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<br />~ 62yj--3 ___ ~.
<br />c; ~ ECONOREAL E8TATE MORTGAGE-WitA Taz Clause Nuffman and ielton & Wol}, Walton. Ne. 68461
<br />~{ ~ mow ar r. n~ sY ~s~ ~Errrs: ~2,_.. C~ (? t~ fi 9 {)
<br />} ~ ~ ~ ~'(~ t County and State of ~- ~ !_` C <~ ~ ~ in consideration of the sum of
<br />~? t.. ~ 5 q~11 ~ b DozLaRs
<br />i 3 (~
<br />is hand Qaid, do hereby SELL and CO:~'t~EY unto Y ~ t ~ ~ C { ~ ~ ~ ~ } i f~Ci t", C-~ s'
<br />C~ (mortgagee},
<br />of l 1e~-4_~~ Lt `> Couat}~, and State-of 4 '~ ~1~i~ {` K! { .the faldo:vi>sg described Qremisas
<br />situated do ~ C:1 ~ i Count~% and Stote of ~F ~~ Y ~ S ~~c to-urit;•
<br />7 ~ ~~ ~ r
<br />E `~} _ }. r- .._ €-; r_, * ~:~ i'ce' _, t.z,1 ~,/~'
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<br />~ The intention beeng to convey htrehy an aesoluta title in jaa simpli inciwding alt fhe rights of homrstaad and dmu~er.
<br />' j TU Hr1G'E ttND TO HOLD the premises above desirsbed, unit al! the appurtenances ihertunto hilonging unto
<br />the said mortgsgae ar mortgagees and to his, htr or their hairs and assigns, fvrttxar, protadtd altuays, and these Qras-
<br />eats era open the esQress condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, 3:is, bar or their hairs, esecutars, admix-
<br />- ! istrators ar assigns shall pay or iatue to ba paid to ahr• sarti mortgages ur mortgagees and to his, J:er or chair heirs, ax-
<br />t ecutors, administrators or assigns, the sxm v f ~ J J ~ i ~ ;~
<br />Dollars, payable as folloats, to-fret:
<br />ti. Lt t i'r -, i C:t ' z ,'?r t'- t'-> f~~w ~` "R ;- / - LL- ~`~
<br />with iwttr¢st ihsrton at ~ ~ par cant par aaaum, psyabtt r.-,C% !r'~»nwafiy, according to the trnor and e/fact of }
<br />iha promissory aara oath interest coupons attached of said a~tortyagurs, hearing eg'an data Broth there pros-
<br />awls, awd shall pay alt texas and awy iatarast on, ar maturing iastaUmtnis of principal, due vn any prior fnurtgaga and
<br />assessments Jsinad upua said real estate and alt athtr tares, :arias and assessments teuied upon this mortgage ar the
<br />aot¢ tsdtich this murtgsge is yivaa tv secure, before the same becomes dttinqueat and keep the buildings on said
<br />prewtisss iaswed for the sum $ , toss, if say, payable to such first rnortgageas cr this »surtgagee, or bath,
<br />thew thest Qraseats bt twirl, utheraasa tv ba and renucin in Mutt force.
<br />tT' l.S FURTHER riGRLk'ED lt} That if the said mortgagor shat! fall to pay such lases and such interast,a»,
<br />or matxt°~ installsnentx of principal, due an any prior mortgage unit procure such insrsranca, then This murtgayta may
<br />pap suci tarts earl Built intzrast oa, ar nraturiny instailrnnsts of princtr^al, dos en sorb prior r»ortguya and procure ;
<br />such iaaurawiz; and tht sum su advanced uith {nterest at nine par tent sltatl be paid by said rnvrtyaijor, recd this escort-
<br />gags shall stand as saiurity foe the same. +`=! Tkst a failure tv pay any of Betel muna~. tither principal or intarast vn i '
<br />thu iir awy prier martgsgs, svlitw the saran bxassas dot or a facture u om pfy ccath u»r of the fareya:ny ogres»: »ts
<br />shall rausu tht a+Jtota sum of saoaay heraiw Berated to beiomt drsa and. ivltactabta at once at the option of the- mart
<br />gaga.
<br />IT" j,~ '. F7_~~4t'~, ~k t said morigsgta, peaaiing fareclasurr of this rnvrtgage and sriw dart ,; and j
<br />pa • MM~~ mac Qtadiag raft of premiers mortgaged, nWr pay Both a and' maturrng
<br />iwtartst ~r tiri ~t+ pat, oa prtvr mortgages. prorate sa.:h tasurwner and . - :;nu snatr is --
<br />adJatt : 7 xpua cuxfirwwlivx n( sale by the court erdarad 1aFan ziwt ; s ;ads of Belt:: .
<br />or ~_ -,~ ,such amarats shah ba c~eted the sarwe as thnuyh it si a re a ; a*t aJ er+ h
<br />,5fywsd this- ~ ..~ day cf ~ G f~°~ ttr 1~
<br />~ iw Pea-ntaa of I ~ r
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