<br />
<br />MOR'IT:ACE _
<br />MORTGA<:E LOAN NO. I, 24~.Q65
<br />taww ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gary R. Rol lstin and Catherine A. Rol latin, each lri his
<br />and her curt right and as spotase of each other, Mortgagor, whether one or rHOro, io coHadetation of the stmt of
<br />m .,,,. mhni c rtrl 3yy,1 nn/ lOR ---. - '-- --_ - DOLLARS
<br />loaned to said mortgagor by The Equitable Buikiing and Lunn Aasocution of Crand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 120 shun of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CertiFcate No. L , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />desm'bed real estate, situated in Ha6 County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot 7.tuo Hundred Forty Eight, West Lawn,
<br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />together with all tM tetternenu, hereditaments and appurtenancrs thereunto beWngirtg, including attadsed floor coverings, aU window screens,
<br />widow shades, bands, xtorm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning. and plumbing and water equipment and acttssories thereto,pumps, rtoses,
<br />rehigerators, and other Cixittres and equipment now or hereafter mtached to or used in contmaion with aid real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dun hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes std assessments levkd or
<br />assessed upon said premves and upon this rtwrtgage and the frond secued thereby before the same shall become deliogttenh to furnish approved
<br />insurance upon the btldings nn said premise situated rn the sum of S 12, 000.00 , ayabk to said ASSOCIATION attd to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policks for said inwranre; and not to wmmit or permit any v+asu un or about said pretenses:
<br />In rase of defsW[ in the performance of any of the terms and mndiiiotrs of this traxtgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee stall,
<br />art demand, be entitled to immediate pussr:aion of the Hwrtgagcd premises and the mwtgagur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to ttx-
<br />mortgagee all the rrnts. revenue sod-income -to be derived from the mortgaged pmrrtises during such time ss the mortgagr indebtedness shall reeosia-
<br />rttgaid: and the .rortgagee shall have the power W appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose ut repaving said premises and tenting
<br />the same and wikctiug the rams, rovrnun and income, and it may pay out of said inwme all expenses of repairing said preanixs and necessary
<br />commissions a»d expenses incurred in renting and rtmHagvtg the saute and of asilecting rentals therefrom; the balance remaittiHg, if any, to be
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mwtgage indebtedness; these righis of the mar tgag~ may be exerosed at any time during the existentx of stteh
<br />default, vrespective of any tempuruy waitv:r of the sarrrc_
<br />71KS Presents, however, are upon the Condition, That iF the said Mortgagor shag repay said Wan on m before the maturity oG said shares by
<br />payment; pay rwrtthly [o said ASSOCtAT10N of the sum specified W the Bund accrued hereby as interest and principal ort said loan, on or before
<br />the Twentkih day nt earh and every month, until saitt loath is fully paid; pay all taxes and assessments levied against said prcmitts sod on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bund secured thereby, before cielinyuency; furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the scan of 3 12 , OOO.OQ payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand ill money by it pad tar such taxes, assessments and ittsauance with interest at
<br />the-rttattimum kgat rate thereon from date of paymem all of which Murtgagurhneby agrees to pay; permit nn vraste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />with aU the agreements and conditions o! the Bond fo: 112 OOO . QO this day given by the said Mortgagor W said ASStCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution amt By-Laws ul sad ASSOClAT10N; then abase presents shall became null and wad, othetwisc they
<br />shall rennin N Cull force std rosy 6e fweciused at the option of the said ASStIClATI(?N after failure fu three months to tttake soy of said
<br />paymems or be three raontln m arrears N makitrg said tironthty paynteats. ur ro keep and comply with the agrrxmenu and conditions of said Bond;
<br />adI Mortgagor agrxs to have a rcceiwr appumted Corthwilh in scttdt Gueckrsure pnxecditrgs.
<br />if there is atsY cbarcge m ownership of ttu real estate mortgagor) harem, by sale or othetwiae, tlxn the eatirc remaiaittg indebtedttem hereby
<br />sscttted stall, at the optWo of The F".quiubk 8ttild'utg stui Luau Assrcratitm of Grsnd Island, Nebraska. become inttttodiately due and payable without
<br />futthee Holies, std the ansosm[ tetminiog due udder said butrd, and any other board Ca any additiatal advance made ttxtetmder, shall, from fire
<br />data of exercise of sad opttaa, brat mtsre8 at the maximum kgat rate, and this nwrtgage may then be forodwed to satisfy flirt arootmt due on aid
<br />Dand,aod any oittar tarsi €or arWitissnsl advanms, rogettter with all sums paid by xaid The Egtritabk Buitdiag and Loan As+eseiatiaa of Grand-taland,
<br />Nabruka for ietsutatra, texas and assessntenu, acrd abstrar:[ittg extettsWCt charges, with intuest thermn, from date of psyrnent at the rrtardmtrm
<br />bgaT rate.
<br />Aa provided H the Bard sauuod hereby, while this mortgage rertnins W eiloct the mortgagee ~y horeafter advance additional arms to the
<br />nsaketa nC aid Bond, their assigns or sticts>ron in interest. whrrh sums shag be withsn the security of this rtwrtgage the same as the funds otigioilly
<br />aneuscd iheroby, Itw total artaount of prirutipsl debt not to exood at any time the original amount oC this Hxrrtgsge.
<br />Dated ~ 2rtd day of Novtatther, A. I?., f'1 82
<br />t ~-~.~-- .----
<br />saaty R. llstin ~,
<br />Catherine r'S. Rollstir'i
<br />~'~~ ~ ~~' a. Chi this day of 1 S , before tae,
<br />afro urukttigrred, a Notary Public in and for aatd Cuwuy . ;-.~rsotully aaroe
<br />t,;atry R.. ROI l&tin. aril Catherine A. Rollstin, ta~h in his and her ~urt~ri~ht and~~ [H
<br />bi` eartl at2~az,
<br />r>wa to be iba idealitatt petwHg whcae name ;t affiaal to the atwve instrttamnt as citnrtgador s`s std tl'tey 'savnnBY
<br />tt~ascwksdged stn aid mttrumad lts bo Ll'a31.r voluntary a.Y and deed. ..
<br />wPtNls'b,'S ray tttaxl and Notssint Seal the dart duseavid. ~'~ J 1
<br />Can vas,-,ry,+? /L7 y
<br />__ ~ Notary `~hi6lic_....
<br />.aaaataat ~ MiOgtMBattr->batsM
<br />Lwantt. F# fiyy~
<br />