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<br />9. Condemnation. Tire procceds of an} award o: dorm far damages. ;itrcrt or consequenuai, in rnnncetion with any <br />condemnation nr other faking of the Propetty, ar part thereof. or for wnvzyance in £ieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid to Linder. <br />in the event of a rotor taking of the Property. the proceeds shag he applied to the ;ums secured by this Ceed of Trust, <br />wiffi the excess. it any. paid fo &rrrawer. in the event of a parch; taking a£ ttx Property, unless Borrower and Lender <br />otherwise agree m wntirtg, there shall he applied to the sums +ecured by this Drred of Trust such proportion of the proceeds <br />as isegtwl to that pmportian which the amount of the sums srwred by this Dyed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair msrket vahrt at the Prapert}' immediately poor to !fie date of taking, with the balance of the pmaeeds <br />paid to Borrower: <br />- ff the Property is abandoned by Barrnwcr, or if, after notice h}' Lrndrr to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />- an award ar settle a claim for damages. Borrower tails th respond to !.ender within 3ti days after the date such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authnnz-ed to cot£ect and apple the proceeds. of t_eader`s option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property or to the sums secured by this i)eed ot" Tout. <br />unless i ender and Itcrrowtr otherwise agree in writing, anv zuch apphcatian of proceeds to principal shalt not extend <br />ur postpone the due date of the monthts- :nstalimrntc referred ~<~ in paragtxphz £ artd ?hereof or change the amount of <br />such installments. <br />10. Rorrswn NtN Released. Exirnsion of the time for sayment or mndihcatian of amartizanon of the sums secured <br />by this Decd of Trust granted by t meter to anv atccessor in interezr of Bcrrnwer zhall oat operate to release, in am' manner, <br />the £iahihty of ihr nrrginaf Bor-au%er anti Horrawer's cute; ssors .n intrrzst Izndrr shall aot he required to commence <br />pr xeed3n~ ago mst cash sttreessor nr refu.e ta= c<tend t+mz Coe pa}_ment .x otherwise modif}~ amortiratihn of the sums <br />secured by this Deed o! 'Trust h} reason ; f ;trap demand made ie}~ the arrcmat Borrowzr and Herr. woe's successors in mtettst. <br />4 i. t:'afirarance bq LerMrr tiW a lti elver. •\m t:,rbcatancr be £.ender :n exzrcistng uny n¢fit ,?r remedy hereunder. or <br />atherwiu alTcurftd by app£icahfe taw. ,hail not £°e :+ w:rvcr e+f :.r rseclude thz eseretse oe anv such right or remMy <br />(lee prarurernrnt o£ !nsarance or the payment :.•f taxes or ..,thee :lynx or ,^argcs hr 2-ender cha£1 nut ire a waiver at Lender's <br />right to arcueratr the maturity of the :ndrtztedness ,eeurrD ±,. th:t f}ced of i~rust <br />f2. Remedies Camrilative. .