<br />82-- tic~4~61h
<br />ID. Thai the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permh waste
<br />upan said land, rror suffer the .said premises to be used for aoy unlawful purpose.
<br />! 1. 1'harif the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain or acquired far a public
<br />use, the damages awarded, the prot:eeds fur the taking of, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full
<br />amount of i[tdebtediMS uponthis mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the
<br />Mtrtgagor to the Mortgagee, and shat be paid fonhwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />matttringittstaltments of such indebtedness.
<br />t2. 'Ilx Mortgagor further agroes that shonfd this mortgage and- the note secured hereby not he eligible for in-
<br />surance tinder the National Housing Act within Sixty days from the date fiereof (written statement of any officer
<br />of -the Department of Hatsing need Uti;an ikvclopment or authorized agent of the- Secretary of Housing-and iJrban
<br />fxveiopmertdated subsequent lathe- S~.xty days- time from the date aE this mortgage. declining toinsure said
<br />note and- this mortgage. being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibilityj, the Mortgagee ar balder of the note
<br />may, at its option, dezlare all sums recurred hereby immediately due and payal+le.
<br />13, That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of maneY when the same became due. or faits to conform to and
<br />comply. with any of the conditions or agreements wntained in this mortgage..or the note whichrt secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pafsum and accrued interest shat! at once became due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />thereupon be foreclosed immediately for the-whale of said money, interest, monthly paymems, costs, ground rents, taxes and
<br />the east of extending the abstraq of tide from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such forectostue suit and a rea-
<br />sotrabicattorney's fee. alt of which shat! be inGuded in the decree of foreclosure; and the rnn[ract einhodied in Phis mortgage
<br />need the note secured htteby, shall in aU respects be governed, construed and adyudged by the Taws of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is made.
<br />The covenants herein contained shaA bind.. and the benefits and advantages shall insure to. the respective heirs, executors,
<br />administrators, suceessrtrs and assigns of the poetics hereto. Wheneverused, the singular number shall include the ptural, [he
<br />phtrat the singular. acrd the u;e of any gendtt shall be applicable to all genders.
<br />TAe foregoing conditions, alt and singular. being performed according to their natural and legal import. this conveyance
<br />shall be void and sstd premises released at the expense of [he Mortgagor, otherwise to he and remain in Eull force and effect.
<br />IN WITNESS tYHEREOF. the htortgagnrts) ha ve hereunto set their handfsl the day and year first
<br />above written. - - -
<br />In presen« af_
<br />-v . ~~~x.°~ ' 4j (SEAL I
<br />'A (SEAL i
<br />1SEAL1
<br />(SEAL(
<br />ePO 3a+a ~a
<br />} ss:
<br />COUNTYt)F HALL i1
<br />- Cht this 22nd day of octoheer . A.L). Iv g2 , before mc,
<br />a Notary- Ptxblie in and for said t: aunty, pctsonaily came -
<br />ifeviri B. NtutFt need BiarkE E, Nawth, tfttsband and Wife
<br />. ptrsonally to me known
<br />to be the identical person s whose names are atFtxed to the above and fore-
<br />- going instrument as Murlgagor,:,nd try have ackaowlydged the said instrument and rho
<br />execution thereof to be their • atuatary act ern! decd. for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />In testimony whereof. 1 have hereunto set my hand and athxcd by notarial seal at Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />un,the,taY amt date last above written. r j
<br />Notary Public
<br />~:~ _ n.t~
<br />S`t'Ai'F l~F WEBRASKA ss
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