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<br />This form is used in connec - <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />MO?~iTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />¢Z,~,,, ~~ ~f ~ J ~ ~ ]lousing Act. <br />THTS MOR'T'GAGE.. made and exect:ted this 22nd day of October ;A.D. <br />I9 g2 ,tiyandberween Stephen R-. Free[san atxl Joleen K. Free:oan, Htisban& and' Wife--~ _ <br />of the County of Hall ,and State of-Ntbrastca~ pang of the-first pact, heteittafter-called'-: <br />the Mortgagor, and ~pprior Mortgage. Inc. - - - - <br />a corporation rxganired and misting under the laws of Nebr'a8ka _ - - , <br />party of the seci+nd pan, hereinafter coiled the Mortgagee. - - - - <br />Wfih:ESSF9'H: That the said °~harrgagar-far and in consideration of ibe sum of FOrty seven thousand five <br />htuldr~T and No/I08ths----------------- iktflars (5 qTr SOD.OD - ?, paid by-the M+at- <br />gagrr, the receipt of which is hereby acknowtedgtd. has ('.mated and Soid and by these- presents -does -Gr>;rtL;-.-Bat= - <br />gain. Sell. Come}' and Confirm uatr> t,fie .Nnrtgagea, its >nccessrxs sad assigns,-forever, It~~following-described - <br />re-at estate, situated in ihr Cannty of Hall - - - : andState <br />of Vehraska,tt+wii' - <br />Lot Fourteen (14) in Stock Three (3) Olde Mill Subdivision; City <br />of grand island, hall Cosnty, fvc6raska <br />ut the 5isth fYrrtcipd Mendinr. enntatnrng m a3t acrr> according ha Gnvern- <br />mem sun•e+~. <br />?'U Ti ~V t :?N[T ?t) T{t)i [) tttr €+rrsnr,r+.,tW+,t ~e,.ritrr,t..,rth :,it the .rppur:enarxr thereunto hr}caging unJ including <br />sIt heatin};. fi` hgluiag @<tetr, .,nri r~mpsnrn? <i:sw <,r~ fter;.,ftcr artrchzd is+or acrd in cunneetiun with sad real estate <br />ontothr Mortgagee. and to it. +u::es,+!r. end a„iKrt,, fc.•rcucr !hz Attxtg.:tgur rrpre.znts ta, amd covenants with, the Mortga- - <br />gee, that the Mi:rtgagcx bus stored nght to ~.<•It and <unvey wal prems,c.>; that rhry arz tree from encumbran..e: and [bat the <br />Mortgagor will war€ani z+raJ defend the v:rme against the fawtu! riaun> ut ~ctl per->on+ Hhumsoever; .sad the said Mortgagwr hrre- <br />hy rziinyuishzs aiC righi+.+f hcmrsteati, .,nd ail nranial rsgt+t.- rrinrr rn [aw s:r in eyrnty, and ail wher ccurtiogznt interest> of the <br />Martgagw~ in and !o the atwvr-:Iz>crihrat ptetui.a>. =ire sntontnm nzsng to ~,~nvrt hrrei+y un at±iokutr title, in fce >itnple, includ- <br />ing alI rights of hunrc>trad. -jnJ uthzr rights and intzrzsts a, ufortsatd <br />Pftt?V't[]ED AI.lV,ty'S.: nJ iha+r pre,rrt, .rrc z:zwtz6 :ruJ Jrh+tred thin the fesllow mg coraiitions, to wits <br />The Mortgagor agttr+ to pa} s,r the \itxttngec. ur.+rdct. ihz prirwip:tt cunt of Forty seven thouisand five <br />hundred and :lollu0ths--^--^----------- fh*iiar>+~ 47,500.00 I• <br />welh interest fuxn Jas- a[ ttet rats o9 Faurtaen txt .zutum ( 14.0 `.%~) per anmm~ ou <br />tlx uapuid halantr until paid. The wid prirxyari and interest .hail t+z p:, ark at the uthce of gupgr-tor Mortgage, Inc. <br />in Grartd Island: NE . or at such other placz u> the holder of <br />the note may Jt>iynatr in writing, in munthty in>taiiment,.`f Five hundred sixty two dad 81/100ths------ <br />,.., ____~_ Duflar> {S 5 2. r- cununcrtcing on the hest day a[ <br />. T9 g2 , .s~ Gn the hr>. da} of each month thereafter umii the pnndpal and in- <br />tarrst are n y pat raczpt that the float payment o{ prior}pxt .rnJ mterzst, d not +~axaer paid, sh:dl be due anJ <br />paynolr on the brat day b! November, 2012 ad1 acaxding to the terms of a certain pronu>- <br />;~rry nt*te of e+rn Jytz hzrcwith e xecuteJ by the .aid Merty..rrur. <br />1'ht Murtga{pu ta:xdcr m.+m fully tc: prnttct the.ei.usty .rf the+Ai<+rtgagc. agrces_ <br />i- 1#wt lac wi13 par' floc ittJebuJazs._ as hereinbzfurr pro+idrd_ f'riitrgz is re>errrd to pay the debt in whnfe, ur in an <br />amount egos! lu itor ar more month{y paymzats .>a thz Y+rincipai that are next due an the note. ut the hr+i .Sa+~ of any itronib <br />Trrina tW nt-aturitY: f~i; i~.drd. ir~uctzr.'TYwt ;. tieirn twticr zrf an intention to exrrclk ;nch pririte};r i> givtn at tcir,t thirty l3[}} <br />daye: prig to p€rpay rtrznt. <br />'_. That,ttrgrtlaer wiil4 ;+od rn atiditic~q a>, the rn;,nihTy paymgnt> of principgi anJ interest pacuh4 ggdrr t}rc terms of the <br />rtotr st::uteJ Kerr#V, the ktort~u wifT pay. to the Mortgagee, ens tfa first day of each tnendt until the said nuu i, fully psid. the <br />foTTuw iqg wm c <br />faT Arncwat sufEtc7ent fix ptaogle urr iKeirlcr ttxrrai with trnut~ t.,s fray tT;z rtvxt nwtkga~ rn>nrart.c prtrmurn diteis <br />,nst++tiarertl attd, tree noiz sc't-utcJ }tcrecy at4 =aunt#sT, :rr a :t;attUriy° chxrgr (ta :ieu <tj c •fww:g~<~ rnsurwaer f~:.~ <br />M:iarn%if }hey are'r€dJ {sy tied ~c:<;t,ty <,t I-lu:+stug aril Tuhan Ik.ezitgatnrrrs, as is:Eluw>- <br />T)t tl uaT xo Tcn~ sk ,c'ud aaratr vaf rvvy7 ciat;<~ atxl dt~ ,nstruntrnt are insured =sr err rcttasturd urxier the p,ar~ <br />- taltea, <+t t}~ V.ittaaaaf Ihatat~ Act, .m ,nn+wnt su'i Iwxrnt tct a:;comuiate er, }hr }tarrJS tai iho i:.AJrz eats <br />~slrr~ra = tz if 1 reas4 r ±~.xy to :ur:t :,,art ~.rt%ty s€ +~-r~atear t' ATF: i)M V FRTf Aab,f, <br />rauty97t+taatk9Tat <br />