<br />82 -=~ f l () _~ r Ei
<br />UNIFORM Coverawtrrs. Borrower and Lender covensa and agree as follows:
<br />t. PafereRt of PrindpW trRd laletcat. Borrower shah promptly.pay when due the principal of and imerest an the
<br />ittdebttdntsr evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nott, and the principal of •rnd interest
<br />on any FutureAdvancts secured by this heed of Tnist.
<br />2. Fatale-Eer Tatty rind lrrrwrasee. Sutrject to applicahle law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrow"er ,half pay
<br />to Lender on the day manthly installments of principal and interest arc payable render the Note, un[il the Notc is paiil in full.
<br />a sum (herein "Funds"} equal to one-twelfth of the yearly texts and assessments which may attain priority aver this -
<br />Deed of Trust, and ground rents on the Property, if any, phis one-twelfth of yearly premmm installments for hazard insurance.
<br />plus orto-twelfth of yearly premium installrrrents for mortgage insurance, if any. all az reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Leader on the basis of assessments and hills and rcasanablc estimates thereof.
<br />The Funds shall 6e held in an institution the deposits or accormts of which arc insured yr guaranteed by a Federal rn'
<br />state agency (including Lender if Lender is such an institution?. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments.
<br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge [or so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said accoum~
<br />or verifying and compiling said as~ssments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest vn the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits !,ender to make such a charge. Barrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of excruGon of this
<br />Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid tv Barrower, and unless such agreement rs made or applicable laW
<br />requires such interest to Fx paid, tender shah not be rcgwred to pay Borrower any interest or earnings tin the Finds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accnunung of the Funds showing credits and dehits to the Funds and.thc
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the solos secured
<br />try this Deed of Trust.
<br />If.the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the fuhire monthly installments at Funds payahlc poor to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums tied ground rents, shall exceed the amount required !a pay said taxes.
<br />assessmehts, itrsurance premiums and ground rents as they Tall due, such excess shall be, at Burrower} option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower an monthty installments of Funds. if the amount of the- Funds
<br />held by Lender shalt not tx sufficient to pay taxes, assessmems, insurance premmms and ground.rems as they fah. due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any amount neceuary to make up the deficiency wnhm 30 days from the date notice ts_mailed
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof.
<br />Upon payment in full of all sums secured by ihrz Decd of Trust; Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Ftinds
<br />held by Lender. if under paragraph IS hereof the Propery a sold or the Property is atherwrse acquired 6y Lcndcr. Lender
<br />shalt apply, no later than immediattiy prior to the sale of nc~ Property or its acyuisition by Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of application as a credit against the sums ucured by this Decd of Trust.
<br />3. Appticatlon of Payments. Unless applicable tau piovidez otherwise. all payments rcrerved by Lender under the
<br />Note and paragraphs I and 2 hereof shall tee applied 6y Lcndcr first m payment of emotion payable to Isnder by Borrower
<br />under pazagraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable on the Note. then to the principal of the Note, and then to interest tied
<br />prindp+d on any Fulurc Advance.
<br />3. Chuges; !.[era. Borrower shall pay alt fazes, acsezssments and other charges. fines :rnd impusrtions aurihutable to
<br />the Property which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof ar, if not paid in such manner. by Bormwtr making payment, when due, directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Borrower shat) promptly furnish tit Lcndcr all notices of amoums due under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make paymem directly, 8orrowcr shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts endenrmg such payments.
<br />Borrower shalt promptly discharge any lien which has priorty os'cr this lhed of l~rusr. pmv,dcd_ that Borrower shat! not M:
<br />required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in uwriting tit the payment at the ohhgauun secured try
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to Lender, or shall m goad faith comes! such hen hy. or de(znd entarccmem of such lien in.
<br />legal PPrrxeedings which operate to prevent the enforcement . f the Iran ur furleuure of the Propzrt}• ur any part thereof.
<br />5. Ha>ard /rmtrastt. Borrower shall kelp the improvements now rusting or hereafter erected on the Property insured
<br />against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage°, and such other hazards as J.endrr may rryuire
<br />and in such amounts and for such penuds as Linder may require; provided, chat lender +hall not regwn: chat the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount tit coverage requucd to pay the sums secured hg the Decd of lTu>t.
<br />The imurance carrier providing the insurance ,hail he chrxen by Borrower nrbtrct t.t approval by 1 ender pnrv,ded.
<br />that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All premiums can insurance tmhcies shall t?r: paid in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by' Borrower making payment, when due, dirttyly to the
<br />insurancerxrtiw.
<br />All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall t*e m t,xm acceptable at t ender and .hat; include a standard mortgage
<br />clause in Cavor of and in term accep[ablr to Lrndrr Lender shaft have the nght to hold the policies and renewals thereof.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish to i_endcr alt renewal oatia-s and all rece,pts of pard premmms- Gt [he event of loss,
<br />Borrower shaft give prompt notice to the insurance carnr.r and Lcndcr. Lemke may ntakr ~ roof of loss if not made promptly -
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Burrower atherwrst agree in wnung, insurance pnaceed+ +hali ku appircd Rr restoration or repair of
<br />the Property damaged, provided such restoration or rcparr rs rconumrcullq rcavblc and the security ul the [?red of Trust is
<br />not thereby impaired If such restaraton yr rcparr rs oat economically fcasif>ic or ~f the seatrvty ad~this lhed r>f 'IYost would
<br />be tmpa+red, the inwrance prvc:eds shall be applied ro the sums secured by tht> [hzd of trust, with the excess, if any, paid
<br />to Boaower. If the Property is abandoneA 6y Borrower, or if Bnrre+wcr fads to respond to Lcndcr within 30 days from the
<br />date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the utsursnce carrier aHers to szule a dnun ftrr uuuraoce fnnefits. Lcndcr
<br />is authorittd to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's uptioa eahcr to reswrahon or repair of the Pretpetty
<br />ar to the sums secured by this Detd vE Trriat.
