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<br />MORTGAGE 82'~~"4 624 <br />THIS INDENTURE, toads thin-_ ZSth ___,_day af~_._October ____,._.__ _, 19 82 _., by and between <br />DONALD C. CARGILL AND IRENE A. CARGILL, HUSBAND AND WIFE _ <br />of HBII Couary, Nebraska, as mortgagor s ,and Home Federal Sarings and Loan Association of Grand Island, a corparadoo. <br />- mgan3aeG and exisihtg under the laws of the United Slates of America with its principal office and place of business at Grand tsland, Nebraska, as <br />W17'NESSfiTH: That said mortgagor s ,for amt in consideration of the sum of THREE THOUSAND TF.N <br />TXIT.T.ARC ANTI Nt1I100 -___-__-_ - _____ ~ '- .. Doltus-tS'.-~=_3.,.G_' U,~B 1. <br />the xeeeipi of which is het[dsy acknowledged, do by these presents mortgagaaed-~aaeaptglttr~ssd~t~ggatfa~.cctaors and assig[ts. <br />forcer, all the following described rsal state, situated in the County of u~ t 7 ~__ - ~ ~~ <br />acrd Srateof Nelxaska, to-wie - <br />LOT EIGHT (8) IN BLOCK "B" IN BOEHM'S SUBDIVISION CF LOT SIXTEEN (16) OF THE COUNTY <br />SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER (St~SE'~) OF SECTION SIXTEEN (16) <br />AND PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER (NW'-~NE'~) OF SECTION T4IENTY <br />ONE (21), IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (ii) NORTH, RANGE NINE (4) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., ALL <br />SITUATED IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />Together with all heating, air conditioning, fighting, end plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and window shades or blinds, used an or in tnmettion with said propeny. whether the same are now located on said pmpotty ar hermfter <br />placed thereon. <br />Tt) HAV£ AND T() HOLB THE SAME, together with ell and singular the tenements. hererlitaments and appurte[un[,ss thereunto be- <br />longing, or in anywise appertaining. forever. and warrant the title W the same. laid morgagor _S-~ . hereby covenant -__.,. -with said <br />morcgab`ee thet _.__...fhe_y.___._-3LE_..__-- , at.the rielivery hereof, the lawfuF uw~r. _. _S of the premises above conveyed and described, <br />_j,. and _. ALe-__.._seized of a gaud and indefeavibiu estate of inheritance ihetain, free and clear of all encumbrances, and that _.. tTte ~' _w~iU <br />- warrant and defend the title thernm forever against the claims etrd demattds of all persons whomsoever. <br />PROVIDED ALK+AYS, and this ittsctument is executed acrd delivered W secure the payment of the sum of _ THREE_ THOUSAND ___ <br />TENeDOLLARB _AND NO(100 ---_--... ---- _- _---- _--.-----._ llnllars(g__..__._~a_QZfl.OQ:_._._.--..__.__t, <br />- with mtermt therms, together with each charges and advances as may ba due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of the promissory note of even date herewith and securwl hereby, executed by said mortgagor .,~. _ to said mortgagee. pa}•able as expresx~tf <br />-., in stud sofa, ~ to aac[tre the performance of all the terms and conditions contained tlauem. The terms of said note are hereby incorparnted <br />heroin !ty this retseace. <br />It ie the iatetttian sad. agreement of the parties hereto t..hst this nwrtgege shall else secure aqy future advancem [Wade W said mortgagar_g_. <br />by said awrtgegee, and any a~ sU indebtedness ifl addition w the amutrnt shave stated whicL said mortgagors. or any of them, may owe t.. <br />auSi mm't$agae, however aV1d8IICad. wltd,her by Rate, bank aecpanC Or Otherwise. This flWrtgaga shall remaro lII foil force and sliest f)CCwtYn <br />the parties hereto and thaw hairs, personal repreamtatives, sucurasora and assigns. until all amounu secured hereunder, including future <br />advances, are paid in fuL' with interest. <br />The mortgagor..~.._. bereby assign ___ to said awrtgagee all rants and i>rome arising ac any and ail ti[nea from said property and <br />heiaby aathori~ said mortgagee ar its agene, at its upt.ion, upon default, to take charge of sad property and ixrlleet-all rents am! income <br />thanatrom attd apply tha same m the pytmac of incereet, principal, inauratsoe Premiums. races, as[[eaements, repairs or improvementi <br />nagppary to ket;t said pr~Tty iA taaaocabkcooditiw, ar to othx chariae or pa}•menU provided for Mein or in the rote hereby secured. This <br />-- rmt nasigommit shalt continue in force anti{ the unpaid balance of said note v fully paid, The taking of pnsaeasion hereunder shall in na manner <br />Prevent or retard said- rourtgagse in the cotlectirm of seal sums by [orecinsure or otherwise. <br />- Tha faUure of'the tortgagee to exert any of its rigLts hertnrnder at any tf~ shall rot bs mt>fftnred as a waiver of its riTtht to assert. the <br />same at any Fatar time, sad to insist open and eatarcc strict compliance with all the terms and provisions of said note and of this murtga(;r. <br />If sad mortgagor. $ shalt cause to be paid m Bard nwrt8egee the satire atmtunt due it hereunder, and trader she terms and provisions <br />o; said tnW hatsby eetvraf.:nciuding [nture advattees. anti any extenaians or rerMwats ther:xd in accuniao<~a with the terms and provisions <br />thereat, atdifsad 8 __ shat! rnmyJy with aL' elm peuviaiona of said note and of this mortgage, the3n tl>esc presser. shalt bra void: <br />ttthsrtrlae tnr~taitill Wrae and sffad.. atad-said murittseseattaU ba entit~l to the poasexsion of sU of said property, amf m,,.. st im option, <br />dealers t8a tabi}t1a of Nid-isote sod a!1 ieda6tadneaq represented LAY W be itntnaditdtly dot and payable, acrd may Eorc+. ~:= murtgaxe <br />ur tales say oWar legal action to protect its right. Appraiaematt waived <br />Tlsis mdtgpya shad be bittdittQ ltpon and shall sauce W the benefit of the blare, >ixeeutars, admmistrsWn, succesxars am! aseignv of the <br />raspaetive'Pa2tiaa hrsmto. <br />Tl!17Y!17"t,~SS WHER$t1F. aid Idoetgagorfl_. ba VB... heraunto set .t}tt'iL_ hamf~... the day and yrat_firat abovr <br />writuo. - <br />,.......:~~`, ..4..+,!.-. ~. .. ~,,.lF. .. ....... .. V ~ .~-rt~S::~w.' tV ~,`_. .-u fi..-i.c'~(`. r-;w 1...~0. .. <br />DOtt1AI;D C.f CARGILL ~~~~~~ 3~~A. CARGILL <br />