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<br />1IQ87CSAG6-Se•faa~ aad tam Favr-(~kc! QvNt I+tm! f56! 11ip+riall
<br /> 2 , ~r
<br />MQR'~GAGE
<br />Lots Na
<br />rx~ , ~, ,m, 20th .t... ,i October ts~2. by and betwon
<br />
<br /> a_- Rail r,....,., . m mdtgo4tz-. and Hums From! Savitya and Loan Aartxdatlon a Grrtnd Ial®d
<br /> a oorposatim ortpaird and •bettn4 mdse tw lawf d Nseraaea with w lrrbdPd odicr and Plata a harirtrs at Grand Ialaad Yebtaslm.
<br /> m mo'egogss;
<br /> WISNF46E11'H; -Tffit tmd maet9a4or- !« aad to earddsratbn d tw eam a~.FTUF TNOIISANO FOUR HUNORF^
<br />5,481.52 }
<br />EIGHTY-ONE DOLL4RS AND- 521100 -------------------- __ -----
<br /> .
<br />,,,,,,,,,, !x_
<br /> mal unao sad sttartgoges, ita succazom and
<br />~
<br />tw r•edpt d welch i. hereby admswMdgad dn_g5- by ttt•.e prrrnta mott9a4• and w
<br /> l
<br />t
<br />arrfgr. tae•vrr, ail tw totbwiaq dasath•d mat stab. aituabd in tw tauntT d Ha 1J tit
<br /> aed Slab d IWheasEe. I
<br /> 3
<br /> THE EAST HALF OF THE FOLLOWING TRACT: Part of the North 10 acres of the W~NWts
<br /> of Section 10, Township it North, Range 9 'Test of the 6th P.M., described as
<br /> beginning at a point on the north line of*_he North 10 acres of W~ NW; of said
<br /> Section 10, which point is 1056.0 feet west of the Northeast corner of said north
<br /> 10 acres of the Wl, NWT of said Section 10, running thence south parallel to the
<br /> East line of said north 10 acres of the W"~ NW;; cf said Section 10, "s31.0 feet, running
<br /> thence West parallel to the North line of ;aid tract, 132.0 feet, running thence
<br /> north paral]el to the east line of said tract, 331.0 feet to a point on the north ~~
<br /> line of said 10 acre tract, runnirg thence east alone and upon the north line of t~
<br /> said 10 acre tract, 132 feet to point of beginning. 3131
<br /> SUBJECT however to one half of the County Road La the North cf said Dremises. 33
<br /> S~
<br />
<br />
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<br />
<br />egnMt ,nth alt Lsaria4. S9h~9• aaa piu~s4 .QusPV~t osd uassn >sxis~np ab~.n nffi bumps. saesaa a+~nin9a .rote .vinduwa
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<br />f proper
<br />otata
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<br />aad dttetri, aad wtadow ahadea ar biirtda, aryl on m io aaaseem with emd PwWrrr. wbtwt th• sass ar• paw }.
<br />f3
<br /> w Aeraattrr isbnd theraa.
<br /> TO HAVE AND 7'O MOLD THE SAIKE. together with all and eietWias tw Mtn•mrOl Lw•~mr aad appurtnmtce• themunro belana-
<br />,~
<br />{
<br />} ~aq. at m oay,vm aVMM~ds9. fanver. and warrant tw tttie m the same. Said muettgae_ wmbr m+snemcS--- arith said mws4ayee '
<br />i
<br />+ toa S tv _ ._ _t 5 .~_., m 1Le d•hvary trerea. tw iawi,d awavr___ a the waruss above wnreyed and draiwd. and _.l ~.e....._ SS
<br />}
<br /> wised a a good and inddwatDb amM a Vnbsntanw tD•rauy ..a and rtes eti alt anrvmhtanaw. oad the __~he_._ w:ll wnrxurt and i
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<br />S' eMic~ ~d the tis4 rDersm torsvsx ogswt tM dorm: and demaa~4 of au ps,wm whom.oswss- it
<br /> YROyfDLT! ALWAYS. asd Hue iMltaateat v ezearend cad dsLver•d to trace tw parerat d tee am at_..._-,. _.___-_..~__._
<br />~
<br /> NiIt~URED EIGHTY-.ON_~..52,(iQ[] ____Dottma tS~~.~_4AL52._~__?.
<br />FIVE TH
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<br />wish imetaN tetuatw. toq•thn with wch thm9aa asd aavarttw .a may Dv dne ami t>°>~ ro ~ mattgave• urtdr the Isrvr and ;
<br />i!
