~.-._. _
<br />.-
<br />;_ ~~t~,~,gl~fi OF Mt)H7•GAGF--Cos)porafion ~~ ~, t ~ `) ~~ g) (• ~ Huffman and Felton & Wolf. Walton, Ne. 6£Wbl
<br />tt ~ !N CONSZDERATf(J:`d of the fstyment of the debt named tktrein, iJte
<br />~ GRAND ZSLAND TRUST COMPANY hereby releases the rnortgnge made to 3
<br />~on tJts foldsrai+tg doseribed reaE estate. te>`se~it: Parts of Lots-Two Hundred 51xty-five (2b5} and Two Hun
<br />1<S•~ctq+s3x (26b}, iii West Lawn, in the-City of Grand Island, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />~deaE<r16ed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot 266, and r
<br />~tfience North, a distance of One Hundred Three and Five-Tenths feet (103.5'); thence-turn
<br />hand- running East, a distance of Sixty Four feet (b4'); thence turning and running South,
<br />(distance of One Hundred-Four and Fort -Seven Hundredths feet {104.47')• and thence turnia'
<br />f sad fining Weat ~ t~f~rpe of SixtgR~~,r feet (64~~K~o the point~f~~ieginning.
<br />Gouaty, Stair o~ Nebraska xnkich is rarordad in Book nf Rea(- state dtortgages, page
<br />~a/ the records af;;tad'Cptnrty. Document Number 79-00164
<br />1A7 7'•~S77i?X'Y• 1~KERRI)F,ptiF.~e.~s~id GRA,`3D ISLAND TRUST COMPANY has caused
<br />- #tkese prtseittrta be atYCxteR#f_Y i#s_prstxZt~rTt and its C`nrpnrate Sets! t~, Fc nu%ired hereto this 28th
<br />Oe
<br />ido a ,t?~er` "t °p g? _ GRAND IS TRUST COMPANY
<br />I tf"ttrrfss ~ '` r: r -~ .: .............~lce
<br />,.,.._ __. _. C E. t;allagher
<br />: ~ _..-._ ~ . _,. - .attest _ -......... ... ..., ._, C bier, S eretary
<br />5 -~-- . -_.... ~ _...-~._.-. .
<br />STAT'~'~~ .,.:,;Nt~u _ ._._...... .....~.~~ On this..--,28t1a..,day o#__...----.Ocxober_.......,.., 19_..82.
<br />t r r t, ''
<br />........._.....__..::~.~,..._---.- --- .-._.County ~ hetore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
<br />_ vice
<br />• came..-... ~.r_.~,..Uallagher,-...,....----_.----,.._..._........---.--.--, President of the
<br />scud County: PY -- -
<br />~ a Corporation
<br />C;RAND t ~ knoxn to ba he ~~isndlu ... - .. - __ ... .. .. ...... ..............
<br />to cue y denticai person l~hose name is affixed to the above release and
<br />g~oq,#~~ ntary aft and dc~t as Ruch aLrrer, and the voltmtary act and
<br />tlaotl of said C`tlrpGratitln, and Ghat ita :ort~tirxtet seat t~•as iheretrt ailixe+i t:} its authority-
<br />- ; EVtrste~as my° hand and '4otariat fie•.8i at Gr;a<nd, Zsl.aast it grid C'ouniy the day and year
<br />f tact. e,lx~ve x~t•ittetl.
<br />, ;~:a~ `/' ~ -..:9 ~t~....=;7 111$>ti- _ti.1;tu.: .~+GLC`?fi+?,~+~r--1t>tarV Pnblic
<br />~~} i;itttS11F83tiifin eYpirt~. -4: L~r .. -
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />