<br />82-s,`~45i3 £i
<br />'itt3aMo;tgageiseateredintobetween Kevin B. Newth and Bianne E. Newth,
<br />r Husband and Wife _ (herein "Mortgagor") and
<br />` FIVE PO[NTS BANK (herein"Mortgagee").
<br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principa! sum of $ 37~j00.00 ,evidenced by Mortgagor's note
<br />dated 10721 f.$Z (herein "Note"j providing for payments of principal and interest, with the balance of the
<br />indebtedness, if ant snorter paid, due and payable on October 21 , 1985 ,
<br />'Tbsecpre the 1Aep~ot:d$ota; with interest as provided therein, the payment of all other sums, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee trotect thasecudty;of this Mortgage, and the perfortoance of the covenants and agreemenffi of
<br />the Mortgagor contained ~:gor.daes:heraby mortgage and mnvey to Mortgagee the following described
<br />proptrty located in hall County, Nebraska:
<br />The Easterly 66 Feet of Lat Nine (9) and the Easterly 66 Feei of the
<br />Southerly 37 Feet of Lot-Seven in Elock Six (6) in College Addition
<br />to West Lawn in the Gity of Grand Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />'t'ogether with atI buildings, improvetrrents, C~xtures, streets, alleys, passageways, easements, rigbts. pmtileges and
<br />ttppurtetrances locitrd thereon or in anywise pertaining themto. and the trots, issues and protlts, reversions and remainders
<br />ibereot; induding, but no[ limsted to, heating and cooling equipment and such persond property that is attached to the
<br />itaprrovemaats so as to constitute a Ptxture; alt of which, including trpiacements and additions thereto, is hereby declared
<br />to be a part of the real estate secured by the lien of this Mortgage and all of the foregoing being refrtred to herein as the
<br />.:~pe,rty„
<br />Mortgagor further coureoaats artd agreat, with Mortgagee. as follows:
<br />L Payment To pay the iwiebtedness and the interest therrun as protidrd in this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />2, 'title. Mortgagor is the owner u[ the Propery, has the tight and authority to mortgage the Property, and
<br />warrants that the lien ereated hereby is a first and prior lira on the Property, except as may otherwise be set Porth herein.
<br />LI ltte Property h subject to a Mortgage whrrein _~__~~ __
<br />is the Mortgagee, retrorded st Hank _ , Pagr ...__._.._.___ of the Mortgage Recortk of _._~ County,
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien prior to thr lien ercated hereby.
<br />Qt4er prior Rena or
<br />S, '!'lase, Asatasaaaats 'ib pay when due all users, epeeist assessmenrg and ail other ehatgea against the Fcoperty
<br />and, npoR written damwd Dy Mortgagee, to add to the payments required under the More secured hereby, such amount as
<br />map be sttffirient to enable the Mortgagee to prry such taxes, arscsamenta or other chargm m that' becoete due.
<br />4, iasmaaat. To ~P the improremrrria now or hereafter iamted oo thr Brat relate described herein insured
<br />damage by Bra and such ether haravds m Mortatttee may require, in amounts and with eompaaies acceptable W the
<br />tdort®agae, std vritlr teas payabk to the Mort{tdee, In a-se of Iris under such potirim the Mortgagee is authorised to
<br />ad;°st, c-'...i~-' ..:..'' r~+pr..~is. .',ta:.rs:.V... at! ~tixn tbt;ra:t:dee st is {~:e eprian, aut.:o:isrdtceitF.a s,^ptYtt±e
<br />pttxlada to the rsttusattoo od the Property at upon Use ittdebtedrtaaa ser.~ured hereby, but pxpmants hweunder shalt coa-
<br />tleire WtW t#ta-aitaassecured hereby ice Paid in fuH.
<br />- S. t-1. pot Taxa~ ~ imvrauca_ lotwithstaudttrg anything contained in paragraphs 3 acrd ~+ :-.<~reot to the
<br />ems, ~ shtt~ pap ro the Marip~re at the time a[ paying thr mantldy installments o[ principal and intetmt,
<br />_ _
<br />aae'ivtlttth at tllr yeldy Laxe+, asaa~uta hatand i`ssurancg prernittms, and ground rents (if any! which may attain a
<br />sip oar thta , aif as trnonlbty esttautad tTom time to time by the Atortgagee.'11re amaunu so geld shrH be
<br />ttatd >g the wimattt ioteeest and applied to tde gyment of the itetm in ~ptct to which such attraunts wrre
<br />dttpgatted. 'the auax paid to llAottlppee hereunder ate ptedQad as addttionN sr4urity for ttte indebtedness secured by this
<br />1 I~iortpa;+e. ~[tpttp to ~t~ac the amauttt of sup deffeteacy botw~.an ttte actual tastes, assrastnRnts, imrunnee
<br />sad {(bwund rents a~ for ~ hereunder wtthin ltl days altar drtusnd u made upon Morigattor requtattng
<br />t sttrarent.
<br />l Ripldlt. t1lWtlplace lad rise, lb tPtlY ropair, tmtote to rehailct any buildinpt ar imptrnrmrnta new or
<br />htttup{trar tro the P-9; w tteep the Peoperiy to good etMt$tian turd repair. without waste. and tree fxttn me«:hanic'a m
<br />trtt edit ' aupor~llprd W iGe T&>< heramf; tint to m~e, eotfer or pcttnit any nuiwtcr t+s racial, sot to dimiq-
<br />Ith at'-...#gapah^, tt~ +alle of-ttW h4paxtp by asp eat m otn(arioa u, ar3: std to eamply with art requircmenu at taw wish
<br />t b the t4opertp.
<br />