<br />This form is used in t•.onnec-
<br />` 4ion with mortgages insured
<br />$~,.:{~ () ~~ ~ J ~ MORTGAGE under the one to Cour-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Aet.
<br />THIS ?Nt}g7'GrjGE, rnade and executed this 26th day of October ,A.D.
<br />19 gy ,by andhetween Kevin B. Newth and Diane E. Newth, Busband and Wlfe
<br />of the County-nf Ball .and State of Nebraska- party of the first part; hereinafter called
<br />ihe.Mrntgagor,and Superior Mortgage, Inc. -
<br />a cnrparatinn organized and existing under the Taws of Nebraska
<br />pam^ of the second Rarr. hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />WITNFSSETH: That the said Marte,:tgur. for artd in consideration of the sum of Eighty One Thousand
<br />and Nof 100ths--------- --- - - ---- -- Oottars (6 $1 00p. 00-----f•-paid by [he Mott-
<br />gagee. the receipt of which is hereby acknow}edgrd, has Granted and Suld and ~y these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain. SeH. Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, -its successors and ;tssigns. forever, the following-described
<br />real estate. situated in the t Query of -Hall ,and-State
<br />of N[brastca, 10 wlt:
<br />The Westerly 66 feet of Lot Nine (9) and all of Lot Seven f7)
<br />except the Easterly 66 feet of the southerly 37 feet in Block Six
<br />i6) in College Addition to West Lawn in the City of Grand 2slandr
<br />hall County, Nebraska
<br />of aha Sixth Prituipnl Meridian. runtmning in ail
<br />mentsurvrv:
<br />acres acctsrding to Govern-
<br />"f0 HAVE ~iND TQ HGLt~ the premise, above clrsrinrd, with ail the appurtenances thtrrunto beinngfng artd including
<br />all hratirg. plumbirt¢ and lighting hxtures anJ eywptnent now or hrrr:tfter;uta..hrd to or used in cunnectian with said real estate
<br />until the Mortgagee. and tots successors and assigns_ forever. 'The Mortgagor reprrstnts tu. and covenants with, the Mortga-
<br />get, that the Mortgagtr has gcxd right to s+'tl and ~onvey ,aid premi.,rs; that they ;ve free from rncumbrance, and-that the
<br />Mortgagor will warrant and drfettd the same again,t the fawfai claims c=f ail arsons whomsoever; and the said Mongagor here-
<br />by relinttuishes all rgltts of humtstead- and elf mutest nghts. Tither in taw ur to cyuitp. and adI ether contingent interests of the
<br />Mortgagor in artd to the atnsvt-drsc«bed premtsrs. the intention being to 4onvey herrhv stn absolute title, in fee simple, includ-
<br />ingall «ghts ut humestrad, and caber righta.!nd inttrt,t. as aforesaid-
<br />PROVIDED At.W A5'!;, and these presents ;ur executed and delivered upon the fotlnwingn!nditions, tc wit:
<br />The'k4cxtgagor agars to pay to the Miutlt;tgte, ur o«1rr, the principal wm of Eighty One Thousand
<br />and No1100Chs---------- ----------------IkdlarstSg1,000.00-------------------__).
<br />with interest fnsm date at rite rate ut Twelve and One-half pet ceatwtt f 12.50 `-~•) per annum nn
<br />the unpaid Itsrtan[:r.uaid paid.'Thrsaid pritu:ipal artd tntercst shall he payable at the otficc of Superior Mortgage, Inc .
<br />in Grand Island,. Nebraska ur .~U such tnh r ptyc t h~ holder of
<br />ttx lane-may desrgrtate in writing, en m+>athly installments of Sight hw-edred sixty lour atu~ 48f~(~~ths~---
<br />Dol~ar s t 3864+ 48 ~~I. commencing nn the first day of
<br />p~,~gye€ , f9 82, and on the fist day of each month theeeafter until the prindpal and in-
<br />[crest art fully paid, except that the final payment of principal and interest, if rwi stwner paid, shalt be due and
<br />pwyuble ore thr first day of Novtmt6er, 2012 : alI accwding to the terms of accnain promis-
<br />wry twee cf tyro date hrrewittt executed by the :aid Mortgagor.
<br />The hicutgatrwr in <xder nxu:e fully to pnncct the ,ecuritc cf this Mortgage, agrtra:
<br />1. that hr will. pay the trafrbtctmss. as hueinl,elare Ixuvi[led. Privilege is rescrvrd to pay the debt in whole, or in an
<br />amtnmt ryttal to.anc iv more monthly payments un the principal Char are nexa dire on the notr, on the first day of any month
<br />prirrr to maturity: Pre»^iefed, hnxever, Thu[ written twtice of an intention to r!trrcisr ,urh privilege is givenat Iran[ thirty (30)
<br />dayx ~riui to prrpraytttntt_
<br />'_- °T~tat. togetlxr wtth> attdtn addition to, the moathh• payments of prirttipal atsd interest payable under ~ hr ~c«ns of the
<br />taste x~ttu'ed tserrhv, the .`aturtga(ttu wilt pay to the Murtgager, stn the first day of rural month until Ehe sail[ note . 'v paid, the
<br />fettlowittg estrus:
<br />tat .irrtuutt su7ftetctt[ to prtsvtdo. the Ito}der itereufi with funds tc.pap thr treat mortgage insutusce. prtrmum if thix
<br />usttrutttent wed the nistc sc+:ue~tf frHeby are utsurrd, of a trwnthiy ettarge-tin lec2t ~j u mr>rt¢ggr• 7nsttnmee fzrr-
<br />mrarnat ii they art hrkl Ify the Sedrerary Tyr ltauainit and Urban i)rveinptrtrot, at Icdhtws
<br />fl) If wed st} lung ~-sold ut,'e crk tvgt date artd-this sts#tnrrttent are 3txutecJ cx are trinsutcd under the pr~-
<br />visitun ,rf the !+tatuutal Iftntsrrrtg At:t. an amount eutfnt tc at:currautsrte ut the Isarnls of the hutdar tme
<br />it>•akxw-fath•Zt?a3PtcawYn ;*w tae w..s ,+~.xa z+rtw r a ewr<+ouvt+.u 4'1'A'i`F (!F ;VI'StiIY.A+JI[,1
<br />t#UOo7t431M 1~79f
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