<br />{6) To use the loan.evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the•Government.
<br />{7} To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assessed
<br />againu-the property, secluding all charges and asussments in connection with water, water rights, and water stock pertaining
<br />to. or reasonably necessary to- the use o£ the real property described above, and all taxes and assessments levied upon this
<br />mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hereby secured or against any legal holder hereof or of the note or af said in-
<br />debtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing such
<br />payments:
<br />(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at
<br />its requests to deliver such policies to the Government.
<br />{9} To maintain impprovements in good repair and make regain required by the Covernment; op«au the property
<br />is a good and husbandmanlike mann«; comply with such fazm conservation practices and fern and home management plans
<br />as. the Government fmm time to time may prescribe; and not to abandon the prop«tp, or cause or permit waste, lessening or
<br />impairment of the rCNr1Cq coy«ed hereby, or, without the written consent of the Gavtrrunertx, cut, remove, or lease any
<br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, or other minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purposes,
<br />{SQ) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations affecting the property.
<br />(11} To paq or reimburse the Government for expenses uuonably necessary nr incidental m the protection of the lira
<br />and priority hereof and to the erxforcement of or the compliance with the pmvisiorts hereof and of the note and any atpple-
<br />mentary agreement {wheth« brfoie or afar default}, iacludittg but not limiud ro costs of esidenee of title m sad stervej of
<br />the property, costs of recording this and other instruments, atmrntys' fees, austeei Fee:,court costs, and expeetxs of adv«-
<br />tisutg, selluxg and conveying the property.
<br />{ 12} Neither the property nor any portion thereof az interest therein shall be leased, assigned, sold, uaasfrrred, or
<br />encumbered voluntuily or othenvi~, without the writtzn consent at the Guvcrnmeot- The (:.avernment shall Gave the sole
<br />and exclusive nghcs as mongagre hereunder, ineludwg but nor limiud m the power to gcanr conarats, partial rekaaa, stele
<br />ordinations, and satisfaction, and na insured hold« shall have say rights, title or interest N ar m tlxe lien ar am benerfit!
<br />h«eof.
<br />13 At all reasonable times the L:avernment and its agents mar usspcct the pm~rtty xa arets`tain ~rhn'h« she eve-
<br />erxattcsand agreements contained h«eut or in any supplementary a~eement ase being p«IomuaL
<br />14 The Government may jai extend ar dri« the maturity af, and renew and xescltedule the papeoeats oa, clMC ekbt
<br />evidenced by the Wort ur any indebtedness to the Gavernmenc secured i+v the instrument, °bw release any party wba is
<br />liable und« the note or for t}te drbt from liability to the Governmxnt. e'• release portions of the pmpstg and aaboeehaate
<br />its lien, and {d} waive any other of its rights under this inurement. Any and aD t$is ran sad wiU be lone without aFfett~
<br />the lien or the priority of this instrument ~v Barrovrer's ur any otitrr party"s liability t:a eitz C:avetoateat cur payment at the
<br />Harr ur debt secured by this instrvment nnltss the f;avrttsrttem-says csthtrw is writing. itc~€~a"~, say mar br
<br />the Government-whether ante ar atten-in exercising any tight :v rcaxezlr under this instrueetent, ar atherwirr akfartkri by
<br />applicable law, shall not be a waiver of ar preclude the exercise ut any swift right ar remedy,
<br />{15} If at say time it shall ap~ear to the Guvernatent that Bcurawrr quay i~ aftdt to awn a aeon tram a prtxiuecioa
<br />credit association, a Federal land hater., ar ox7tcr rcspunaibk cual><•rai,ivc nt'r`riYattcredit #7uet:e, at reastaaal+k rites and farms
<br />Far loans for simile purposes and periesds of torte, li„m>Mrzr will, u} -+at tiar ~:.*vtrnttttats request, apply' and 'adapt xxrtb
<br />lass in suiiuient amuturc to ~a}' the Harr ant any indtbtrdncsz xcutc.i itrrrby and ts3 pay tee any stocr aeeestarg ra be
<br />purchased in a cooperative lee n!; agency in cannrctir?n with swit Iran.
<br />Plti} Delault hereunder shall constitute default ~.:ndcz am u:hrr rtai esutr, ar under anx personal Psopetti7r ar otlta,
<br />security instruturnt held or inwred by the C;overmntnt and cxtcutc;i yr asswtK.i bw Pareower, and default uadrr any sxscb
<br />other security instrument shall tonstiturr dr faulC itercun.ier.
<br />(1~} Sl?OC~LD DEFAULT occur in rite ptrfiamtasur s.r discpar~.t ataxy uitlipatian to this insuxtmrnt ur StKUred by
<br />this insrrunxenx, or shauid the parties narnzd as Be:t.,w~r ,iii ~: cz ,irc$ue,i an ia:auxprtznt, sr s}tasu.i aa} wee oz the partitx
<br />narnzd as Borrower ltc declared a i:anktupt, er .trt uxzulvcht <=t =na%c an "~nxrreot #cx tar btnrtit ai creditors, she 4avern•
<br />meet, ar its option, with ur without nurse, may _ a dzciarr the rntir< antourxt unlvid under the Warr and any indtbtedmss
<br />to the Government hereby secured intmt3i:tteiy .let a:td parable, ;^` for the ace wet of Barruwtr incur and par rensuuable
<br />expenses for repair or maixtcenance at and eke pussrsss_n ut,+per,ttr uc teat tlse prapaty, Vic' upon appkit'atiun by it an3
<br />production of this instrument, without other tvidtnrt att.', witltax:e nuxr t,i Irrating at saiai application, bare a receiver
<br />appointed for the property, with the usual powers of reezivrts itr like cases, ;d tarrclasr this insttun#rnt as pravidrd herein
<br />or by law, and {e) rniorce any and alt other rights and remedies pray°ided herein ar b}' i.rcstnt or fuwrc law.
<br />(18} 'the proceeds of foreclowre sale shall be applied in the f t(owitxg w let to the payment of; :rl casts seed exptn~s
<br />incident to enforcing or complying with the prarisiuns ercoi, i b; ant prior liens required by law ar a ecuuprtint court to Ex
<br />so paid, {c} the debt evidenced by the nocr end all indtbtrdnrss to the Gavrenmea: secured hereby, d} inferior liens of
<br />record required by law ar a competent court to be w paid, ie at the C;avrrnment's option, any other indebtedneu of tieu-
<br />rower owing to ar insured by the Government, and f? any balance ar Karrower.:~t foreclostue ar outer salt of all ar an}
<br />part of the prop«ty, the Government and its agents may bid and purcitasr as a straugrr and may yay the Govrtnntetu's share
<br />of the purchase price by crediting such amount on any debit of Borrowsv awurg to ar insured by the Government, in the
<br />order prexribed above.
<br />- - (19) Bormw« agrees that the Governnrznt will eat he bound by ary present ar future State law, {a} pmvidittg for
<br />valuation, appraisal; homeuead or exemption of the pro ty, (bl prohibitutg maintenatxe of an action for a deficiency
<br />judgment ar limiting the amount thereof or the time within which such action must be brought, (ct prescribingg any tither
<br />statute of limitatitms, (d) allowing any right of redemption or possession following any foreclosure sale, or (e} fintiting the
<br />conditions whtth the Government may by regulation impose, including the interest rate it tray charge, as a condifton of
<br />approving a transfer of the property to a new Borrower. Boaower expressly waives the benefit of any such State laws.
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