<br />>,
<br />9. Ctsrtdemnatioa. The proceeds of any award nr harm fnr damages. dtn:ct nr cmzsequenhal, in cnnnertinn with any
<br />condemnation or oYnt:r taking of tht Pmotny, nr part theren(. or fnr eoaveyarcr in litn of odndemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to [xrsder.
<br />In the event of a rota! taking of the Property, the proceeds ;haft he appticd to the .nine srcurcd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />with the e_zcess, it any, paid to Borrnwtr. In the (vent ;?f :: panial faking vt the Property, unless Borrower and i_ender
<br />o{herwise ogre( in writing, there shalt he applitd se the sums secured by this Deed of Tnust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to thst prrporion which the amount of the sumo secured by thts Deed of Ttvst Immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking hears to the fair market value of the Property irnmed:ateiv prior in the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid t0 Barrnwer.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Barrowrr, nr tf otter notice by under to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ar atilt a claim fnr damage_c, Borrower lath to respond to d.tndrr within }€) days after the date such notice is
<br />reviled, Ltndtr is authorized to collect and apply the proreedx. a+ Lender's npuon, tither to restoration or repair of the
<br />Pmpeny or to tlve sums secured by This Deett of "Trust.
<br />Ln{ess Lender and Barrnwer .^iherwrse scree in wntong, arts rich apphcatron of Froceeds to prmapal shall nut extend
<br />or postpone the due date nt the monthly mstalimens referred to :n paragraphs I and Z hereof or change the amount ni
<br />.uch itsstaliments.
<br />70. Borrower Not Releued. Eztrnaon of the nine Eor payment er modification of nmoriization of the sums secured
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by !ender to ana' sttccrssor ;n mterrct of Borrower shall nni operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the ltabihrv of the ongirat Borrawtr :rod Aorrowe(t =uccrssnrs :n mrerea. ?.ender shalt not be required to commence
<br />paaceedmgs against such succasar or ref tree to extend i+me for pavmtnt nr otherwise modify amorhzatinn of the sums
<br />set:ured by this dJeetf of Tntst by reaso:a :.f a^~ demand made h} the vngmat Bor:awer and Borrower c successors in interest.
<br />1 i. Foskeaeaeee by Leader Nw a GV'aiver. Ana- fcrrbtarance by t.tndrr :n rxcrcising an}• right ar remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise aNa:rded by appl:cahle Saw, ch:di not hr a waiver of or preclude the estrcise of arty such right or remedy
<br />The procurement .rf insurance to tht payment of rases ur other t:cns or :har¢ts ba` d.endet shad not tae a waiver of Lender's
<br />nght is acctferatr the Maturity of the radetattdress ,ecurrd h} Phis IJerd a~! Trust.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. :\I) rcmrdres penvldrd :e th,s iced of ~i7t!st are dtstmct and cumuiativr to any other right
<br />nr remedy under th+s dkni of Trust ,~r -.dforded h laav ~~r equnv. sad eons- he exercised aoncurrenth-, independently or
<br />successively
<br />i3. aacrt~ors a»d AssRas Snoods Jvlat sad Stvcra! 1_iytrikty; ('springs- ~Thc anvenants and agreements hereto
<br />tnntatacd shag tamd. and the riEhts herronaicr shots uturr ta, the respcchve satccrssars attd ass:cns of Lender and Burrower.
<br />sub{ect to the provsiogs of pa seraph 17 horror. A(i arvertams and agrcemrmc of 6orrou~cr .bait he loin( and stveral.
<br />The capuons and headings o[ the paragraphs of son teed :~t trust are For .an. enrence ooh and are not to tx acrd Ka
<br />tnierprct air dtftne ttt-_ prt:visians herrxtl-
<br />14. Notice. Excem fnr any' nmice reyuued unary apphca*.ale saw .. 't,e given m another manner, ta) any nonce to
<br />Borrower provided for is this Lhed at` Trust shall !se grvrn ny marling such nonce i~v ::crtiiird mad addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Propcrry ~\ddress or at such other address its Borrower mar dcs+gnate by notice xa (ender as provided herein, and
<br />it>t ant' axsticc to i ender shaif be given t.y etrutitxl mad, return rrcetpt requested, tea Lrtxder~ address stated herein or to
<br />such other address .ts [xmicr eray designate by nonce to Horower as vovedtd herein Any notice prnv+ded fire in this
<br />dh-ed of Trust shad hr deemed to have facto grvrn to Bvrrzwer nr I.tnJer when gtvrr. ~_+ the manner dcsrgnated herein.
<br />15. i.%nifwm iyeed uE truss: GovnnirtR l.aw: lraersbJil r. t?z,s fium of .iced .:f ;not c.+mbrncs umlorm u+vrnaau for
<br />naunnai the and r:on-urutorm cuvetuauts with i.nr;trd vaunt;ona ba turtsdiarnn w c;:nsatutr a uniform cerurity :nstrumem
<br />covcnng real protxny. This Dyed o? ?rust shaif F~ governed ha tFre ia:w +xf the ~ur,sdrrteon ;n whsch the Property :, located.
