<br />'F'?~17
<br />~~ If Borrower paps Funds [o Lender, the Funds shall be held in an institution me deposits or accounts of which are
<br />ittsured or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution!. Lender shall apply
<br />the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding
<br />and applying the F'tmds, analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender
<br />pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appticabtt !aw permits tinder to make such a charge. Borrower and I.endet
<br />map agree in writing at the time of execution of this Deed oFTrust that interest on the Funds shall 6e paid to Borrower,
<br />and- unless such agreement is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender shall not be required
<br />to pay Borrower any iatetest or earnings on the Ftmds. [rnda shall give to Borrower, without charge, as atm[nl
<br />accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds at[d the purpose far which tack debit to the F[zads was
<br />made. The Ftmds are pledged u additional security for the clans sceured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />tf the amount of the Funds held by Lrtda, togeztra with ttte future monthly instatlmenn of Fins payable prior to
<br />the due data of tam. assessments, insurance premiums and grotud rents, shall exettd the amount rer}nitcd to pap said
<br />taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground tents as they fall due, such eases sisal! t+e, ax Batowet`s option.
<br />eithtt promptly repaid to Borrower ~ credited to Baroater oa monthly iustallmcnts ~` Funds. if the amount of the
<br />Funds hdd by (rniftr shall >~t be stafficient to pay taus, assesstmazs, iusurattce ptrmtums and ground [rats a5 tht!r fait
<br />due. Borrower shah pay to C.enda aerv amount necessary to matt up the defitwrrws is cwt err more paamctm as itt
<br />may require.
<br />Upon payment is faB of all sums secured try :his t?etd of Trasl, Lr»~ stsat! presspdy (eland m 8ottoeoer ens
<br />Funds htrld by Letda. If ttttda paragraph 1' hereof the Property is sold err the Prtrptrts is arhrr~ive acgnned br
<br />(ruder. (.ender shall apply. rto later titan tmtnedumtY prta ro the sat to zhe Ptoper:~ x its a:~tsuttaa f!r iraeee, aax
<br />Funds held by tender at the tune of aPpfiwtioo as a Credit a8m~ the sorts sn~ttsd bn: [his Decd of 7rust_
<br />3. lpplicwtlaw ad PaTSw[[a. Unless applicable law prwtdts cxhcrsttu, ail pa;meats trartsed t±a iswdar ratdnr
<br />[he Note aM paragraphs i and 2 heteaf stsall be appited br Leader trxss us paweaea~ cv' aaaanwts pavatr~ie tv imedet tss
<br />Bortaver twda paragraph 3 hereof: tbm to imiacst pargabkr t}t[ tl;tr'.att ~ a~ s~ za aht ri ~ _~'+~~-
<br />0. ttzfar oral tai at 2rw~ C'laeAz t3ans. 8oetoaies snail p alt t't Bonro.arr"s
<br />umirr am tnartgage. ~ of ttssst a colter ssxunrs agtrcmcwt ><eh a flew .hrda has pititxtts r+rr ahts C]red rti 'Frwstt.
<br />i[ttititiiatg 1~7iSUi~''S i~rt[attYa to mats pasmsats :x~ ,',~..°...,.-.-R, M.~~,i pa =_ ;~~. 'sz 'r ~ r3la'~
<br />asta~eats azd ottzer tharAes. fttsec and imptwttitxn attnbutattis to ttx Ptsrpeesx .;tare spat Seta[! dt t~srt t~iti
<br />tad of 7rtmt, and leaselwid pasmmM or gtou[td . etzzs.:f ans.
<br />S. Hasarti taanawea. Barreanr shag kelp z~ a€~ rssss ~ `x--~°sr -tsr.+ K lamely'
<br />insutod agautn loss by file, hazards iwciwdipd atthia the term ' rzstrtttz~l ~ ~+.erarc ' Cant „v~ iz _utrKw ~asaseK as ic+w[1rr
<br />nor regntte and m suds aenaznts aid for stash pertads as lrtsdrr tna. rcgs[mr
<br />The insurance canter prtwdtt[g the uzwranee shall ice ¢irxsaaa t» iitasx«.st .ahgr t ';", rpgnw:a; t`a a_eeralcit : ~+tdoA,
<br />(tut strch approral shall not be uarcasonabir wzthhrid. Ali a[tsura^wre aaatn;+res ata~ >~+srr.as~ taorree~a seam lore .e a kaNtl[i
<br />acceptable to Leader and shall tnrlude a staadatd matra>rr cis.rsr tat '.ra^r :>4 rant ,.sz a t=~ssa aresealMr •* 1raiAet-
<br />trnder sbati have the nght w (told the poizt-tes a[d rest[sais zttnretw. ,ubttos *,~ Few a~m~,..a eat asm.rtgppe. 3strtl +x[ [srost
<br />or other security agextnertt ,nth a itm which has p(((ills cw[r th». pktts cst 7rsrtt
<br />in the caeca( ~ loss. Botto+ret shall gnrc prtm[pr nor[cr t<t the uzs[rrutzrr catmrt ..nak Les l.rw:~Vrc sea, nua[s
<br />of loss if not ((lade promptly bs Botrmaier.
<br />If the Property is abandoned i+y Berttmr. ~ tf 8arrwrr tadh tca rasptuof tc 3rMMt +sstsm :~? 3a~~ zia~ ;~ :lure
<br />notice is mailed br trader m 8orn*rer zha[ the nuwancc carx>Irr vtieys tt, seetsr a .araaz a<r :aaswaas:r r+seir[its. rea3rr+es
<br />authorized to .rotted attd appip xlze ttuuraztte ptc~eeds rz Lcudts's ~*~ s:r~ar t=~ rµstsvar~~ ~ ;rr,-aa~ . a zSe
<br />Property a [d [he SnmS SeCnrrd by thrs peed Jt 7rust,
<br />6. Ptaaareatiaw and [-Naiwtewaatoe of Pegtasts; Lasaeiaidr: Cawiaiwiaieanr: Pisawwd l-wiz i3c+eta~iwrawat. Bae-
<br />tvtver shslt keep [!ze Ptoper•.y in F~ *rpntr and shall nw .^t~ntt +asts Y r ~~c+ttezz +m~urt.armt .~s ,ctrn.rsta~a[[ <.t ±tzr
<br />Properly and shall caantply wkth the prosssttms ut aaw ita5t of rh.s pled aw Trust ?, ,us a lrasen:tict- ![ zits Lk+nt ci trust xs
<br />an a unit in a eotduminium or a planned wait dnrltyiment, Bartt>'+ee shall pertosat all :M Btvttentax a a~is~a[xVttt stt+sbrt
<br />the dtxiuation ur croreaants coating or goreramg the tondomtntttm .v piauncxf unu de.sn•~[eea[, silt i+v-leas rail
<br />rcgutations of the condominium ur planned snit desciupmeat, .unf coats[tturnt :tcvnmsnrs
<br />7. PtrePoCtlow ad trtrdv'a 5eeittits. if Bor[vwrr forth to peetarm the c~>tiraan[s and agrertnems c~*nzrttteal is the
<br />Deed Of Trust, t1< if any actrOn Or p[eiseedtng i5 L`,)mmC[h".<i wtsaih matrrtail> 3ttC4tS iersdrr 4 antsrrsf sn afz l'rty+~rttt.
<br />then Lender, at Lender's option, upttti ntxue to Borrowtr. mat matt sta,h apprarances,.:ashurss stab Bums, amiudiag
<br />reasonable attorneys' fees, and take sari[ action as is necessarw to protecq Lender's ;alerts(. h~ Lxndtr teyuttrd mortgage
<br />insurattee as a condition of making [he loan secured by this peed of `Frus:, Bortxwrr shall paw zhs premiums tryutta,d to
<br />maitrtain such insurance in effect until suet[ time as the trquiremeut for such insuranre tetminatts to astxxdatn'e asth
<br />Bottawer's and Lender's written agmment or applicable taw.
<br />Any amounts dubutsed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ', with tntemt therran. at the :Yore talc, shall
<br />become additional indebtedness of Borrower secured by this t)crd of Trvst. Unless Bornawer anti Linder agree to
<br />ether terms of payment, such amounts shall be payable upon ntxim from Linder to Barnawer reyucsting p yment
<br />thereof. Nothing contained in this paragraph 'shall require Linder to incur any expense or take env sction hereunder.
<br />ti. IorpeCdow. Linder may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,
<br />prorrided that Linda shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifiing reasonable cause therefor
<br />related to (:cadet`s interest in the Property.
<br />9. Cai~mtaatlon: The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in connection with
<br />aay rnndemnation or ether taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in Iieu of condemnation, are
<br />t[ttreby asaigned and shall tie paid to Lender, subject to [fie terms of any mortgage. decd ot'trust err other security aKrte-
<br />mentwith a licn which has priority ova this IJeed of Trust.
<br />iB. Barrawst Nat Rt:lasedt Forbearaota By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or
<br />mudzfiutiat of amatixa[ion of the sums secured by this eked of Trust grained bw Lender to am successor in interest of
<br />BarYiasrer shalt mx trperau to release, in aay manna, the liability of the anginal Borrower and Boerne es's successors in
<br />isaerett. t.endersitali not Ile required to atmmente proceedings against such successor cu refuse to ext~- .= t[tne for pav-
<br />etHn eie otherrite ttrodily amostuazfort of the sums secured try th[s Ueed of Trust by rcasctn of env <icm,;t~,1 made lay the
<br />tzetystai tlarrewet aid $orraeves`s successsrs in interest. An}' forbsaranre by Linda to exercising env rtKht or remedy
<br />hatstplAer, err o[tzerwsse aflttrnif,M by applicable law, shall nn[ br a waiver of car preclude the txerctse of env such right or
<br />tYtead}.
<br />(1. 3!IMtMltlui aa[i ~ tlailtalt 3aisM and 9a~reral i.la4iNtr-; Co-aipners. T'hr c=~.cnants and agrretnen[s
<br />Arno ewwtaatad stall 4inA, awd the niekq hersuaxitt shalt (orate [n, tits irsprctt.e ~utc<sssu'k alai asstitns .+! i,cntlcr and
<br />,: t b }eta pfew FNFrIMy i,t par aarkp9a 1!c harn>t. ~tESi wxrtenptts end ;t¢rprgtenfs yet B.mrowet +iaaS tx N+ntt and
<br />~srM..tb~ ~rC+ltNer rlar z!+ hy~aY shy i3n*+3 -~ t: t ., •=~e n ___~ _ •• •s+e• 4„tt t t=, sA e ~,+tiriK a•~i. lle~eci s±t trit4t
<br />A. *. _ ,. graaa sea ~ .~~a. *w~ li r+t~wrst . ,rv xrv ., .w ... , . , . f .c : ~ t~.~, ihr. t3 -;t t*r~r. +h; t~
<br />