OF TRUST 82~%~)'~5E~9
<br />£IS DEED QF TRUST is made thg ?~. .. ... day of ...4ctot~;r . . .......... .
<br />l9 .. aatotrg the Tturta. Charles E Chrisrtensen, and Ed{tti ,E, , ~ristenser;,..t~~}~3~r,~. a11d: T+7-~e
<br />... .. (herem 'g~owerr9, . Duster ,Fed€~a~: $?!ri; i~SS .& .. .
<br />..... ..
<br />"I.tian ~1Ls~c3.anon.~ BLO1cen.~l3ow. , Nebraska .................. lherEin'7tusue"). aad the BeneHciaiy.
<br />t3ie tldbrsskrlbrtgag~ 8lnaow t!'m>d, Liawln, Nnbsaska, . d . t?Q~I! .R~•~F• dtt@...... .
<br />~OTP.4>,'~t~`... - .. ..: ..................... oxganiaed-and
<br />.. . .... . . ... .
<br />e:"sting underthe laws of ..thy .$t:ate. of . Nt2tt-8ska. _ . - ... ... .. .... .............. ,
<br />whofieaddeasis.-. ,1115- , K!`, Sfreet;,.,Suite. lOlr, T incoln, NE,68508 ..........:...............
<br />lfEftittOrt~t. is t:tms~ation of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust hexia created, itrevecabiy grants
<br />and conseys co Tnu x:31 trust.- with paWeT of sak. the following dactibat property tacated m the Coanty of
<br />............................................StateofNebratka:
<br />Lot-Iwo (2), in Block One Hundred Forty-seven {147), in
<br />Union Pacific Railway Company's Second Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as the same is surveyed,
<br />prat#ed and t°ecotded;
<br />which has the address of . ...... . ..... 815 Bast Division .. , ....... , - - - - - GratMl Island .. - .
<br />15wf ippl
<br />Nettraki , .........68801............ (ttesEhn "freperty Address°):
<br />Imtrrti
<br />TOGe'rttett with all the imats aar crr hertafter erected oa the propett)r, and all caRetnents. n~A•
<br />~ and tents lsubjeet hawerar m the rights and suthoritta given heeem to leader m.coUect and.appip such
<br />raatst all of which shall be deetatd co be attd remain a pant of the property caKered 5)' thh Dead of 7rttu:-and all of
<br />tht foegt~g, tagetha with said ptaperty for the leasehold esrate if ttt~ Desx! of Trtt~ is on a lesaahotd) ars
<br />_ ~ retested m as the "P~toparty„
<br />It3 Sl9etaRLtetxaekr thezepaynxatt of the ~ €vidsaad by idcerorrer's mate dated_. . . .. . . ......... .
<br />.. QG~@~, 20..191a.?. ......... . ... atd eatensiaas and rettsrwais thereof /herein "Nee'"), is the pritteipal sttm of
<br />t1.5. S ,i,~$QG.QQ ................ . .... with inxera:f thaeeoe, ptariding fa~ montixtp ittstathttettts o€ priflcipaf and
<br />inietert. wish the batatue of thciedebt4dnass. if not saoeer paid. dnc sad payat7k ae ... Novetalaer,E 1., 1992.. - ... ;
<br />the past. of all abet sums, wick ituersst therea,. advanced in aceaedance herewith ro prvtoct the severity of this
<br />i'l+a~a€'#`t'v~c,~ t~ gash t~f ~ corsst~ ss:t! agr+aet of &.~rtor~er heseite raerained=
<br />Sarrcrrat tovrmants that ldoeeorrtr is tawfnlly seised of the estue hereby mareyed aM has the. right to graar and
<br />- -tlia-pra~t~: Red.-that-the t5 a1HItbCt4d.-eittCpt-€ar-e.~ACittnlN^aitceS 4f tCCOttI> Bat7awer' CovenaatS
<br />thatee+mtrrrlnht attd wilt defttad getteralty the tip to the t'eaperty agaitua sll ctaitns and d~taads, subject m
<br />~tac~eed:
<br />lfi+sEglRiFt C#vastu+'tT. Hoerorree anti l.~der ettseaant and agree as faitarva:
<br />1.,,l~Mpt:;e!> Ttlali~Mt sw[ iaianiw 8ortar~er shalt P4~±T Pay when dw the pkritteipa ;:d intdeat
<br />#!€t~et~ aa~lata~+~ges aa.tueruiad is the t~kita.
<br />L =~ g'ataaa~nt! Inattaatsaw Srthjan m. ~e Ears or a wrnrona traiver bg Lander, Botto+.er shall pay m
<br />t,ttatiair°tas-rive ~ nwtt p of peinciptd snd. inuanut ane t~aGia. aat~r the<Nttt, anti! ttte Nan is paid
<br />~'; ~a tlweritt "!!w~"l a~Yal m ~ td`t#ee ysaety fatoea=and a~ littciudiag •rondomsn~ attd
<br />p!>r~idt?wdt ~,a~ if nay) whleA eruy attain priatirty aree shpt Deed of Trust, ant! graved trntt an
<br />lf+a~ldtpr U etsfr: phtt.otte.ttrdlNtot yearly preminnt ir~t for hazard instttmce: plus ore•tweifth of hearty
<br />psaebiuxe ~ £w,meet iemauraspe, if amt, aH as teasantbty esrimatrd initus)ty and from lima to tiAte by
<br />- t.etrdff art thii=iatWA 4FU snd 6~[ aMl raati~craikat6astlntatel thti(tut lftktrisa'Cf shtlil nut bs` t*Mig#r!d to tltake
<br />rttelt ~ of t m teaader w the atteae tltat &rttutinrs stta~t goa~'tttknts m one n~+lder of a tarior martitagn~
<br />darn! of ttrtst i[6Mflt 7taidar ~ an iat UHtdat.
<br />~..-
<br />-r4ML~ $,(8~~
<br />