<br />~~°~°~1~! '~ ~~,t
<br />4.t--SUItVIVpRSHtp 96ARP{.4P7TY {?EED
<br />Fallon L'dloll CompenY, L,ncoin, Nebr.
<br />'" Gilbert A. Barrows, also known as Gilbert Barrows,
<br />and .winifred W. Barrows, husband and itarein called thn grantor whether one nr more,
<br />wife
<br />in eonsidsratian of $1.00, love and affection
<br />received from grantees, dose grant, bargain, sail convey and confirm tuttn
<br />Gilbert A. Barrows, also known as Gilbert Barrows, and Edinifred
<br />w, Barrows, husband and wife,
<br />as -joint Leaanta witft right of survivorship, and not as tenants in eotnmou, rite following deaaribad real
<br />property in ....._._..._.~~~1 ...................................... County,,~`ohrasita:
<br />The Southeast quarter (SE;43 of Section Thirty-three {33),
<br />Township Nine {gj North, ttangt Vise (9?. :lest of the 6th
<br />P.M„ Hall County, Nebraska. STATERI~:"vTAeir:~v~
<br />l~'T 2 1 1982
<br />A deed between relatives. 1$~~'~
<br />To i1aVe and to hold ',:ta above described ;:retnises togatiter with uli teuawants, haraditamenw
<br />and appurtenanaee thanto belonging unto the grantees and to Chair assigns, ar to the heirs and assigns
<br />of the survivor ai them forever.
<br />Aud grantor daes horoby eovaneat with the grantees and with their asaistns +utd with tba heirs
<br />and as:Mgtts of Ute survivor of thew that grantor is laKfullp -cited of Said pratuisa>; that tine>• err frre from
<br />aaonmhraaae
<br />that grantor has goad right and lawful authortty to aauvay ttte Santa; and that grantor warrattts and wiU
<br />defend tlta title to saiu premises agninst the iavrfui eiaims of all persons whotuaoaver.
<br />it is the intention of all itartias berate that ut the avant of iita death of either of the geantaas,
<br />the .~ntira inn simple title to the real estate shad Vast ,a ttu: ~ttrvic'tng grantee.
<br />.•^~
<br />t7sted Qc tuber 5 19 ~ 2 -''
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<br />r ~ ....,..,.~ z...., ~...
<br />..filbert '~ Bar ows i
<br />. ~ Wzrit~ed I'. Barrcaws
<br />NPL+.r.ska `d;tmg
<br />Bafara me, a nfiLry public @twlified for said :~.:uty, lrarsottait}• z.atue
<br />Gilbert 1, Barrows, also known as iibert Barr. e;.~-,
<br />atta T~inired lv. t3ar°rows, z:usband anti tY*ife
<br />kautra !t
<br />the asam
<br />or persouK Hh., sigttat; tlta towgwng inatrutnaut nod aeituowialged
<br />t~atr voluntary ,eat end dead.
<br />wlt' k t71)B tl
<br />aaai on ~...,: ........................ .....i.._,.......,.., ....... 18,........,......
<br />, ~" ~'
<br />~,~.. .... ~..~,~r_'~'..,.. Vntary I'gblia
<br />~Y seatunsistriwt axjritFar ,..~..,_,......._ ................. 19.. .... ~...
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