~1N n•mrdtrc pros"+drd ~n ibis thsed ;+t Tnsst ere de<ttnct ,end camulanve rn any other right <br />or remedy tinder this IXa£ of ~"rust :±. .itiorcitd hr 'aw .:r equar-. std ma: rx cxezcsod <oncurrentlv. 4ndependentiY ar <br />success vat}•. <br />13- SnecaSSCrra and ~ssgm Baerrd: lain! and \rveral l.iabilit}: t'aptirrtrs. Fhc c,wenanec and agreements herr+n <br />contained shafP hind. and the rights tsrrettader +hall ~vnxr ~:: +hr -rsne tsvr suc:rsuxs and assigns ref [ender and Burrower. <br />suh~ect tae the frrov: riohs =sf paragraph ;' hereof ~\f€ ~trcrrmnts sod .:grermrniz of tior'nu-cr .hall he ;oim :rod several_ <br />T?ee ~aptrn;ls and '~-~nqs 2t the ~c3g,rapAs ,•a =.k=., R.~ti .t• Tract .+se tar ;,~ ernaa~c attn ~etd see not to 1>< :ued to <br />,merpret or define the pxzrvsxsns hereof <br />14, rotlce. F.scepi for any natty required varier appteeahtr ~au :a he etvrn :n another manner. !at anv nonce tr <br />Borrower prnesdcd far m tiros Ikrsi at 7nut .shad tx grz'ea by ;nast,og +exh notree ~^y crri`ied ntari ;:rfdresu<t ;a Barrowrr at <br />the Property add rasa or at such +`,t her xdrirrss .: Borrt+wer may Dzs:gnatr h} native to Lender as provided herein, and <br />h; any notice to !.ender ahaf£ he green fn• certsfmf nrad.:rturn rerrapt requested, us Lenders address stated hcrcan or to <br />such ,,thee ;:ddrrsx as txtsder may dttrgnaie fay natter to Harrurvrr as nravstfed herein \ny nenc~e pmvtded tar ;n this <br />£~rd .rf Tnrst .hail f±r deemed to have recce I;:vrrt ;o Besrn*u-rr :+r k rndz: wtrcn given :n the manner Designated herein <br />14. l; inform Iked d Tract: (:orrrMrtS t.yw; levrtaiiility. ihr farm cif eked :~f :: v.t cs:mbtnev uniform ,os•cnams for <br />natnsna£ use ,,rid nes~-utatarm corenams wuh hn:iteu s•artai.ttres f:z ;urrsdut,on t. cnnsnhne a .uu(orm cocoon ~nstrumcnt <br />covrrrng real £aoprrty. T1tn Decd .:= Trttst zhati :+rr ganerru:f hi ehr law t he unuiicton ~:n wh;ch the Pmnern ~s located. <br />to ihr event that any provnsan ur ciartsc at rhrs £trat of I'•uit :~r ,~ ~s tr .or•fF : is ~ th efaph ^ah£e law uah ~ Dottier shal£ <br />urn atTcct other prm~nrotn of tests fiat ..f I~rust .,r ;ter Vt+rr +.•h=ch °4• _+vcn _Hhi wttha~;:t the .r,ntl+chng pr:n'tston. <br />and to thu end Ytre provntotts a£ the Derd of t"cost and ihr you ,are Dtc£arrci t.+ ire vrveranie. <br />15. ~MOwd's Lapy= Barrusver shat! he ',urnrshcd a ~.anusrmrd ;ups :,t tin Vwc :rid c'1 rhrs [keel of lout .,t the time <br />at czcevtrort .sr afore raardahan hrrrof- <br />!7. Trarsdtr set IAt i~nrperty; Aasnmpdea. tt atl ,=r anv par? ,.i the Pr;sprtts ;,r an enter est therein +s x id or transferred <br />by Be>rrs>wer w+ehiwe [zndrr`s prior written v.,n.rar. ri_iudtng - s s the .reati+•n .*t a E;cn „r ~ncumbrancr ,uMrdinatz to <br />this Deed of rrttst.. ht tfle creatusn c+f a ptrsehasr maruv xsuruv =atrxrst for Yoresrtratd app!