__. .
<br />__ _
<br />_ - ~.
<br />v r fJ -1
<br />t'
<br />~nobn ~I lien ~p ~~e~e ~regent~~ Thnf, Wherear. In an ae/ion in /he Uiabicl Cuurt of fht ~
<br />` E l;e Veil th..._........ Jndiciai Dislricl of the Stale of Nehrvia, wilhen and fa the (prrely of .. -. _ -Hall - .. - ... .- . ,wherein
<br />_°;~ Ttte Equitable Building and Loan Associatian of C,rand Island,Yebr. A Corp. p~i„lg and 1
<br />` Judy Rae Frederiksen, an unmarried woman,and formerly,Judy R Phel~je~rrt II
<br />~~ ~__
<br />ti; , ;
<br />~w January Ist Term, A. D. f9 g? , ojmidmurl_.The Equitable ~3uilding & ;Loan Association
<br />r' ditabiainadcoeefmdirpflia/lhereiadeeejrorre .__Judy.__Rae._Frederksen,foxmerly .Ludy R„Phelan,-
<br />.r __ -...
<br />The E uitable Buildin and Tear Association of :,rand Island,Nebr A Gorporati '
<br />- t~~.__.... 4..__..._._.-. _._ ...$...._._ .. - - ._-.. _ _.. - _.. -drum
<br />12.,-308 73)_........ ____..doRar;
<br />.' ~af'~ei ve Thauxand. Three li.~mdred. Eight .and .r 31 ~ilQ ($ _
<br />-i plus accruing interest of $772.-78 - ..___, _-
<br />'~ and carts of suit !axed aL.+S.95. 18. .... - _ . . ... .... ... ...._.._ _... .. - -._.._.... - ..-.ddlars, and, wherms, it uws lhrn and there -
<br />=~~ jurtlrer ordered in the said action Thal in elcfauU cf the payment of ttuu sum ao fixuaf due Gv 1!¢ said _J.udy_ Raa..-Fleder.~.~ETIa..,.. _..
<br />formerly.-Judy R. Phelan.. .._---_ -.. .._.rhaL.._._ ~harl.es. F. Fairbanks..
<br />Eial l ..... rhauld c,urte tlee 'v+ds and (eneaernfa henina ter dettribed w be
<br />- Shnif/of mrd C.Dunsyaj------_..-_.._.._..----------.._._... ... __.._------- . I
<br />.~. odaertiaad and sold according to taw to pay the same, and, whereas. delaull hrseing been neade fherzin. the mid..... _. _- __._-_-._-_... ..._..__,....
<br />;: (;Etarles F, Fairbanks. ,tihrrij/ of mu! mm~ty, u ~ and tr nulrtt of /he acid decree and
<br />' i2th October _._A.n.t9._$2 -
<br />- the audrr ofsakwhim duly d;rcrded, did cm LSr -.. ... .. _ -._......_.. .. day vf. ... .. _.. .._. __... _.._...
<br />~~-.lower lobby_._.-f}oflluc;uuntyCourttta„seint'v_ Citti• ~;c Grand Island
<br />in said . -___...- _- ... - . Eial1. ....-._ - ..._.... ..- ..-, l:anireg full yinre due and tryst r,alirr ri/fhe lime aced place f aa;d.eule
<br />C++metYol.__
<br />~~ jor mare thou shirty dart prier tterew in the.--_ rand---Island.. Da 11 Independent -_,____, u nnarpaper prin{rt and ire general
<br />~` ciasulatiac In mid Coecnly of------ ----...__Hal l.-..____ -...._ .---...sell said prvnisu al public andion w_The_Equ,t able
<br />r Buiidin~ _and__Loan_Assc?ciati~n of -Grind -Islandj~-ti~samaj.. T!lirceen--Thousand, One Hundred
<br />- -
<br />~` forts one ($1~ 141. ~Q) ____ ._ .rlo!larr, acJeidr sale uua aftenront at llu33nuari ,1StTerm of mid caurl,
<br />8^ Charles F. Fairbanks
<br />a A. D., f9.._`_.. esamenrd and cw,firmed nred lire aced ..... - -_-___-. -.. -.---- -.. _._- --. . -... ua scab Sheri,(j, ordered
<br />', [o cmaey the said premia+n in fm rimpis to the aa,d_._~yult able Btu !ding and Loan ~SSaClH ti oll of Grand Isl arie:
<br />`. ~DW ~IJCLefDCCr /, the raid....-...-Charles, F. iairbanks _. .. -_.__. .Sheriff aj the County aj
<br />~~ ___-. __.__._Hal 1, ........-.-ar ajanraid. in earuidrratum of the pmniau aced by rvtue of [he pours msfrd to nee by lav and [he
<br />decree of and nwrl, des hexes,y Ciac, cra,d and Cwrcrywlhc said_Ttte rq uicalJ la_building,_and Loan, elnsociation
<br />~;; of Grand Tsl.utdrVebr9ska., ..A C,o rlrorat]~n.... .. -...._,6~and asaigra., the pnmiaesmwajarcsaid utd. to wil:
<br />The Sdesterly 'thirty-Six (1.36a1 Eeet of Lot Three f3)
<br />~- and the Easterly Flevan ~F.11') feat of Lat Four (L),
<br />_ _ ...
