<br />This form is used in cnnnec-
<br />- lion with nmrkKages insurer)
<br />MORTGAGE +tnder the one- to Cour-family
<br />provisions of the iVational
<br />6 ~ ~ s) ~ ~ ~ -~ L I3uusirig Act.
<br />THIS M6RTGAC.rE, made and executed this 22nd day of October -A. D.
<br />19 82 . by and between
<br />Kevin B. Newth and Diane E. Newth, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Hall .and State of Nebraska, party of the-first part: hereinafter called
<br />the i~fortgagor. and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />.r rnrprvation organized and existing under the taws of Nebraska
<br />rant' of the second part. hereinafter ca;Ie<i the iViexte:tgee,
<br />- ~'tTNESSF.TH~ That the sold hfortg:+gor, fonm<i in consideration of the sum of Fifty six thousand one
<br />htusdred ahnc~ No,~lO~iths -- l>++Itars tx 56 ,100.00 )-Raid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. the recetpi +*t a tc +~ ere Y arknnw#edRed. has Granted and SoW and t?y these presents does -Grant, _Bar-
<br />gain. Srli. Convey and Confirm unto the Mortar ogee. its successors and assigns. forever- the following-described _
<br />rest estate. situated in the t_ onnty of ~;1 .and State
<br />of \ebraska. t+r se+t'
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of Lot Seven (7), Imperial Village Seventh,
<br />Citp of Grand Island, Hall Catmty, `.ebraska, and tnore particularly described
<br />as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot Seven i7); thence
<br />running Northeasterly along the Easterly line of said Lot Seven (7} a distance
<br />of One Htutdred Twenty Five and Sixty Eight Hundredths (125.68) Feet to the
<br />Northeasterly corner of sai3 Lot Seven f7); thence running Southwesterly along
<br />the Northerly Line of said tot Seven (7) a distance of Five (5.0) Feet; thence
<br />running Southeasterly to the point of Tx~ginning, and
<br />Lot Eight (8 ), I»grerial Erillage Seventh Subdivision, City of Grand Island,
<br />Hall Cotmty -?)ebraska
<br />+v'the ~rxth }}tr+i-tpu ~ter±ctran_tnsetarztioRmait .scrCS act:-ordingtoCiOV6rn-
<br />R+CnI ~ntYey: _ -
<br />TQ H,h'v'fi ANi) l?r Ntll.i) the i-=rmisr. shoYr urrcrahed. rsuh ai; the appurtenances thereunto beEoaging and including
<br />all he;+ting. phunh+ng noel i~ghtmc tittwe+ end rtiu+pn,rm sow ,u hrrraftrr .vr ched to sv used in connection with said rea! estate
<br />note=the \iertgager. t;nd t:t ila+ugcc«or-and a„c;;n, f.,revr;. !?+r N:xttr~rrr repse•grn. to. and revenan[n wish, the htortga-
<br />eer. ±hat tF,c hiort}agur has ecxkl riche ,o u•tt .u:d r.rn~eo -ard trrrnusc+. that they are free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />'.furtgagtx wit! warrant and drlr+td rite ..:sue aga+n+[ the taut ut it.++nts of ::€t nrr,+rns ~ 6m+x,rvrr.:+nd Ihr ,aid h9urtg+gor here-
<br />t1Y rrf'ittyuishes iii nghte s+f ix~me~trad. and st! nrarn,d a,chh-rrthcr ut f.:ti, of +n ryuny, ;utd alt other contingent interests of the