<br />Unless tender and Borrower othetwiu agree in wruntg, anc such appticatian tit pi reeds to pnecipul ,half not extend
<br />ar postpant the due date of the monthly inatallmenn rotrrrcd r,. rn paragraphs I amt ~ hercui ur ch;utgr the amount of
<br />such instaltrtttnts. If under paragraph is hereof the I'ruprrts ~~. ,r,:yuued h4 Lcndrr,:,lf right, ntir and ~ntrrt,t of Borrawrr
<br />in and to any insurance pvheies and in and w the pr.+: reds thcre.~! resulnng from damage to the Property pntrt to the sale
<br />or acquisition shall pass to ?.ender to the extent of the sun:, >erm rd h} thu lheJ o! ?Yost rntmedratcly poor t« such axle ar
<br />acquisition.
<br />& Preserval3oa and 1ltrintensace of Property; Ltasthalds: t'oarlarniniuuu; Planned Unit Ihvelupntentx. Borrower
<br />shat! keep the Property +n g Yad rcparr and shall not cenun,t u:r,tc- .,r ,t•: mil imp,w meet rv ..cmrr,=r.u rsrn of the Prafx rty.
<br />and shall comply with the provivons of any kart if this Dted of Trns+ rs on a ccanchald If this Deed at Trust rs tin a unit in :a
<br />condominium or a planned unu iltvtlapmtnl, Borrawrr sha:i perform all at Borrc>wer's obhgauuns un•!cr [hc declaration
<br />ar tovrnants .resting or gavemmg the candamrnium or piunited unrr desriapmrru. the t+}-laws .u;ci rrgrilations .*f the
<br />condominium or planned cart ritvciapmenL and censnturrn dr><•ununts. li a antdirrovuum or pianncJ unn decs9.+pmrn+
<br />rides is txecuied try Borrower acrd recarded together w rah lhra Deed of 1 rust, nc~ vvznanu and agraenien!s cif such ndrr
<br />shall tit inearpoiats'YJ iota and shad amend and suppicn+rot the cavrrrznn and agreements of rhrs [}zed of 'trust :,s if the rider
<br />were a pan F~revf.
<br />-7. Trotectioa o[ [.etidtis Security. If Barrower lark w perform the covenants .rnd agreemruu..:rmta~urd in this
<br />Iketl of Trust, of if any action err procttdurg Is cantmenctd which mmerralic affects Lender's interest m the Praprrt}.
<br />including, but oat itmited ta, eminent domain, insotvcnc~. code rnfvrcemcrt. or arrangcmenis or pnxcrd:ngs rnvotving
<br />bankrupt or decedent, rhea t.tndtr at Letattr's aption, upon notice ra Borrawrr, rrav make sac-h .tppc ramc~..f:<hnr,r such
<br />zturxs and take such action as iz necessary to pretet Lender's rntcttat_ artclucftrt~r. but a ztuc._i t, ~, u~>hurw-mtrt rte
<br />reaattnabk atJOrrtey's lees acid retry open the Property ;o n:eke rtpasra. If Ltuo -r reyuirrtd neottgaga ru»ururcc ,.~ ;
<br />cunditioq of making the loan secured by tfirc L7eed of fry t, Borrower shall pay for premiums rryuucd is nranttain >uch
<br />i~nsurittCe in elfaa un•il such time as the requirement for such imurance trrminattq is aecnrdance with IS = ~ .•:r .:rnd
<br />Lsrtdw's'wriutn agtatinent ar applictibJe taw Bt`rro-vier .halt pa} the anwant o) a+I mortgage ntsur;vtc~ flr~ u+ the
<br />marrow pravidad under paragraph ? htreaf.
<br />-~~7tmatlnts d'1~rsed by tendoi pursuant tct this ;taragrsph w,th :nrrrrst rha rrnn sha7V ii~raur~ add:t~urrd
<br />i of 8am'nvtr secured t+y thix Dcrod of Truss. L)tt}zati Prnrowtr and f ender =egret to ,flyer terars of Imy mror, s,rch
<br />atMwniashall ba payable ulk?tt notice franc [seder txt Bartawtr rcyueateng piyrnent thtrzof, and shat! i~r;at iatlcre>t trcrrn the
<br />~ OI itTletrtettt dt i1~ raft payaWo fnatn flint la time tin ou[standing pnn4tpat under the ~`ote nn=c5i ttaY meet of iit[rrest
<br />at sus#t ratetrsraid ~ cunkrary la alppiicabk Irw, in which creel such anusunu sha;I prat :nreres+ st the highest talc
<br />pwtuiwiElt uep[at ypplitnl[tt raw. N~htn>r cart+aenacd ur this paragraph ? ,halt rtyu;re t ender :,~ •n~u env txitast err take
<br />flay trctton heieutxkr-
<br />il. iaapactlwr. ExtrdeY rtwy tru-t to taupe to bt made rra.v oat a .See, p,?er at J •x ; , + ' ! ! -pr,ts .+.idref
<br />thW.Ltsaa3trshaft give Rtttrttwsa notiet print lea any nucR rmptc ~ , sf%.c,ffitug rtavvntro,c- <s~,,., f- , ~ ic~lt 7 i r 1 r::xic(.
<br />iatOilarJ in the Pt'aarriv
<br />