.e residence <br />~t the faXpdym tit ine rime the ndDte or nen re fdetl. <br />Fm purposes el paragraph (?)(B}. trio res!dence m a corpora- <br />tion cr Partner;hip shall be deemed ie be m= o;ace at which <br />the principal zzecutive office of the Business is looted, and <br />the resitlence df a taxpayer wrro;a residences without the <br />Untied Ste@s snot! en deemed m be in the District of Celum- <br />Dia. <br />i,31 Farm.-the form and cement of the nonce refer- <br />rep to m subsection (al shall Ce prescrihetl by the Socreury. <br />Sutra nonce snail G'valid ndlwllG;lantlinG any oti:er prowsidn <br />,t taw regarding the form m wntent U ~ aatece of Gen <br />;;~ fleffli0g Of Notice. -rm purpose of tms sacticn- <br />+! General flBle.-Umess notice PI iien is retdetl <br />in the manner c'resuiUed m paragraph (21 during ine regwreo <br />reDling panoc, sucn neirce of iien snail De nedtetl as filed an <br />the dale on wMCh R is IileO fin atcordence wnh subsecton (cif <br />alter ine dzpnatrcn at sucn reliling periW _ <br />z'. hlaee For Filing.-;, nohce of nen refieed <br />dunnq_ the :egwrsd rslding peurJ snail pe ettetuve eniy- <br />;1.; :t such nonrR Pt iien r_- reh!eo m the mice :n <br />wNtn me prior nonce of teen was tfetl, znd <br />;i;, ,n any case m wnicn,gG days a mare prier to Ine <br />date of ; rufihng of rwtke p: nen antler wbparagraph (4). <br />the Secretary ~ecerved 'wrtden rt:fannaaun Im ine ,manner <br />prescnUed in reguUtiers slued Cy tre Secielary} con <br />rzrning ~a-charge in the taxpayer's resitlence, d a notice <br />~-t such lien ~s also pled in aadroante with suGSecticr. ~I^~. <br />~n the Slate m ~.'i Nth su.n :esitlc::ce 's i0C37en. <br /> <br />Z~ <br />0 <br />(3} Required RefiHng Porbd.-m tre case of <br />any nonce of iien, [he term "requi[etl refiting perlpd" <br />means- <br />(A) the ore-year perv0 endirre 30 days after the ex- <br />pnation of 6 fears after itte dale of ifu assessment of <br />the tax, znd <br />(B) ehe one-roar period entling with tDe expiration M <br />6 years otter me close of the preceding required relihng <br />period for such nonce of lien. <br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or Dis- <br />charge Of Property. <br />;al Release tlf Lien.- subject m such reguia6ons <br />as thR Secretary may prescnhe, the Secretary may issue a <br />czrldirate of release ai arty lien emposed with respect M <br />any ~nlernae revenue We if- <br />;t) Leability Satisfied a Unenrorceabie.-The Sec- <br />reag finds that the liability la the amount assessed, <br />(ogetner with all interest M respect inereol, has been fully <br />satisired or has became legaly ureenimrrable: m <br />j2) Bcntl aaepted.-There rs furnished to the <br />Sucrzury and accepted by him a bond that is condihorted <br />upon ine Payment Pt the amount assessed. together with <br />::p ;rlerest m iesped thereof, wimin the time proscribed W <br />!aw gneeuding any extanson of such time), arM ine[ rs in <br />accordance wnh such requements reWting to ternt5, con- <br />Citions, and form of the pond and 5ufetiee Ihdreon, as <br />may oe specdied by such regufauons. <br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and dis- <br />closure of returns and <br />return information. <br />(ki Disclosure of Certain Returns and <br />Return information For Tarr AdministroDeo <br />Purposes.- <br />i2! =sctosure of amount of outsfantling lien--l1 <br />a nonce rat nen nos been tiled pursuant to sectipn 6323(p, <br />the d!nouni of the outstanding obligation secured by sucn <br />hen may be disclosed to any person wfw furnishes satis- <br />tadd:y •.vnder. evidence coat ne has a right in ine prnperry <br />suDiect to sucn Gen pr m?ends tP dDrain a right m such <br />Properly. <br /> <br />i <br />tw <br />