+arncs, a ~? ,r transfer by devise. <br />Dcsretxt nr hp , ,xrauon :ef £aw ripen rise death .?f a = xnt tznsn; nr ;. U £ ,ht !rant :,t soy 3rascls<_*Id entcrnt z*t three wars or less <br />oat cnntamtng an .spt:an to putnhasr tender mar. at £ rerifer c o}us.:r:- Drctare ail the sums xerurrd >•z rhrs Deed :r# Tntst to re <br />=mmedratcfv zinc and payahie tarrdrr chart ha va ~*stv~sd sock <:ptc-,n t:= scretrzatc ~t poke =.z -he .ale .~: transfer. Lender <br />and the person us wfrcrm ttx Property es to rte scsfd ~ti transfrrtcd :yetis agxcernrnt ;n wrung that the <redse of such person <br />is sattsfsctare to T rttdrr eyed that the interest ;bxrah£r on ziu corns ;.~ueat ',v this Drrd c,t True ±hatl !±e rt zra-ft rate as <br />f.ersder shah r-rrttsrat. £f £znDtt has +-arveA the „n+=cn ;c, :+rce£rratr ^m-.:,red :n rhrs paragraph '''. and :t tLsrrc'wer's strecessar <br />;n roterest has executed a written asstrmptton agtrcnrartt aittpird =r, wr+tenq by I rreder_ t-rndtr she£I reteax Borrower tram <br />at) ahirgatwres neater :his Tked est 'eruct and the Vote <br />ff Lender raerctses ssxh ngttwx tc ac~rfer:str.:-ernler j..~ -';ar' Hturt,w-r- excrete :~e ac~xrat:nr, ;^ acc<rdance with <br />paragraph i4 hcrcat loch nonce shah prc.s,Dr a per r,>;t .+: :~x~{:rvs ;'tsar £t, does ;rom the state the rxruce .s marled wuhtn <br />r.-hh.h Bzxrrwer =nay pay :hr sums Dec !eyed .fur £t Bt+r x.svsrr fats -o fiav soKft sums -r yr its tfse rx tstraexm ::f such perwxt, <br />Irnder rosy. wuhout £unher :ratter : r DerranD ,.a Bcxmwrt.:nsrd.r anv rerruafres permitted by fvragapir '. ;4 hereof <br />tiasr.{; Mirr?a'M t'crvr Now rs Borrnurr and trrukr inrttrer z~ovxyrant and agrcc as foffmvs~ <br />Ill Accekeaaios: Remedies, Except as provided Iw Patt+RraMt 17 iaerrot. vpow Ilwrswers breat•Y at any co-eaaN or <br />aRaersstsA of Borrassst is Chia iked el Tryst, iwciadisR the ra•rwtrab to pay wlrts dx sir; severe aecared by ilia Deli <br />d Tnaal, tateder prise to arceirrNirs swll awl sotto to Rartowe- as prosilei to preRatph 11 hereof apecltyhr~: f ll the <br />fft:srir: i21 der actiow regtttrM to core .strrh breach: i \} a late. eat ir+s iY>m 3@ daps trewr the date the astire is mailed to <br />Oaerawee. !rq tstncs stab 6eeari smti he s'~ cad (4! ttsa tsilmr ur ever src6 btrath rw s# isetote the chic specified <br />is the aetlee easy reasW in are:teraioe d tier saw! setyued M this Ihed d few ad yak d the ta[opetty. 'lUe notice <br />aisN fwrther idtrtw Oarewree of tree nRltt is reiratau~ altee arsrleraKa:w and the tlRY to briegt a voert ertbn to wwn <br />fir neto-rniAence d • dottrel! et ass slier deferew of Rsrrener to artelersalew aaad aYa it the bttati h riot t•ertd <br />w yr hefaee the date rpteriGed ie t4 ostler, l.rwies st !.odor's vptiar may declaee s@ d the weaa sertirrd 6y tilt Deed <br />d Trent br !k ieatneliatdy dye aryl pyahie wiEieti furlher dentatrtl awl !way reecho the pawhr d sale and awy other renrediex <br />perwtiet[d Jt?' ~ hers. i.esier siaR fee eatt~di M reisct aR rrseasa4ie cas4 ad e'tpeasea htcsmi ~ potaetrK the <br />rtmadies pesviiN b ItNt psnKtapi tfi, TwciaiitrR, fsst eat NasitrA to. reaaseahk atlsearyl tees. <br />Ir tie power d sale is iwsaird. Tnadee sttsr record a wrier d defateM ~ each trsesly is which the saM~ `a <br />pet tberesf a Irestei and slier! tmti capka d welt ssticr tar Nee ittaaerr prearrihed by apptiearhk lnr fo Darro~~~ <br />tether perssaa psaaetiiet{ !tT ~~ law. AHq the tape d sesi+ time a etas be 1'y tWpilraltk taw. TrrMte styli ~ `s' =^° <br />£!