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<br />Date_ 10-2b, 82 ~2.-+ illi`~U~`~
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<br />LV Tf1E COU.N"l Z' COURT OF . _. _____ Hall__„ ___ __ _._CO('NTY', NEBRASKA
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<br />This is !o certify that fhrre is nrnrling in the Caunhf Court of_.___.._, _ .._Ha~l. ...County,
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<br />;\'cbraska, a proceeding entitled:
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<br />Korn
<br />In the Matter of the
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<br /> Na_ P82-118 -- Doc. P82__._ hage.._.. 11$..~_ _ ~,
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<br />which is a proceeding invoiviny Ap_~iea-t ion for_Informal__Appointment of ~'ersonal
<br />~
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<br />~~3 p ohafr of :trlf administralion of esfafe, dekrminarion of heirs, delrrmintition { t ;, _
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<br />u( Adaritanr<laz, guardinnshin, or ronsrrralorship
<br />~ !
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<br />estate is hmolved, fo-uriL•
<br /> Lots Nine (9) and Teu (lU), Block Thirty-aeven (37), Packer and
<br />_ ~i
<br />,i,
<br />Barr`s Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, 't
<br />
<br />;._
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<br />,~ Nebraska. }i[
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<br />Sr<ftun - ~ C,, >f ~~ {ar~(~, ~ , rga eo+ ufy n u ,„~,,nd t '+r.+G;ttr of urrtls ur+o er 1 hr / a isir s uj (haplu 3C1, eerfede
<br />%, ~: ! thr - drni r:atr til(s~(Nlox uid..c,thr --ro isiuns a (~apfer rr ur r ~te J t) thr ar(un enatit r. P h rr a under thr pruriaions of
<br />tF (.haytcr YLr, urri.7K fi, inafiu ur rrrltr ,+tn a daz a-rurr rr pr rurans cf rhopfr ", nrti ,r .'Cl, (..7 yuurdfunshrps
<br />1..~-- ,r~~~t urtdrr lhr srronixianx V! GAu(oxet 38, uttrrfr .. °. 3, ar 1 .: i c~urrsemw.rrshrt c ndrr 7 r f ror r r s i t hapler 38, urffcla ~. uahrlt
<br />.-(#~ - r<a) rxtalr ix carry i.art of £1;r axseis .;r the r-.tu+c ••r juacenftny, rNe i •+unl~ Iud.7r t:r,ure .,~rso.n _1.r },rc+-.r., rr,~7 is :-esr,frntt s)rafl issue u
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<br />c+rnrlpdtun aj xhr. eo, rMalr ir, iirrf in the }.rx.treJuty . .....:..... ..... _ ....- .
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