<br />i'I`A'PE ur .+r.i+:Gft?,~.,, t,ouu[y ::_ .._ .......... ... .
<br />2~'itw,i iue t~::,n•d .,~mi eutereJ :n (vuafrrfea{ h,,;,~z
<br />and recorded in Died Iieeor:f ....._......... ................ 1`s,ge __..............._........
<br />..............................................._......_. L'y ......................................................._...
<br />County Clerk or Drputy Cmtnty Clerk or
<br />B'egisLec of Deeds - I>e(fut}' Re~istcr aP L)ef=tls
<br />Superior Investments, a Nebraska partnership
<br />:c ~-u,;s:,i:~rta~~tf of Eighteen thousand and No/I
<br />82--i,i~64f~
<br />l.rrezt: calicd Else grantor whether one or 'rare,
<br />reedced itunf grantre, does Brant, u;u,;.i:n. .,U.,. <~r.=ry ur:S ~oatirru unto
<br />James D. Roth and Donna F. Roth, husband-and wife
<br />...crew c.atir•+; tc,• :'t,u.,:i~+ st:ni.:.r ,..., ,,. ,..ore, >.7~~ ,,.,,_:af;:~ ,.:essnt,e,: real property in
<br />Hal-1. _ i':,::,t, ;,,-..-.,..L3;
<br />East One Haif (E~z) of the North One Half (N;z) of Lot Five (5 ), in
<br />`lantine's Subdivision of the Northwest ~tiarter (NW) of Section
<br />Twenty Two (22}, Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Hatl County, Nebraska
<br />. . ~- ~. ~„ ~,~ _, ... € ~-u;:a~ ;irr ail teu.t:cut~, t:ereditacuania
<br />.,.,.. , , ,..... ...:r. - .-......, ._ ...., , ,:, ti ..,,., _,_ ., muter ~ e:rs au~i +tan;gua Eureser.
<br />.uut U~< ~r<,;u.~r :d.:,~. i..~reu. ;.,,<•,:;,ut ,utee ;.,, rnfuz,ti rind µ~rih ~rsutee'a heirs and ut,sigus
<br />bast praniur :. f.:~,°t,fllr ><n,,? c= :~gi.! l~.enat~e~, L•.ni !. _ are fries Esom uuetstubrance
<br />r r,.e:t,n
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<br />j,,:tl October 25 Iy82
<br />[~ Su ri or Investments, a Nebraska Partnershil
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<br />R. 5, Lancaster des-~ilee ~~ ~ ~-~~' '~ "'
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<br />~~ I)aGilMENTAIt~I~ James S, Reed, James D, Roth and R, S, Lancaster,
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