<br />$2-- j~1~15~0
<br />TWIS DEED OF TRii5T is made thu .. .. lath ....day of .. OetAbeP .......... . ... .
<br />.. ..
<br />i98~ ., antcir;g the Trusror.- C.C.. Industries, Ine..z ,a.Nettraska Corporation„ _, .. .... ....
<br />.....:.. ............... ........ ... - • (bere+n "Borrower'' 1.... - . ... ... .
<br />J~.R; ~;,oy,r. ~1t;~oiliey, at, Law , , , , , .... (herein "Trustee"?. and the &~ttcficlary.
<br />C~tereial Savings. Cempt3ny: of Ct2aad. Island ..................... a corporation organized end
<br />existing under the Laws of .. ldeb¢'8SI~ ... ... whose addmss is . . ............. .
<br />2121:.N..47e~tl~l..P(}.&ue.g'?l. Ca'arsi.Islazxi~.N8..6$&?2..-... therein"t:ender").
<br />Bo+tRnw€tt, in canstderalion of tlx +ndcbtt'dnc» 4u•rcin r.cu~d :tnd the trust herein created. +rrcvncablt grant.
<br />and co»ve~~ m Trttsteee rR trUSf, Wl[h paWCr of sate, the iotlowrng d>scnbed property located in thr County +rf
<br />....~1 . ....... ...... . irate of Nebraska:
<br />Lot 59 Castle estates Slthdivision, Nall Coup, tlebraska
<br />wht:h has ttx addres. t#.. ';`~. 1tt4c,l~€~ ~-t`R~st3V-#CT.t~.~,.~~d.~~.. ft1.
<br />.r.u - tutrt
<br />thereon °Pntp;ris 4dcirc.."t.
<br />iS+-N MW ~V t:0alt
<br />iif+,t+rttK wrth..ll th. ,nrpruvsnt<nt.:e.>.. .+r h,a..,tt<a ,a~..t.d ,xr tttc prtfp.rt>. and alt aswtttMms, rrgkNs,
<br />apputtenartcr-s, rertts i sutti<xt txtw,:scr fa the erghts aat<: aushurrtuv grvert hereto to Ccta~r an collect arnl apply web
<br />rcaht. nryaitr<~.. rnwerat. ual a»d gas rrghh aru3 lvulif.. water, water nght>,. attd water stock, aruk ski fixtures rtow tx
<br />h.r<attcr astal'hatt m the property, ait of whrrh_ anctustrng rcptaccrrtrnis artd additrom thereto, skt~U be tki~tned in t><'
<br />oral t<•ru,t+u a ttittt =~t tlp• F•rNp<ts~ cu~<rr+t hs *.hr> Ua~<t .,t 1 ru.t, arsd aH <+( the ffxcgsting, together with wok ptstpcm
<br />i»r the k<°.t~<Mdd <~tat< +t ttn. tk~cJ .a 1 ru>i ,. oar , ha~.•Mrtai t an hcteut rci, rrcxl to as the 'properly":
<br />Tu Stt f trt t,= L..lalrr t.rt iba r<psyna,nt „t th<:::1.tn.dnes, <vtds;»a~J by Borrowcr'~ Hole dattvl~G/15182
<br />tAeretn ~ ). eta try prrttirpa! +wn ;d 'I:+tirtj-five 'rc'~nU5SCt3 & tx~l~--r------°_ .
<br />($jr}*tl(Jk?.Qfl) fh>?tdrs, wtsh rmetc+t thereat. prorrslsng for tmatihly in~tafkrrtntls
<br />t!t~apul oral uatcrc>a. w#h ttte t>'ad:t»ic ,+i ttn =rn3. txe.inc.a. ;t nw wooer pa+d, due amt payable oat
<br />~~~ ~i r f `7lfi !h. pa>mcm »t all ulM:r .attn. w#h ufter<rt tixr~t<tVt, adva»caJ
<br />to :tecfxdane< frcra~ar#A to pr,deci th< ,..ur,i~ ut th,. t?r.d ftf Trust. atu! the petfctrttwttcc +tf +• ~~.•nam. and
<br />agrtefrrcafsai kiorrawar ttcr>rM c+xat;+uud, and tb) ;iss :<paymcnt +rf any futurr adrsruc., wtth int<•r<. ;»ers•on, tootle
<br />to itfrnrw+~r M l:earhr parstaant to paragraptr 't here+k +h<r<~r» F'ulurc Advatxcs'")
<br />Urtrn.rtv~r €aa~ft.tkraf tifxrfr!~r +~ l:fwtutls sc:*.st •=t tt~ :vtate !>;:rcby cu»seyed and kfss ttz< ngh! to Qtam wtd
<br />~axtrc} ttw: 6'rupirty_ ttt;.f the #'rstp<rt~ r, una»tumtnri,t .:rpt that lf+mftwcr wt43 warrant and dctcnd gcrterally the
<br />tftka to tkK Prfrpsrty apa,AVi uN cfrtrns ,r.,+! rtern.++:d+..uhn..l to any dccla,atntn4 cstittfent. +H rthtrtsl!tfns iistswl .n a
<br />is heshak :*f eaacpt+un. to ce,t~taRn.' ,+, any t.t i<~ +a,au+a,k~ iR=h,.x a+:.urrng 1-r»ds~f ~ rnr<res:.n the PteKJCtt,ye
<br />~~ 1 -s t Fx~-=~ • 'k fitlti+rMlK irRY(t~t 3NttIFaY1Mt
<br />