<br />(~~Rfl QF TRUST 82 -. ~ i ; ~ ~ 5 ~ ~3
<br />t
<br />THIS-DEED OFTRUST is made this ..........?~~ ............... day of .... OCtobt;r............. ,
<br />19'..92, amongfheTrustarGarl. fiagyan .and. Boric .Hagan, . husband .cad. wife.,, . }oita[l.y..and .each. in
<br />ttieii:.atatt. right ... ........................... therein "Borrower"}.............................. .
<br />dRS.~Rif .~, . ~~~ . .......................................... (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary,
<br />!`IP T ,FEDBRAL. SAV.ZIIGS, ANA. IAAt,T .ASSOCIATION .OF. LINCQLN .......... , a corporation organized and
<br />---- exisiittg under the laws o . The .pni red. States . o f • America . • • • - - • - - - • • - • ,
<br />whose address is .13th. and..°.N':. S tr eets.~ .Lincoln.,. ,Iehraska. 685A8 ........................... .
<br />...................................................................{herein "Lender"),
<br />BORROWER, in consideration of fhe indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein creattd, itrevocabiy grants
<br />and conveys to Truster, in trust, writh power oP sate, the fallowing described propercv located in the County of
<br />Iiall ...,.._„ ..........................State of Nebraska:
<br />The South One-half {S~} of Int 5 and Lot b and the South
<br />Oae-half {S~} of the West c> Feet of Lot 7, ffiock ~2,
<br />Original Town o~ Grand Island, au Coxntcf, iebrttska.
<br />whahhastheaddrrssoi.. .lty S:xutn Sycamore...- i;rand Island
<br />odil4 t ihtvrtn "P'n}perry Addt~si"):
<br />Ntbra.cka ......... ............
<br />;: a awe
<br />Tt>c~mER with a!i the tmpnxvrtaettts now or herraftrr erected oet the ixniprrty, and aIi aaaements. rights,
<br />appurlenata'~s and n'nts tsub[sct however to the nghts and au[hontirs given herein t~ lrttdrr to cctiaect amt apply such
<br />teatsi, all of which shall br dermtxi to br atni remain a put of the property covered by this Uttxi af'ft'usr< and all of
<br />tbtr taregcxi~, togrthra writit saitt property for the leasehold prate if' this Dei^et of Trust ix un a lenseht+ld) are
<br />hereinafter teftmd to as the "Properly":
<br />Ttz St±Ytttte to tatt[ist rite rr~vatent +xf the ittdrbtrdness evidenced by Batrxwtr cote da[td.OCtol»2T..?Q, . ~~~
<br />.......... < .... attd rxtcnsiuus and renewals thetrtxftherein "N~e-'t, in tht pritrcipat stun of
<br />U.S. S . 117t}p.t1t) . . . . . . . . ... . ...with tntrrest thereon. praviditeg !ot m+xttthly ittstatltneats of prinstipal and
<br />intttrest, wilt the baiansr of the ittdet+tedrtess, if tuxt sooner paid, d ue and Rayabie an .. SYavembes .1> .136. , ..... ;
<br />trite paym+rat of all athcr wms, rith iatt^rest thereon. ads•ancrtl in aecurdatne htvrv°ith to pnxtrct the sekurity uC this
<br />Heed u€Trtmt: ~$ the peritirtnaniecxf=the cetvenants sad agmrments of Borcnwre herein ~xntaimxi.
<br />iisii'retrvef Carctiat[tS Stlai EWrrOwCr is tY1<laiiy seistxi of l.he eSiate StetCUy Ctxriveyrd arui has ilie ri[~ixt tit grant and
<br />a.Yntvcw eta Ptetpsrty, sttd that the Prapenr is unrncumhered, except fi,r encumbrsnces of m~ord. &,t'nxx+rr :YnYnants
<br />that Barruwer warrants atsd will defeatl gr[ieratty ttir title to the Yrepcrty agaittx all claims ama detnaetds, subjet~[ to
<br />rrtti~ ~ teextrd.
<br />I.~aa 6::v~2aet tom. ~ and :~~: t:-c:'ea~t a:.d agtr as kxticxws;
<br />I. of Pu~i~ai aai IaGaraii. Borrower shtsii pnunptty !?xy Mitett dtte the princtt+:. i intetcSt
<br />is4nss[,svat~em+sd by tltc Nuts ate katc charges as provided in thr.;rute.
<br />2. PttttttNt tu't'atoa>+rmt (lwearat. Sublsri to applicatxts law or a written waiver by tender, t3urn+wrr shall pay to
<br />t,ctrda as [,hs day tttsxtth}y- pttytuuants pf` prim~ipal and intetzsr- etc payable under the Notr, until rite Nate is peal
<br />€ s cant {he~reaa "k'"t s7yttAl-ro on,r-twelfth of the yearly texts and assessments fim-iudiag cattdostxinittm and
<br />pitied atria dsvp,snt tomcats, 'si any} which may attain ptnxritr avYt' this Ikx'cl of 1"rus;, and 1,7twnd rears on
<br />t#r P[!apgctg, if trey. plus tins-rwtpl~h ttf yearly prratitun instaltmrots fur hazard insurance. plus uttr-ttvrltttt of yeuty
<br />lstEtasis[~ umaattgatsats fu[ ttttmgagt: itttgtra[>rs, it any, aH as rnasunably estimated tuitisily amt tttixm time to titnc Ixv
<br />t sea t1t~ irtRtist ufasants agst t attd tttaswtatxte rreitnati+s [h#resx#'_ Ncu'rt~w~rr xhirtt net t±e ±xbtipateti a, tn:tke
<br />atq'h paa?wt:~Fx t?Wl~dic it'F I,atgte;4g ttta iSaCtsat.-that Bar[r?wnM` retakes sucdt payments tt? tttr hc+itfrr ui' a pri.M trautaape nr
<br />d*rtd ~d it~t id'st~itatddstt'te anittstttutianat i~dsr.
<br />~- vtssttin.>d'.-= aa~il4tfM~:rI1TlEill~[tYplWttltt
<br />