<br />~......
<br />~xn Fractianal Block thie Elundred Thirty-EigEit t 138) in
<br />U'niun Pacific Failc+ay,_Comganv`s Second Addition to the
<br />City of C.rand Island_,Hall Coun[yr Nebraska
<br />~..___ -.. _ _ _ .... y __ _.._.. __ .._
<br />s~
<br />~ ^--- - ..
<br />~- ._.._.... -........_. ___._ _.. __ .. ._ _ .. ... ..-..- - . -. ... - - - - dh the apprrrferuueua.
<br />";• aGD ~dtiti dtta t0 ~0(D tfjt ~/Atttt +rreewueeresat.Tize..Eg~,i~tl,~„e,Bu}.~di_ng„and. Coat}..,Assoc-
<br />`' ~ 373:tion of Gra[td 1Slazld,Ne~raska, A Go rporatioi~~arsipnr,a,uiwthem and their we and bdeoojforcur.
<br />`. -r_~_-_..~.._._.._....._. _.__.... ... .. ...... ...
<br />~' ~~ 3n. $t'~tiututtp ird~tceof. ] hex, a: sad, Shtr~, txaerada srf my hand (hi._...._ .....~_sch..... .... _..... _.. drq R/
<br />j _..~ctoher _ A, v,. ts8~ . c
<br />~ ...- . ....4 ~ .- ....y..,. ..-....
<br />~f
<br />_ l;.secrlled and arlcserod en the pn'au'rere of
<br />,; Sheriff aj ... - }sal I.. .. -.. .._ (:anrdv, Nrbrwka.
<br />R. L Williams
<br />sT,arr,~ ~3r~.3~~r~x~.5h:~,
<br />p~~~~~ hail ~u. . - 25[h r i!ctober
<br />_ ~i .hir....-_ des-'i,._, _.- -._ .
<br />~, sM~MJ ~.._ ..... _.. .._ ...~....._._ __....
<br />' ~ Rod e r L driliaa:4
<br />' t9. +'~~,., bejorr mc. U+r arulersipnrd.a .... _ _~_.....,.. ... ._ .. .. .. .--
<br />-~ ~N7~'~1e1MaAMinlp~ in aced cr reed
<br />•.,. ~ ~ M~i.lAr•13 f auurety, peraonaljy appnued iIm id- _ - .. .. -- .... .... i
<br />:_ ~14M:dMtlA~llXilli (~harler F E.~traactk, -.. _ vur{ggan,dtaa:r4q, 1
<br />- - - to me prre~inaf.4 kwrun &e be the ,„snfirui purer uha ay/ned the fmgo:nEr i,utrexrreeN +u yrwdar, and
<br />- ~~ he nrkr.uarl,a;garj tlu yams !v Ee hit sutunhvy cud arwt droll, as sw~S rhera;„+", f'x the arcs anq prrrpuw
<br />q~ BAR thp'Qrn x11 ^-YIA. _
<br />~: ~~11C~~ ny +ear~d and n(r& at 7~; drar u,d Yrar ot~x mr.WV 7 ~f,,,~~•t~ ~
<br />{; ,
<br />+~,,.
<br />