<br />to the oven( that ant puwrsn>r, u; ciaux aa! thn shod et i~rerst to ;hr mote .ant}r. t, wrth appi:cahir faw, such conflst shall
<br />nix aflcct other pru+'tstcns a+i ,his i'lerd ~,{ Trost or the vote whsch can hr krvaz effect without rttr cc,n Fiteitng pruvuion.
<br />and ha tiaa end the provi%totu of the d3eai ~t Trust and the Note are drriared h+ tce• sevcrabte.
<br />iii. Borrower"s L'opy. $orsawer shaif be furmsrstd a aartturmrd ar+pv ,•: (tae Note ::nd of this Decd of -inset at tftr time
<br />ill farrUFNNt or otter trcofdahon bettor.
<br />i7, Ttaavler nt tin Ptaptrsy; AsaompFisn. di afi or any part =t tf:r dzrnprriv :sr ar, interest thereon +> sold er transferred
<br />uy Harrower wtthaaut i.trtdrr-s peen( wntten consent, rxcitrdang -ai Ifs crrahon of a lien *r rn.umbrance auMrdttsate to
<br />thn Deets of `Trust, ..*,d the t rcauaa :tt a purchrse morscy sriutrs rntcrrst ttxr h+ztrsrhafd appl+arters, i c r .+ tratufer by devrse,
<br />descent ar by operattan of law upaua the death ut a tuna( tenant er +dl the gram of an} ieastkofd entreat at three }tars er less
<br />,wt eaatatnrng au a*pi~cm :as fxtr..irasr- l.xndcr rnay..at 1-tnda:r~a a+{x+vu. aircittr ..:i :hr soma xcurri ^v ihts I?ctd of Trust to be
<br />~ma+tdratrly due .end pa}xhie ixrtdcr shad tens waived snob oau.~n to aextfrrate ei, ,prove to the note see tratasier, Lender
<br />asst the person to wham tiK Property is to t*c .aid or =. ramfet red reach agretnxnt ~r writing that rite credit of such person
<br />s sstutactorv to Lender and that the interest payrbic a3n the .erns s~curcti h; <.hu Lktd nt Tnut sha1F to at sawh rate as
<br />t_enaier shad reµaatat. i€ l.trraier teas +-arvrJ ehe .=p:;.+n t,> senesce-rte pm`-'.stns pit th=+ {+aragraph 7?, end it $a: rrc?wrr'a suaceswr
<br />nr interest has rzccuttd a written tenant pttan agtctnarnt astpteu s wr+trng ac Lrndrr, t.tndzr shard te{taat Barrnwer from
<br />art ohhgauotas unaier tfru d&ed a:[ This*..; oaf the n{e
<br />i€ [xntier racrctsa oath s;puen t.~ a.s.ratatr rWr -h - Bc. r wry rcxr-% aai accrierauotr are aa•+rdan.e with
<br />paragrapts f b tttrra=t Stmt nuuae shat: provsdr ~ per,iv ,.. +'. t ~..s .tun ? > lays trtxx_ isre alstc the nonce is masted within
<br />whsch Bnrrowrt :nay pry afro sums declared due !! Borrower t f+ia to pay ur.h surt%x {=r,ur ta> the expitpuat c!f sua:h petstxl.
<br />Lentkr rrwy, without iurefrtr taatar nest aknaand =rrI Bairrowr;. -?..oar any renudees pctuutttd ray paragraph !>3 hereof.
<br />Irun~t_r;.o-uaM L'avtx-+N is Borrtawee aed t ender turtdxr covenant and egrtr as follows.
<br />itl, Arreleralioa: NtmrdNa. t:arcpt as provided is psrsRra~k {' kerrat, upae Barraxrsra brosr- at nay raveasM w
<br />aRreseent of Sortawre is this shed ni Ttosi, iarlsdiaR tY.e enstaaa{a ra pay wkta dos oey rams ran'artM try !-rk [Yetd
<br />of Trost, (.Fader pear to arceitrwioa .shalt road aotux so sorrov+rr o pro.idrd is portsRtars6 14 tsereaf sperHylep (t1 the
<br />itreock; tE) the wtism tetlaued to .ore sack Mvs.-k: tji • date, not less than 39 days tram Ike date the ratdece iv wsiitd to
<br />lotrnwer, by wfatck wck hteectr wtri 6e toned: tad f4) tkN tailwe to ewe uc6 6reac6 ors er t:etore the dale aprriRed
<br />is Ike nWiee essay rcauN in sr%ekratioa ~ the soar ae%orad by ehiv deed a( 7'rsW cad sak a[ the Properly. The aotke
<br />vhaS tettttrer iafarw borrower nt Ike right to rcaeWe star sccsieratk~ agA Ike rf{tMl to briaR s court aelios to sasert
<br />iks rre@~eaiateece of ^ dsieeq w .+r! other deteearr at sae^®wcr to srrelarat3etr sac sak. ar ilx t,rssrk er not raced
<br />ao w bden the dots agreciied i>a list sratire, t.•eadeF at Iwsadti s .Httiaa wrAy dcelast ss ~ Ike race xcared try this Ihed
<br />d Trost to be inssedWelY dos end ptystrh aFithsau trrthse tlewsrtd fwd nwy iasoke tlse power o/ sale aed ae> dhn rsasadiss
<br />peresittad hY slpWea6is low. I.eeder alas tre arsliHsrl M a-oAeci aN reFSnaaEie roata cad espeoaea d+scarred its psrntdet! the
<br />ttsedira pro•idwl ~ chi paragrapi ! d.raslr , cwt aN 6arited to rFasooaWs attarasy's fw.