~ tt~ sstke d ssk b the arum eel iw tfse rawer elect t. law. Trrxxrt, zeifls=sse drs~nd oa .~Y,~ <br />liareewer, sttoR feR t(le Ptsperty N peilir: aasrtiaw m Ue hithesr !rte-idler at the t~ d~pitrre aw4 nwder the trrrw dea~naled <br />is the warier d Brie lr are w wee pwrrela ant ~ tarsi crier x Ttststae wry drtermlae. "rraaAee wy pwtpsee sale d nY <br />a ry parxxd d fir property by pahife auattreewst r the riaae awd place d awe pre:iady schedwkd vale. Lewder sr <br />tewier's deaiiaer wY pwrrtrms the rt.prrfr at veer sale. <br />Upns **r*IM d psywwt d Nee peke !rid. 7rwstes s#aail leaArr to tie psrrhwrer rrasrte`s deed cosns i+.~ ihr thaparly <br />retell. T'ie rrekale ~ the Trseder't dead dtttN he pries forte rsidearz r.t the crwh of the stateseenu tsaar - ` a. -Trtwp <br />atntN aptly dye pewcerls at the sale li ttw twllewiwR artier: fat to aR reaaowhk roan sari rxpetaeas d fir sate, .nritriiwt, fart <br />test ~. Trtasrrss fsrx d sat atom ~ .,L ~"` rc d t!s greys xsx part. ere rilatteex`s tyro wd taib d <br />th5esslimrsS ~# w aR stare t h? Hit ! d Trt~: awd tr? fir rsrraa, i[ sae. to the praaao sv P'rt--- irittN! rsthkd <br />- ~ fi. itatssrrra"s Rliiw M tlEeeiaeOMe. Vtgwuhxtandan~ £.rrtaier's µ+.r;trratarn trf the reins scented tsv they lkrd cd Tnrsr. <br />Rorrawrr utgtf iws+e the :iiht to have anv ptocerslitsi[s begun by i etrder rh rot arty this £knd i.f Trost Drxantms+ai at <br />atfsr time fats', to the eerier !o srec:er ;rt {rt ti+c tlfetr .tree "rforr ihr sale of ihr f'rrrprrty paarwaat tt~ tAr txrwrr nt salt rantsrrrM) <br />- m tits Decd at Tntst tsr fnl amrt of s j>starrrssrrt rrsfsrnsrtg riser fA~crf cd Tntst ;f- t x' & pars I ender atf seems which wouht <br />- Iw that drssr srrrder thss f)rest cif Trust. ihr !rate and orates srceusn; Futv!r Advent rs. ,£ ins, had ore x.skrati.stt ~stcurrcd~ <br />£hl BuTrr+w¢t cnrrr•s aA hrearhrs >sf anu other arxtanaMS of Knrettrsrrsts .zi Nisrnawet t:awrtxtswt+d en !!sty l)r~eD ,.f it use'. <br />te1 6~rwxa pt±~ art rsastm~aie rsprnsr+ tsicarrs°sl by £ rrnfet r,rrf Tnesicr to enfe4rrtng ihr E ovrnxnts arni agrrrtnrrttt eft <br />lfons€wst #•xvoamrs! sn stay laird rd Trust amt its Mal ore sng fender's _rnd t+rr+rze < rrmratira a< pnsvylsaf ar i arngraph i K <br />t+erasW.. stwlar!?nft. fag rxai }wnWrst tc., rrstueabtu .st;vnrv-, errs. a+xt fkunwrr tales such .ar.+«-o as t errdtr prat rras.rnah£4 <br />erspar rr its sTSty' Char 'tsx t.r.t -=1 rtes f?r~l •+t retest. + rsedcra :e.tetrst .r rive .`.3.+prrty .;red B,.t r.,nrx ; :~ts#sssiu~rr tc, t=av <br />