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<br />- ~
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<br />/ This form is used in connec-
<br />tior, with mortgages insured
<br />/'GJ
<br />~
<br />~~ MORTGAGE under the one- to four-farmly
<br />r j ~,f ~~ provisions of the National
<br />"With de€erred interest and increasing HousinRAct.
<br /> monthly installments" "~; (Y} _~ 1'
<br />TTifS MORTGAGE. made and executed this 2nd day of November ,A.D.
<br />14.82- ,by andhetween John E. Hartwig and Gloria J. Hartwig, Husband- and Wife
<br />of the County of - Hall ,and Slate of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereina#tercatled-
<br />the Martgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporarinn organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party of-thesecnnd part, hereinafter cal}ed the-Mortgagee,
<br />W}TNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Fifty nine thousatd one-
<br />-hundred and No / 100ths---------------------------- Dollars iS 59 100.00------1• Paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the receipt of which is~hereby acknowledged.-has Granred and Soid and ~y these presents does Grants Bar-
<br />gain,..~eil. Convey sod Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its- successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situatedin the Coumy of ill ,and State
<br />of Nebraska: m wit:-
<br />Lot Three (3}, Block Size (6), Kay Dee Subdivision, Ha11 County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in aN acres according to Govern-
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />"TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prrmiszs-stwve drscnhrd, with alt the appurtrnanees thereunta belonging-and including
<br />al}heating, plumbing and lighting fixuues and equipment now or beer:deer attached to or used in connection with said real-estate
<br />unto the-Mortgagee, and to hs suceesson and assign, forever. "fhe Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Martga-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has geed right to sell and convey said prentisrs; that they are free from encumbrance; and Ehat the
<br />Mortgagor wiH warrant an.i dr[end the same against the }awfol claims of elf persons whomsoever, and the laic} htac[gagor-here-
<br />by relinquishes ail rights of homestead, and al} martin} rights, either in law or inequity, and aL' other contingent interests pf the
<br />Mortgagor in and to the shove-drs~ribr.l premise. the intemion bring to convey hereby an absolute title, in fee simplz, itn }ud-
<br />ing a}{tights of hamestead, and other right, and interests a> aforesuitl.
<br />PROVti)ED ALWAYS, and these prcsrnts are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wil
<br />The Mortgagor agrees h? pay to ihr Mtrtgagee, or order. the principa! sum of fiif ty nine thousand one
<br />htrndred and No/100ths-------------------------- i)u}larstti 59,100.00--------^ 1'
<br />- with interest from date at the rate of Twelve and One-half par centwn ( -12.50- `~) per annum on
<br />the unpaid balanix until paid. the said prirnipal and interest shall he payable at the otTice of Superior Mortgage, Inc,
<br />in Grand Island? NE , or at such other place as the holder of
<br />- thenotamaydesignateinwriting.inmonthlyinatailmentsof (According to Schedule A on said note)
<br />~M~l~ t, comnranciag on the first day of
<br />Janttarp , 1483 ,and on the first day of rsch month thereat tar anti} the principal and in-
<br />- rarest are fully paid, ezcepf chat the tinai payment of principal xnJ interest if not sooner paid, shat} ~e due and
<br />payahlt on the first day of December 20 12 _ a1I sccording to the terms of a certain pnimis•
<br />spry note of even date herewhh executed by the ,aid Mortgagor- (def erzed interest shall be added to the prin-
<br />- cipal balance monthly and-shall increase the prinr(ipal balance to not more than $b4,086.57.}
<br />The Martgagnr m older mare fu}ly to protect the security o this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />- }. `That hr wd# pay-toe itx}ebtedness, ss hereittf~farr pravided- Privdr~r is reserved to p.ay the debt in xho}a, ur in an
<br />amo3at esftuli to arse ux-rmur monthly payments on the pcineirai that fur nett due on the note, on the first day of any month
<br />print to miturittt f'rurided_ hnwevzr. That w~i{ten native of an intention to exercise such privilege is given at least thirty t3t))
<br />. - dagsprigrte,prtpayment,
<br />". Thai, together with, sad in acid}lion to, tt?r month}y payments of prtncipal and interest payab}e unda ~t nu a[ th::
<br />iuXCSCCUmi hereby, the kfortgaliur will pay to the Miutgagre, on the first day of each month until the lain mac ? .ly paid, the
<br />tof}owittg sums.
<br />fa) ;4.tnnWtt suftisiam tu-pfayide. the balder hareal with f°utttis to pay [he next moriprige niWCance premium ii this
<br />tt+strutnaitt sad the lisle secured hereby etc ittwrat}, or a tnunth}y c!t}rgr tin Lieu v,~ tt err<xtgggr inttrtuncr. pre-
<br />rniurti/ if they era heW by the Secretary o(Housutg and ltrban fkvak.}nrtetit :x+foitows
<br />(1} If ,alai sa long as said nitre of even dale attd thie inatrurnrnf any rizured c,r arc teinsulyd under the pn-
<br />vifNirfS Gt ihs-Naiiaaaf Nuusittft Act, art atnarttri suf)'iLirxtt to ac'cutnulate in the hands of tttc hcddat vn€
<br />~'TA'ift:ftF a~'6f31t.44i~
<br />rikaasac f:1A-2tiJM raaa:r? xxvy ba uxsct u+xra wpr~ir ~s axe+.a4itai
<br />- - - - NUL1.[A.3M tti~79}
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