_ ; '`
<br />f03yi-AELEJIAE OY MOATGA6E--Cospe:aWea Huffman and felton b Wolt Walton, Ne 68461 ~j
<br />IN GONSlDERATION of the payment of the r'obt named therein, the Commercial National Aarrk &-
<br />F Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska h¢r¢by ret¢ases the mortgag¢ neade tot ~EE
<br />!Comtercial National Bank & Trust Co. by Bachman & Lester Company - ' 1l
<br />;Grand-Island, Nebraska _-4 ,`
<br />oa ti6e follorai»g described real estate, to-urit; All that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24, i ,~
<br />{ ;TownsFi3.g 11 North, Range 10 west of the 6th P,M., in-Hall County, Nebraska, lying South } i#
<br />F tof the Right-of-Way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company and North of the North Bgandary l~
<br />€€ !of a-tract of gmund deeded to Harold R. Johnsan, said tract being more particularly flea-~ i
<br />t scribed in warranty Deed recorded in Book 155 Page 222 as recorded in the Office of the
<br />g~zs e op Deeds Office, Hall County, Nebraska, and East of the Easterly bauridary line j
<br />i :lace ~e~Owl E..
<br />of Section 24 in Township I1 N ,Range 10 W of the 6th P. M., - Hall _ ~- ~}
<br />County, State of Nebraska- which is recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgages, page ,;4 ~~
<br />of the records of said County. Document #002D57 and Book 165 Page 196 f
<br />IN TESTIMONY GVHEREOF, the said Commercial National Sank & Trust Co. has caused ~ jj
<br />these presents fo b¢ execrated by its presid¢nt and its Corporate Sea! to be agexed hereto this 22nd 3{
<br />' day of October , rq 82. ~ '
<br />4Vifuess: Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. - ? ~~
<br />~ rSL!..,Ld.".t7"L'e~ . _. _. ....... liy~' ... ' ce..., President ~ l
<br />~~~ ~ ~ 1 .....lttest ~ / ~ I
<br />.~. ._ ..~.. +,~.. - ~.," .., .. .. ashler, Secretary r
<br />~ (~ ~i~~~~s31a + _~~ On this.... 2~ad October .... 62.
<br />~ CjVV ~"~ F, ~ ~
<br />r ~ ..day of....._.......~ .......... ... 19
<br />,, y ... ._...~ .~. ..County before me. the undersigned, a No Public in-and for
<br />` ~ '~ David R. Boehle Vice `
<br />sa3~~b~ 'g~eat~y cants _...... ..... _..... . - .._. _ ................. President of the
<br />Coromexcipl~. Nalticna3. ~~dtrk s Trust Co. , Grand Island, Nebraska .,,a Co ration
<br />to ma£~~,nafly~fnq~n`'to'be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above mlease and ,'
<br />acJatow ~tttiet~c,~eution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and
<br />`' { deed of said Corporation, and that ire corporate seal was thereto ef&aed by its authority.
<br />Grand Island, N asks
<br />Witness my hand and ~totarial Seal at.__~.... , .......... ...... y . ---- ,/~ said County the day and year
<br />last above written. _ ~ /
<br />My commtsstoa o.~ceZ-, 19..x;,5 .:~ ,..,,, jgotary Public
<br />~ r - ._
<br />_. _ ..._.:__. __ . _ __.____. 41
<br />of U. S. Highway Number 2N7., kiail County, Nebraska, and together with all buildings, yards,
<br />- sheds, fences, scales, tanks, structures and improvements, subject to an easement to
<br />Chicago Burlington s Quincy Railroad Company recorded ir. Book "R", Paae 255 of the recoxds
<br />of Hall County and together with all rights of the c7rantors under a right of way Lease from
<br />Union Pacific Railroad Company recorded ir. 3cok wo i2>, Page 607, of the Miscellaneous
<br />records of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />and
<br />Lots Eight and Nine, Bachman ~ Lester Subdivision, ir. the Cits* of Grand Island, Flall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />