<br />_... ._....,.-.__.. ~ _..,.__~ .. ._~ T ~J~. ~-~(..l~~~t! yr/ /~'~.
<br />(AND REAL E6TATE. MORTOA6E-W1tA lax Clauu Huffman and Felton d,/WOfl, Waitan. Ne. 68461
<br />arrow ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~s~rrs: 82 ....t`~ ~: i ~ ~ ~
<br />THf1T 7 or LYE, ~ p ~^, C 1 e1 ~ , `~ ~- w n +~? e t"1~ . ~r~ +~ K
<br />of ~ Cs i ~ County and State of ~ E' ~ f ~ ''~ ~ r , in consideration o f the suet of
<br />310.35. '~ 4; DOLLARS
<br />~,~)
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONYEY unto `~('1 ~ ~' r (' ~ ~ F ~~~ ( ``-JCs" ~,:1 L ~`~
<br />h _ (rnortgoges),
<br />of y~ 1~ (A {fir E ~3r"'.% County, axd State of l \~ ~ f 'A ~= ~ c f ,the fcttowing described premises
<br />situated in ~ E: i~ County, aced Stott of ~~x .E~i'C3sL~ Cf to-wit:
<br />j t ~ n~
<br />I
<br />f
<br />Y
<br />jC ! ~
<br />~[ I
<br />~€ S
<br />1j I
<br />t ` The intsntiox being fa cmtvey Hereby an absolute title in fee simple includinct all the rights of homestead and dower j
<br />i
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD the premises oboe.^e described, vvth al! the appurtaxaxces thereunto belonging unto
<br />tka said mortgages or mortgagees anti fo his, leer or -their heirs and assigns, forever, provided always, and these- pres i '.s
<br />~ ? cuts are upon the express condition that if the soil mortgagor os mortgagors. his, her or their hsrrs, executors, admen- j
<br />iserators ar assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to eke said mortgages or mortgagees and to hts, her or their keirs ex i '
<br />~ ~ ecutc»-s, adt!utttthatars ar assigns, eke scant of'~~ ,,.~a,~idlp„y(~.~ is~j.
<br />~~.a°!/ .3F" Do71Qrs; payable as foAazvv~s`-nett
<br />rr/~~
<br />i
<br />z
<br />~~ ~ r 4~1 d. { -
<br />with intsrert thereap at j ~' pK coal per annum, payable 1 T iV i : r e . ~ttrtnually, according to rks tenor and efjaat of i
<br />~~ ~ the promissory tat! wtth mterost coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing even dots with .these Ares- a '
<br />~ ants. and shall pay alt taxes and any interest on, or mattui»g instaJlntestts of principal. due on any prom mortgage and
<br />assesrmants levied, upon .mid real estate and all otker tares, levies and assusntents levied. upon this mortgage or tks r
<br />note wJ»ck tuts mortgage is given to secure, before the soma becomes dslingxsnt and keep flee buildings on said i --
<br />i premises inured for flee sum $ , lou, if eery, payable to sw:h first mortgagees or this tnortgagse, ai• botJt,
<br />~ then these prescttts bs void, otksru+se to bs axd remain in fall fares.
<br />ri ~ IT IS FURTHER AGREED (r) Tkat if flea said ntortgogor skeet fail to pay such tasu and swck inttrsst ox i
<br />3~ i ar iii s~af p:`insifral; dur on any-prior rnartgage and procure suck insurance, then this mortgagee may
<br />pay suck tares and suck asterest an, w matwingttrsta(lnsents of principal, dos an such prior nsortgags and profuse .
<br />'? t sutlt.: itssatratser; and. eke sure so adwncsd mith inteTSSt. at nine per cant. shalt be paid by saiet mortgagor, and this snort-
<br />.. i gage she{! stand os tctstsity fat eke-same. (r). That a fwTurs to pay any of said moessy, either prinripat ar interest an
<br />~ this or atsy prior riartgags, u+hen the ~sRe bssomu dos or-a-ftu7tsra to comply with any of the foregoing agreements
<br />si -~ sJtaU cause tut; edtola suns of mossy h4rsin sstwreii io bstottte due attd callectabte at once at the option of the wort
<br />gager.- - `-
<br />!T I& FURTF,f6R r1GRlsED That said mortgagee, psndi+yy forectosura- of tuts meregaga and after ,iecraa and
<br />peat>ng xtey thereon ar appeal therefrom and pending sole of pramitts txortgagtd, ntay pay stole taxes . » maturing
<br />sgtere.l, ar nwi#tri»g iltsfaltlnsntt of principal,. on prior mortgages, proEius suc/t insurance end ruck s,,: skeet be
<br />added to flee axsat#tlt dtta on decree anil' span canft*matian of salt by tlu ta#er# ordered taksp out of ~rocssds of sate,
<br />ar i( rsdtr»ud dtaig shsy, appeal ~ sabd, sntlt atnoWtrts shalt bs,catiocted the souse os thougk it uxre a part of ruck
<br />decrsr.
<br />SiQnsd flea •~ dolt of ~. , tg ~"
<br />In Pressn.: of t`
<br />u..a.,:an. t«..~...~,. l~ ras~+. ,.....
<br />_._ ._
<br />w,i _. _
<br />