<br />\fcxigag+rr +r. r+uil au the a~ ,vc-ue+~:et+e:l +=to»t,x,. !tx ,nee;=lane. ~.ng t+= t.=n=rt aierriry en et+x+lutr tit{e.+n frr<.itnpk, includ-
<br />ing at{ righU of ho+ue,ic:,d_ and c,thrt r rJtis an+l tntcre±?s t:. afnrrsaid-
<br />pNUVlDtihAl_C4`,41'S. and thesepre~rnr .rrsecua~,vnddrtlrr:rdt+f,+u+the#'.,tR,*.u+geonaiitions,mwil:
<br />1'he btottgagoragrrrs to pad to the Vtungagre. +,t utdet_ the pnnopai .um of Fifty six thousand one
<br />hundred and No/100ths-----^--^^-----^----- °•'"'t'r`{~ 56,104.00 ?,
<br />with interest Iron: date at Ihr ,ate ut Twelve and One-half per certutn t 12.50 `~) per annum un
<br />tier unpaid btturttce until pact. [he ,a,d prnt.:+pat :end mtrte,t .hai(t+e pstanK at fix udica of Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />in Gra3xd Islaudr Nebraska - vt at .uc h other place as the holder of
<br />the t+otr may iiastgr+utc in writing, in uwnthty inataiimrnt,,rt Five h.utiired ninety eight and 73/100ths
<br />_ .._ E'ioEtar~ ~ S 598.73 i. cununrncu+g un the first day of
<br />ty SZand on tYrc first dot +:( each month thereafter unlit rho pnncip:d and in-
<br />tctest ate ft+tcept that ih.:. tinai c:+:mrnt :f r+rzirpai sod rntereet, if not +uunrr pail, shalt br due :utd
<br />pay~dt4e on the first ilay of Vember 2012 ~ - af! according to the terms of a certain prumis-
<br />aerv true of ever date k+errait rse.uteu~y the sold A#vrtgaKUt-
<br />The 4tong;ektcx +n radrr mote fuQy a+> protr.t the accuruv of this 31+xtgige, agrees.
<br />t 7ltaCt+a udt pi} the uxtebtedixs., :,~ herr+nixf.+re pr„++deri_ 1'+it~tiegr is re.rrre,I to pal the dept in whole, ur iu en
<br />aor.runt a tp t?+aa t>: more- m,?nthiy }~}~mgrtn s+n the pnr:cipa+ that sue ?xst due on the sate- ore the first rl.. . ; any mcinth
<br />ptuu ta+1+~tt!?tY: 4'rertYf!'d, fzr++ae~cr. l•het >4~=..tce+ tx•t+i-r .~f an isttsnttarn ;~ rxerctx - ach fn'+,•iz,,,c is e~k.... :i th:tty tuft
<br />da)? I» tot tc~ peg-f a}'t8{At-
<br />.- "!'?Vr4 t ~rthes .A,+th, and in additi.m to, the tnunthfq pa+y nteuts of prusctpal anJ interest papah~ nnder the terms of the
<br />ntNC Kecured hetahy. ilte Mottgngrzr Will Rn: to the I+1ortgagec. t+n the nest day of each month until the survfl note is htllq paid. the
<br />f:;dht>i in;t sum+.,
<br />lay -4ntrouut wt'it`~+rY t a tac?v~l~ tha h~adrr Bcr~af mnh lun:is tr. {ray t3'+z next ern>rt}~g+. s+asuran.~ per-+raun+d t!tiy
<br />rr~srrutr_wnt-dnd rite a+etr ar.atrve ttetrbv ar4 u+sttrrd, cu a cru.nnl+ly chatttr i+at teem r,t a rru arrp~e rrr.atrut+er rvr-
<br />,r~ ucnt tt the.} ;rte faced t,y tixc~ 2ici+fr easy .:~ }t+:a>tuh anr+} txbxs (k•,-riwp+rn;,;t. a te=Ili>w._.
<br />t 11 It attd s.+ f..xeg ,rs s~srr! urea ,a itc-rt note and Ih+h n+rt:anNttkt are tnvugd :;+r s+e seaisutbd under t :r pt=,-
<br />~wat439A set Ifi+t~ tiatts.+tsr;i ttuttcittp, ;Set_ an x+nr+trnt anti iurnt t+:+ Diu+uutxtr to tizc ha~as+iw of the h+rldar tare
<br />r+~a`xw i`~NA~i~r idM aa+xr~ ova ?».~ vrxt:, cutxav :a nkdwe~ieu .•"tA'!'F~C}} NERttt>$A
<br />+Ut}-tP7 t a:Url +V ~ zU I
<br />