<br /> aoaditsma a tw p:a.i.wy nab a •rsn data Lar.enN and astorad Lee•Lq..reutrd M sand maggagat-._... ro said esortgagee. papabl•
<br /> a• ezpt•sa•d b aaA aYettr, and b wean tw periorawnce a a!i tit m,m. sad rard"idora earesrard thmsta TLr hrtor a aoid Dora ors {
<br /> tuteby +rtaorperabd earws bT tLra mbe•noa. +e
<br /> $i
<br /> tt b tw taboos and ogt•anrt a eh. paxti•s Mr.b tbxt eh» er•saaa4• aeaL aiw aac,tre asy tuba. ativantr. toad. to said
<br /> ataptryat_._..,... D7 sadd matttop•e, and arty cad a!t iodshtrdrtsw b atddtttar b the aerator oboe. annbd which sad taartgagort, ar my 3~
<br /> d then. swy ow n cad swkpgsw hows•sr evidwod. wh•thr ey ewe. boob acwurts a othars.sar. Thi. moa9aq• tbai! remtrtn in tut!
<br />torn aaui aWct witt•atn ihr parsis• wtab and their Lrit•, prtsorrtl rapr•sar>oYvsa ntcra•ser and atrpr. mu! ail amount/ rtarrad S3
<br /> hsnuadrr. IadutYrq Ivtta• advarrw a» Said is loll wiH rabear.
<br />s
<br /> Th• mr/gagsa_. hrr•h'- ~4- S.- b said moegrgss aU tsars asi ismms md.irt9 to aaT and aS tier ka4 said propmaf and #:
<br /> herby aatwatea said maWagas ar ,b ogtat• al tta apHm aPr ddaaa. b raY• c.Dar4s d raW tnapstty cad calset ot! tans and inoopa
<br />t S
<br />1-
<br /> mpto..mena trt.rr
<br />teerhanr and w>Air tw .nm• b tw tnps•nt d tnem.re. s»naae• re+taermr tar.. amrmbra rapaira a
<br />wtY W igep said property b tenarttrtWa a9ndltrnrt. a to oth•e ehapM ae pormrb praddrd Sat lbtWrt a b tw ads wmDy sec a•d. Tbh
<br /> r,mt owuinmsm shalt onadnr b brp anal bs unpaid taaianae d Bard mb g iuilr pmd. The taidrtq a posrssron wtrradrr .Lail b as
<br /> taosssii pte.W a retard said enl4etir m tilt aaGaedoa d sad saes br tos•dartaa ar ateae.etrs.
<br /> Tw tai2nr• d rw mratprpar b inert! oar rt tea „gtr heeatrdw at ®r nma ahaii rmt w mrttu•d as a w®vr a iv rz4ht to risen
<br />Nb Mmr at any lobe lima ~aad b irttdel trytr and eiata• aatsra mpYmtta with aS tw firms and ptavWma a vmd nd• and a thn
<br />srari9a9e- -
<br /> U sad ._ ahail cause b_)'w ):laid itt acid mattpages tee •am• amamt der B •srstsrtd•t, and aadr tw bans nvd paviinons ~,
<br /> d red nab hseaer asevrrtL,Mdttdlq lotto. dataeeea, emd any.r..aio.. a r•rsvtals eere•d to aaaaatirae wrth tw M<~n tmd provvbus
<br /> tAanel. cad ~-acid. --~--- •LaS rmNF' ,-al aU tee prerielaaa d amd nor artd d tpis arvpa9a. Hstr shat tu,.. ,hail 4 rwd: +$
<br />*
<br /> trtl~erwie• b mtarla iw Jail ea•'bw aYse6 asd.aadd asatgeaper reoit w as81Md b th- pn.eraelata d aU d add psapsrry. and mar, at w l
<br />(
<br /> aptf~0. tLd3as• the whnb d said ntln cad ail -isdrhbdno mptearrteed th.t•17 b w irtret•dluwJy due asd Pnrahiw cad ma, ioretio.. tea ;i
<br />;
<br /> tatxttpps ae taw ~T isgad .air. b y+ebet w! td;iht. ~ std. tea dot. d tad. drirN od beta d iad.bt•dnrw raavt•d wrier
<br />died! dray aNiriY ai~pri ormr4 Approitrr~m ~*~ ;
<br />4
<br />
<br />flue amgtp~ LLMII LiewMp tgww asd aesti sum to sea hrrAt d >es was. n.agaw ~trbbr~s. w.te...ws and aeww m ~
<br />F
<br />- dtr Tit partma iatMa.
<br /> A{; _> aat7il. .~~..#IP..S~-.-. Lawaedn Mi ...__...,~i~~ .,...._._...,-....haad......._ tw +ia? red ywat 1'irN nb¢'•
<br /> u,Aetet. $ ..
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