<br />MORTGAGE i7L ~, :.i ~l
<br />- ~ MORTGAGE tAAN NO. L. 24, Ob4
<br />IINOVJALL MEN BY TIiFSE PRESEI~fS: That Raytitand E. Rezac and Angeline A. Rezac, each in his grid
<br />her OWfi right and aS SpOt15e of each Other, Mortgagor, whether acre or mare, k consideration of the sum of -
<br />Thi~_'1'j~pnaatv3 and1)~t00--_-_------ _.__...--_._- ~- ~---~i;301.LARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The tirryitabk Building and i.oart Association of Grand (stand, Nebraska, Mottgagce, upon 300 shares of stodt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Certifit~te No. L 24, 064 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />destYibed real estate, situated in HsH County, Nebraska:
<br />Fractional Lot One (1), in Fractional Block Ten (10), in
<br />Kernohan and Decker's Addition and its crotnplaaent Fractional
<br />Lot One (1), in Fractional Block Four (4), in Spaulding and
<br />Gregg's Addition to the City oY Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Vebraska.
<br />together with all the trrrementr, herediUments and appurtenantxs thereunto Exiunging, inetudurg attardzed floor wvetings, all window-sctans,
<br />window shades, blinds, stacm windows, awnings, heating, art cortditioneng, and plumbing and water equipment and atxzsaoties thereto,pampa, stoves,
<br />rcfrigtmtors, and other }fixtures and ryttiptrrem raw rx herraRer attached w or used in mm~u-tron with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor host agreed and dues hereby agree that the rrrortgagur shall and will pay all taxq and asSC.tslnenta levied or
<br />assessed upon said prctttisxs and uprrn this mortgage and the bond secured thercby txtare the same shall betome delinquent; to futnislt approved
<br />iawrance upon the builrliags on said gremisrs situated in rite sum oC 5 ?0 000.00 payable io said ASSOCIATION and to dehver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies ibr said insurance: and met to ttrrnmit ac permi~ any waste un or about said premises;
<br />!n tine of defaWt in the pcrformunce of any of the terms and conditions of this rmrrtgagc or the bond stesued herehq, the mortgagee shah,
<br />on demand, he entitled to immediate possession oC ibr rrrortgagtd premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, ttantfers and sets ovtr to the
<br />mongagee all the rents, revenues avd inwtac m be derivtti from the mortgaged prc[nises dmitrg such time as the mortgage indebiednea shall rennin
<br />unpaid; and the nortgagee shag hive the prover to appoint any agent or agents it rmy desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and reatirtg
<br />the same attd cuiketing the ants, reverrres and income, and it may pay out of aW inwrne all rxpettses oC repairing said premixs grid nerxsary
<br />wmatissions amt expenses incturtd in renting and ntartsgntg rhr same and of wlkctittg rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to Ile
<br />appiietl toward the disdtarge of soul rrxrrtgagc iruiebtrdnea; there rights of the mortgagee may be exetaant at any time during the existenx of sirdr
<br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiter oC the same.
<br />Thtsc Presents, however, arc upon the Condition, That J'the saai Mortgagor shall repay cant loan un ur lteCorc tht rtnturi[y of said shares by
<br />paY~t: P$Y rtwnthly to said A550CtAT1UN of the vein specilred in the frond secured hcrcby as mtceest and prindpal on said loan, on or before
<br />the'fwentkth day oC each and every rrxsnth, unnt sold react a fully patd; pay all taxes gad a~m»•ts k'~-tt against said premises and ort this Mortgttge
<br />and the Hand sttatred thereby, btfute deiinqucm:y, furinsh approved tnstuaner upset the buddiags thereon iR the suet at 530 r Q00 00 Inyabk
<br />to saki ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSCX'1A'ft0N upon dettnrui all money by it pard Car sttdt taxes, assesnneats attd insuwncc with interest at
<br />the nnximmn legal rate thererm from date of payrncnt all of wtuc;tr Mortgagor hereby egrets to pay; permit na waste an said premissa- keep and comply
<br />with ail the agrcernents and atndittom of the trend frx S30 000.00 this day goers by the said Mortgagor W airs ASS(R:IATION, gad comply
<br />with all the requirements ut the Constitution and HY-I-aws o~'sard ASSix'IATI(HJ: [hta ttmae presenU shall bteutne ntdl and void, otherwise. [hcy
<br />shall rennin in fu11 fmce and may be forrcktaed at ttte upttrm ..f the said ASSOCIATION after faittue fur threw months to make any of said
<br />paytnenu ur be throe rnrmths in arrears nt ranking said marthly payments, ar to keep and wtnp}y with the agteettxnU and rVmlitions oC said Hoed:
<br />grid Mortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed Gsrthwith in such lorrr:laseue procetrlirtgs.
<br />If there is guy change in ownership of the coal nUte murigaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire remaining iatkbttsrlness hereby
<br />secured shall, at the up[ipn of The Hgttitabk Building artd Loan Asw. ,r of Grand Nand, Nebraska, become immcdiately dot and payable without
<br />iurilru twtice, amt the anasunt remaining due rmtttr said bond, and any other bond for any additional advancts made thereunder, shall, from the
<br />date of exercae of said option, bear interest at the rtnxitnum legal race, and this ntuttgaPi ruay then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount due tin said
<br />bmd,aad aaY other band fw additiotud advanrxs, together with all smffi paid by said "Che Equitable Suildug atsd Loan Arsociatittn of C,rand Island,
<br />lYCbraska (or iasttranct, touts and assesantenU, and abstracting extertsam chugrs, with interest therersn, from date of payment at the ttwtimtun
<br />brats.
<br />As provided in the Aoad secured hertby, while this trtartgage retrains in effect the rtwrtgagx rmy hereafla advanrx additional sums to the
<br />makers of said Hond, their assigns ar surxesvurs W interest, whxh sums shall be wiUtirz the srxtuity of this ttavrtgage the same u the funds arigioatly
<br />sesxrtad tlxreby, list rural amuutd oC prirwipa! ~bt rux to exatd et any time the original arrtutsat o[ this mortgage.
<br />-this ]~ day of PIOYHOher, A. D., 79 $2
<br />Ra E. ac ;~~~.. _. -- _
<br />f
<br />Acry~elir~ A. Rezac .~
<br />(XNJNTY Oit IIAU.. s. (hr this 1St :lay of NoVCalti[X:T' 19 g2 , befurc mt,
<br />the ut>rlersiguad, a Notary !'ublic ut and for ate'- Cr,n: ,~•ssowHy tartlet
<br />Hai+~BCmd E, Re~c'~c aril Angeline A, itt3zae, tech in his anti her own ri~ and as ~ ~ ~~t~h
<br />other, are
<br />tgt he bt the.idauttaai perwn g wheat rnmt >3 al'e altixed to the about innrutrteat as mcxtgagar g and try severalty
<br />a~mw the >ai~d h+xuurnant to be - ~ ~~
<br />thE'.1X' vY+3wttary act and deal, "'"'1
<br />wITNk wry haad.rrtl Notarial Sml the dart afore-uid- _ E .~,,.- ; ~(f -
<br />,~
<br />Myl:+rauturaaaxt captrer ,~ )~`~ ~`'
<br />ta;.aavta: - s='ue'. '` L"s -~`?7r.-~ .. ;~.fh.•a..fdtt4.~.Y grotty ferxtsta:;
<br />( Ott ;. ci.R31?. C~„ljr. t'b2Y. t{. a~r53' y
<br />