<br />BEE13 4~ TRUST ,82 .,,,,i) 0 4 b 51
<br />~tIS DEED OF TitUST a made this ..... sth .. .. ........... day of .... October. ....... _ . , _ _ ,
<br />8 Susan L. T Tort a•single persom,,
<br />14., .atnoaYthrTrustor .............BX. .. ... ......
<br />Custer Federal•Savings and
<br />• X;daa'Assbo€atiori ,~ ~Bro)ien' Bow . ......:. (herein "Borrower") .............................: .
<br />.... ... ............... ...... . l>terein "T'tvstee"). and the Beneficiaey,
<br />tMk ll~bttuJGa t~srYgatgs liaanw land. Ltaaoln, Diabrask:, . d .12RdY..R~.1~.~-F: dl'id::..:. .
<br />ctdt~`l~~~te .:. ....... ....................:....................... organized and
<br />existin;_uaderthelawsof . ,tYte::SE.att. df~N~raska .. . .............:......................... .
<br />u..1115 "R° Street 5uite,lOlr_Lincoln,. Nebraska 58508-
<br />............ ........
<br />.... (herein "f:ender"):•
<br />BORKtSwpst. in cx,nsideration of the itdetttedness herein rceited and the tract herein cleated. irrevocably-gams
<br />and cony t ,Trustee: in trust, with power of sate. the fo6owing described property located in the County of
<br />~a~i ............. State of Nebraska:
<br />.:...... ....................
<br />Lnt-Three i3), in Block Twenty-Five (25), Russell Wheeler's Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />311 W. 11th Street Grand Island
<br />which-has theaddttxsof ........................................................................
<br />68861 }st~tl rani
<br />Nebraska ..... . ........ . ............ (herein "Property Addrrss"):
<br />Ilrtae,l
<br />TOG6TNkR with ail the improvemtats ttow or hereafter erec[t:d oa the property, and all eaumedts, rights,
<br />apputteaaaces,aadrenls tsubject however to.the rights and authatities given herein to Gender to collect and apply such
<br />rentsL all of which--shad be deemad to be and renutiu a put of the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and ail of
<br />the fotegoiog, together with aid property for the leasehold estate ~f this Deed of Trust is on a laasehotd) ace
<br />hereinaftu referred tQ as the "Property".
<br />TO SECtIgE-to Lends the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by 8orrower's note dated ......... . ...... .
<br />. , , Ogtober 5 t _-1482. ..... . , . and etttensions and rertewals thereof Therein '-Note"), io the principal sum of
<br />U~S. f .:. ~~ • 45U • OQ ... , ....... ~..... ,with iacarest iher+eoa, providing for monthly installments of principal sad
<br />itttetcst. wuh she balance of tb4 indebtedness, if not suurtu paid. due and payabk on ...November, I, 1941
<br />the pt+ymWt of ail otis~ stuns, with-.iatettst ttterear., advanced io accordsace herewith to protect the secuuity of chic
<br />Detd+rf Trtut; sad the.ltetftxmance of the covenants sad agreeme:tts of 13otrower herein contained.
<br />8ottower coycaatrt= that Bttrrawer is lawfully seised of the estate hereby conreyed and has the right so great std
<br />eoavq t#te Property. acrd tgot the property is tuteacumbered, euept for encumbrances at' record. Borrowrr cavenana
<br />that. Bprroater tratrsars aitd will deftud generally tlx title to the Properly agai»st all c}aims and demands. subject to
<br />record.
<br />L`x~Dttu Cov£rtnnTS, Harrower and Leader coveaarrt and agree as follows:
<br />2. ~ ~ ae~d ~taceat. Harrower- shall promptly -pay- when due the prirreipal sad imerest
<br />Eby the Akre sadls[e ~-as prov~at is the Note.
<br />I. Et~is.fiao'~itaaa anti tt+nateport. Subject to applicable taw of a wrictta ,waiver. by Lender. Bortvwer shall pay to
<br />Lertdar ou the t'lalr,eaentblY palmmts of principal sad-intietea[ are payable under the Mute. until rhe.Note is paid
<br />'ttt ftdL w stroll thereim- "Fuea3s") etgtt#l to orts-twetftlt of the yrttriy taus- and assessments iiacludiag condominit[m and
<br />piaoaod unit d~aloptgatmta~easmettts, if any) wbieh may attain-priority air this Deed of Trust, and grottad rents oa
<br />tlee Property. if.ae;}t. plus oae.twelRh of yearly premium. inszaUrrtrats far hazed insurana~e, play ot:e-twelfth of yeul y
<br />ps+wttium itnrsltrapttt for atortgage iasttranxe. if any. all as rcasesnatrly rstim:tted tainally and from ttme ro time by
<br />lendar art the Ironic of axussmti#fta sad bills sad 3C88pttable astiraaies thcrcvt~ Borrower hall out be ,tbiigared to make
<br />cucfi ):atsaants or iRtt[t$s to l-cettttt' to tl~ attfrsttt thdt 8arrower maw such payrusttts to tltr twlder at-a },rwr mstrtgagcor
<br />dr~td at'ttu[t if arch fwlder a a+t itisaltutiorta{ letrdar,
<br />~AIIt1;T'. -'ottt u~lla+rt.. &r` l#+~
<br />