<br />82= i~u~-519
<br />...
<br />. CH15 DEED GF 7Rl3ST is rstade thu.. 15~? day of . OCtObP.S'. _ .... .. .
<br />~9~32,". arttong the Tiastor, ~-~, ItY2u..+,tiYies, Z~C., .a. NetQaSkn CoTpnrAtitm ........... . .... .
<br />t hcrcin "tlrxmwer `?... - .... . - .. .
<br />,7q~Z} R, , ~l~ f; A~to2'tiey at, Ti$W .. , , , (herein "Trustee" J, anJ the Beneficiary.
<br />'Clal S3Vlrigs, - oP . ISl~azld ...... _ .............. a corporation aganizcd and
<br />r itig.under the-taws of .. 1dt3~kCstSk'rt ..... .whose address is.:. .. .. - ... .
<br />2'y . N... YtBYttt AtI.: P{l. ~ ,~'7i _ . ~51arx3 } t3*:, f>~#:Q2 . , ..... (hcrcin °Lendcr"} .
<br />B~at+nwex, in consideration i~F ehe indebtcWar+ti i~ttrin rrne.d and the trust herein created. irrev~xabl)' grant+
<br />and cnr+ve~+ to Trttsttt, to trust, with pourer of wk, the (otlowing dtsenbcd propctty' located in th.• County ui
<br />Hal l - ... ... ... State of Nebraska.
<br />F,at 31 Castle Estates Sltbd3vi.siant Hs11 Crnmty, Net>rasita
<br />which hn. tlrc addrea+.d.. ~t?bt6D. ~Ctr. ~.••.d =..d~. ~1~.... ~t2+8~4.t ..
<br />p~,,~~ a$rpyr FGNrt
<br />(herein "• •vr..rty Rddtelt..},
<br />. 1SuM Em! t.tw tumor
<br />lti~:t tNta a~th .~!# th. ,mprck.~~tta nt. +xsa .a hrrs-att.r .te~teal rxr the ptopcrti, and atl etxuwtw, fljhh.
<br />rppta{eotrrict~. r4nes !sulycct twn^errr to the right. at{d auth{tra~ gm~n l+crc+a to t,ctukt to cetNeet rad apply weh
<br />tau>!: tc*tsltn:+. znnear<!, w! saJ ~ ragkts :tu~l pao$t.. ~ratrr. ~r~ rests, a®d aster stock. and tr11 #l~tw~x row or
<br />ettq.aleer a{tach:~t m tM~ property. all of wetith. utciuthrig r..•pRtectrx~nts std ttddnrona thettYO, shol{ bC tkcetcd.to be
<br />attd ream a part rd the pta~arey eotrrctil by thra tkti3 ~~# 7 rtM: and n8 c+{ the ~ together with stir! pntp-~rtt
<br />for E!{r l.:tvhrrkt r,aau d tefn Qc'cd ni Taut r. rtn a Ica4 M~kl i are ltctcrn rt'lcRN to as t~ "Property":
<br />-U J~< 1=RE ri! lcexh;r k *t! irk,; re`yr~t~~ni .ri yix:.mi. ix~.~Ynt~~ rxwic.w:ev t*~ ~drr~wct'~ mjtc t'r$tr~#:c.~t.~~v~4
<br />thrreut "Ntic"t, tit tits prm~`rpul.bet,Pl- SEW 1~10tL96itid.$ tYi~1QQ"-rro-••~-~~~•r .
<br />l~~:t~.Ql?? ; . clcrittn. wrtt r~tterc+l tltcreatt, pmkrdirig for nrnnth-y iataNatcrtta
<br />rtt- arid. uae€cat= a.th the httkrrx~ c*! tlrw ~raah-bti'~~s. tt ttM xxrtkt ptud. doe ind payat>fe rxt. .
<br />{1 *. }t,~~ the prYatertt of nU other srritY,. Walt aUertat thereon: adknm ti
<br />en :r~r~ta« lrcr.,~e ter peatcct tlw vv.urat~ rai ttritt faced ul ~`etu+t, and the pcrfarrnattcr of tt+e c",, .ants attd
<br />~irS ryf #lotrxtwmr t+r~ttat cuota{acst: sac.' # bl :ltc n-pi}tnc~rt tit inp tsurur ad~°- , >aah intrnat =r .wr_ ttwdc
<br />~! ~ #~ Ltadtr, ptUttntiN to ptragra$h _' i brrerd t hnem "future Eldriet4v:i"'l
<br />$o~nwetr ouncvwrih that $nrtttsrur a. ~..i,ru> ~s,...til ~d th. =•~t:qc hereby tlutvl•7rcd iad tWS {hr nght to grist aril
<br />:titkvey #herper2r, t!w{ the Peoper+y r. trner+CV+trE~s{,`ct .ttrd ttmt Eat+ar~nsret wiY wartattt ~tkJ dclrnd gcneritly tt+e
<br />-'+YrEMe.ttt iiMC-!'rra[~rrig-nn+i ~lkL CticstA+~+±tx! sk-rt>•~r_rd,~_ *Nt=sit €~~ sny alc'~thtr;H?=?p+_ ca~crdcnts ~x rOC.a,.r~rct.~~N hated rn r
<br />+i..l4P~irl,4'u*tM1rp{±rMS ter r'+N ~YigR' :x ,.rY~ t~1ed .+iRura!~,x ~n~6ii i ~nWttnet !-Yndrr.~ rnh'iCat En {tk; . •N~~. •~{t~
<br />~.. ~ ^=i#,ur.: 'a ttttt-±rilltC YrtrtRatt trl~tailMett
<br />