<br />it the at sole h iasoksd. Tregse shay crossed a nurses at tletaoN is tack roost} ie wtrk- Ike Property or wax
<br />pet iksr+euf isrWcaat'd cad skab ma9 topics a1 sock entire is ikt tanager psssr~riks+d k! aiyiiratrle inr t
<br />:sw ~.w.~ v,`;;:.-:,+E,: of y,t,+~: ;i ;r<::. ,iC:ar :: a :+~ a: -;.::6 :i«Ra --y :~ rs.~siczv' ~} :~,r;i;.oug8orro+rsr red to`he
<br />Rive paWc eaNct d ode to lke peewee wd ig eke waserr preacrihed by aippGtakk law, TrsrYteea witMwt derarasd wg
<br />Harreaver, aksS aeiY Ike pr'aPertY' ai pslsit atactioa to tke hiRMest taidder ai itte lire cad piece sod ceder tkc (erne: deeitlasMtd
<br />iw the souse of oak M acs w woespae~b cad kr nsrk wrier a% Ttsettee may deEestriaa'. '1'rssstet twy postpat soh ai tdl
<br />at asy pontes si tie 1!4aspeny by p~lk ssarwrceaaeat at thre tieae sad place vt say presinrsdy srtaaddtd ssk. t.swder or
<br />tfader's 4ritiRste sesY pmTkalt the at asY toss.
<br />1. rvtteiEt N pttytasast es /he~aiak Yrtasisr skas aeiiver to ikF p:i~.~.tr Trs®ta~ s decd rnsrz.;.. ._y PraprrtY
<br />sail. 'ifrs rscifiak ie ties Trodrrei dstd skill ie fir=aw Emir esideart ai elrt stork a# the stairmeab grade that:~. T•raetee
<br />s-ai! •].~> the pFraaveda u! tlta oak r Ike fasowiM,E order. tai to dl reaweatrte tact need Ftlpt%rea at thF oak, iacWdiaR, trot
<br />cal shelled fa, 'itttsaies's foes at W aware (has jt. „c '- `%' of tkt Rreaa sak price. resaaestrk ataraey's tern cad rya at
<br />ttlie svideste: ttr} ie nett saaaa serruetl hY Mib De~ d'7rest; sasd Iri the eaten, B nay. to tkF paFwa w persam deRrtpy eatkhd
<br />t~. MasxttreF'v RtsIM h Reiprtate-. Ntgwaittatagdsng 1.rnaitr's acc`efrratran of tfvt .+:nu stone vI by th+. Lkcd oaf I"tint
<br />Bo+rtsvrer %KSii tai4t the r~{,js( tit i4aYt Any f aaa-rrdiggc fsrguri hr 1 CRtitt rl; C!'l;ittc this i}rrai ,r Thrxi ,$iu'.tanlMl{tat at
<br />arty have ivy aa' to LhF ea!'-aer by near DE iri tfw flith der txftxt the sari( at the Progarrty pursurnt tv tier fzower df sak~ dtxriJSUSrd
<br />~rt thin (}ecri nf']`ranz or 4i) catry~ ut a }adjrtatnt udtsrta'ag tha fsttd of 7"ri+st ,t' ia! Bnfv.,wer pays iztuftr aft auuva wht.-.h w.tcdd
<br />M tf+an dot under tiav iltcai of fttsst, teat tiute and ran>trs vr:urwy{ fvlturx Advatacrs, .f arty, bad m+ ,tai rlrrrhon ax~urrrd.
<br />tSj Byrt<vwFr rort± aN kasylcEws rr! snY sxkFr .+sveanntt car agrataarnts of Axsrrowrr ctmntansrai m ihrs i'ktd o! l cud;
<br />{.c? Brt:ftawt§ {wya era tcrstaaahk trpFnrrs ?`taureat t,+y i rrrcur e-%d tauten ;=s cniaresng rk+r: tar-rttants `aid agrtcueeas .et
<br />sitattawtr cvxriatxatsS ita tha i)tot! art "f-rant and +rt tgfprcang i tndtr`s .end i"raaahc's crtncdns .c, Pr.xv,dcd ,n d,aragrafah f;<
<br />t+et~f, aacd~rn{{ iwt tier tamalyd ta,, te-8v1>aaitli attutrac?~s s-s -s.; C.St fkrrr - c ,ad ~ . ~'+ a~ tt - P oiler at -cavn a~r+}
<br />rrgauix r.> aaswF tree ttu: stn c.! (sass i?csd t*1 -t ca.sf t r.r.tErr s +ntetr~; a r!K t`rE:trtrty ..:,,1 B, r...ur:'e ..h:raain,n e. ,,,tf
<br />