<br />DE BTDR WAH RA NTS ANDCOVk:NANT:i:(11'Chat except fortbv»rrurity intercstgrnnted hereby Drbtorix,orto the
<br />adverse lien
<br />f th
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<br />extent that Collateral ix aryui red after t
<br />security interest or encumbrance; and that Debtor w i I I defend the Col lateru I agai oat a 1 i r I a i ma a nd demands oCell persona at
<br />any timeclaimiog the same or any interest tharrin.iP.t'1'hatnoffinancing statement covering the Collateral orany prayceeda
<br />thereof is an Gie in any public ofRce and that at the rryurxt of tiecured Party, DrbUrr wilt join with tiecured Party in
<br />exrxutinR one or more financing stn h•mertts pursuant tc+ the Nebraska Cni corm Commercial Code in farm aatiafactnry to
<br />Secured Party and will pay the av~xt of fit#ng such financing statement, this sa•rurfty agreement and any continuation or
<br />Eermination statement, in all public oCRcrs wherever filing is deemed by Secured Part} to he necessary or desirable; end if
<br />the Collateral is ntWChed to real estate prirtr to the parfectima of the srcu city interest gn+ntrd hereby nr if the Collateral
<br />includes crops or oil, gas or minerals w he ex [carted or timber to he rut, Uebtur w-ill, un demand nFSecvrrd Party, Curnieh
<br />Secured Pariy with a dixclaimer nr diarlaimers or eubordinati+m agreement signed by ntt persons having sn interest in the
<br />reel eatate, disclaiming or sut+ordinating any inten•st in the Collata•rat w hick is prior to the interest of Secured Party. {3) Not
<br />- to sell, transfer or dispose otthr Collateral, nor take the same ur attempt to take the same from the county' where kept as
<br />above atatad, without the prior written consent of the Secured Yon ~. t~t}'1'n pay alt taxes and assesamenta of every nature
<br />which may br levied or adaeaaed again»t the Collate-rat. iA} col to permit or allow any adverse lien, security inEereat or
<br />enivmbiance whatsoever upon the Colla4nil, and nut ty permit the same to be attached or replecined. (61 That the -
<br />Cnilateral is in good condition and that llebtor will at his ar her uaa n ex pease, ktn•p the same in Rood condition and from time
<br />to time, forthwith, replace and repair alt such parts of the Collateral as muv he broken, worn out or damaged without
<br />allowing any lien to be created upnn the ('oliateral on acrnunt of such rrplaremrnt or repairx, clod chat the Secured Party -
<br />may examine and inapea•t the Cal lateral ut any Nme. wherever located. t71 Thai Debtor will at his or her own expense keep
<br />the arotlateral inxured in a company satiafactnry to tiecured #'arty against loos, as +tpprnprinte, Icy chef[, colliefan, fire and
<br />extended coverage, with fuss payableintiecure•rl Party as its interest may appa•ar, andw•iltondemanddeliversaidpolicieaof
<br />itteurance or furnish pr,wt of aurh inauran+'e to tiara red Party, lift At its option tiecured Party may procure such insurance,
<br />discharge taxes, Ifenx or saKV City interests nr m her e+teumbn+nces at xny time ley led ar placad on the Col~ateraland may pay
<br />fur the repair of any damage nr injun~ to-are fur the preservation and maintenance of the (`ollatrntl. Debtor agrees to
<br />rnfmburee Secured Yartp on demand for arty payment or ezpensc meurred 6y~ Secured Yarty pursuant to the foregoing
<br />authorization. CntB such reimhu rsement. the amount of xny aurh ;w+meat. with interest at the rate of IR't+per annum from
<br />date of Raymeni until reimbursement, shall he added to thv indebtedness owed by i)ebtor and shun be secured by Ihia
<br />agreement. i>3! `Chat Urtnur will not use the Cullxtr cal in [rotation of any appiicnble statute, regulation or ordinance and if
<br />• any of the C+:tlstecai is motor vehicles char same w-itl n,>t :,+• rented, used in rental sera•ier nor in any speed or endurance
<br />contest.
<br />UN1'I L UtiFA l9,T Uebtur may hate 1>.,ssrssion of 1 hr t•ullaicral and ase it in xny L+w ful manner not inconsistenttvith
<br />this agreement and nut enrnnxiatvnt with any paliay nC insures ncr• theneun, and upon del+wlt Secured Party shaft have the
<br />immediate right Uy the poaarsxian of the Cullaierul.
<br />I)&HTOR SHALL. 13N I\ Dk:t`Al'1,"C under this agreement upon th+• happ<•ning oE:u+y of the G?Ihtw'ing events or
<br />ronditinnsclltdefnuh in the pay mint nr prrfn nannrr ufanc obiegnlion, rnvc~n nt or ti:ability ronRtintd or referred to herein
<br />or in any note evidr»cinR the wama; rLr arty warranty. refrresrntatiun nr Rn:uwud atatemcnt made ur furnished to Secured
<br />Party by ur an behalf of Debtor is dix-aaa crrd to hay+• barn fat.[ in nor m:urriaf rrspa•ct when rnxtfe or furnished;l3) any
<br />event which results in the e+orrlcrr'lion of the math city +,f the- inriehtcdnrs of llebtor to others under any indenture,
<br />agreement o undertaking: ~ t~ k+ss. [heft, du merge. d«tn+a-tiun .ah~ ,. umhnoa-e to or of xm~ of the ('ollnteraf, yr the
<br />r
<br />i.>ututiun, vrminaiion of existence, ipaolvency,
<br />mak#ng of uay levy, seizure ur at4u•hment, thereof ur thereon: i3~ death, r
<br />business faitura•, apfwintmeart of a rrcrrv.•r arf una face; of the pn,prrtr .*t. :,se#gnntrnt for the benefit afcnditi(yrA by, or the
<br />rommenerment ayf any proceeding w+der any brur6rutrt<--} ur ensulvenr~ hew-.h.-ur uxaenst Debtor or anp guarantor orsureL.v
<br />for Drbtar. - -
<br />t_'YDN tiC(-H llk: k?1 t'i:l and,+t nn} t+m<~ thr•r+•aft rr.. ;f a derma it~.•tf inti+•ruru, ir•rura=d Party may declare all
<br />Obligations secured hereby immrdi:deh d ue cu,rl pa. aide ~, n<i shat has +• t tt+~ remedies ads srvarad party under the tiehraaka
<br />Uniform Commercial Curie. `iarcureai Part s ma} n•yuirc I )ebtar to ns.rmblr the Cu[L++.•rai and doiiver ar make it nvailabl4 to
<br />Secured Party at u place u, hr drsign,atrd #.} . ~ru rr+i 1'an> w hi+~h ,. reasonably cann•nient to both parties. t•nlesa the
<br />+
<br />~pi a-defy ,e .artua~ .,r +~ +•t a t+pr cua.uruaril. +otd on a rcenKnized market,
<br />Collateral in perishu hL• err thn~at,~nw t„ dry tsu.=
<br />Set•urrd Party atilt Rive De brat reaso n.ahtr noun of t he t inm sad ph+rr .,1',uay puff it sate ther<v,f ur of the [#me after which
<br />any private sate or any of her i c.t+=ruled dispus a tun t h.a~.•of is t n br m:+d,•. -1'he reyuirrments of reasunabla=notice shall br met
<br />'ff such notia-r is mail ed, p+~.taRr per pu uf, t., th,• arid: ,~.. ,+f [)r lrt err ,how n at t hr be Binning of thisagreement at feast f vedays
<br />6efnre the time of the sale ur distusitian.
<br />No waiver by w-u reA Party of ruu def:.ult .huf I uprrt+te as uta rr of any other del""cult ur oC the same default un a
<br />,
<br />e ur impair stn other security acid Savurrd 4'arty may
<br />future ocrasion.')'hr flaking of this se•aunity agreement +htdi nut as tai a
<br />have nr herru(ter acquire cur the pay au•n[ of the Whoa.- uui<•hu•dnrss, our sht+ll the taking of any sash additional security
<br />waive ur impair [his sra•u riq agreem<-ot; but -said ~erun•d Marta mua n .art to any secu ri U' it ma}' hour in the order it may
<br />deem pnrprr. end notwithatunaiing ru+y [olio tr n+l aunty .:+ea-urael iSany .halt rate+in its rights arf set-oil against Debtor.
<br />Ail rights of tircure•d Party hen•under .hall loon, W tM• ha•nrfit ut its s+a-rrs.ors and assigns; and all promises and
<br />duties of Debtor shalt bi nd his ur her heir., P+'rsuna l rrpre.c orally e. m` h+e. her ur ils.wcces.n rs ur xssig+ts. 1 Cthe•re be more
<br />than oar Ik•hux, their tiabAiUes hereunder shall be lui nt. and severs 1.
<br />This agrremrnt shalt breams' eflertfre when it is eigrn•d by Drbt+.+r.
<br />~1)URNI)t !1
<br />Tttr undrreignrd, hereinafter `Owners Ua•btur", uw• nw w has an interest in the eullatrrai described on the reverse xide
<br />of Chia agrremrnt. but is nut xt party [u the obligation cre•ured M Chia agreement. Hy executing Chia ugree!mrnt,
<br />(h+rneri llebtor undertakes nu oblignteun for repay meat ut such obliRatiun. bat wuia es al! right, title and interest in and to
<br />lucid collateral to pruvido security fur prrfurmar+cr of the obligation. All provisions of this agrremrnt apply to
<br />Owltrrl l)eblor and the term "Debtor" ea us+v1 in this agrremrnt and any- arrumpanyeng financing statement refers
<br />collectively to Debtor, Ow nerf Uehtor or Mesh as [hr context may reyuirr.
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