<br />82- ~~ttf~51~3
<br />THISIIl;Ef3 QF TRUST is made this....... ~lr~ day of . - OCtOt7EI' .............. .
<br />tq$2".,,atnongzhe Trusror. .. G.C _ .Izztit~stries, Inc..:.a,Net;asiffi.Cos'poa'ation..
<br />_.., ....:.............................:....therein "Harrower").....:......................-.....
<br />,T R, ; *'ll. t. AttAPfiey.&;~, I2;W , , . - . _ , , , , (herein "Trustee"} , and the Beneficiary.
<br />. Ce3aL ;58Y1L1~3. • OP. Ct~apci. ~S ................... . a corporation organized ahd
<br />exlsting utxlerthe laws of.. ...RTBbP&SkFb ........... ....... ,whose address is... - .......... - -
<br />212i..N, . Wt~# ~3d.. PQ. ~#X .9'7'3 _ . ~ - ~Sl&Rd f Ne. - b8804 - - - .. - - {herein "Lender" ).
<br />HtMItOWfR. rn eanstderatron of the indt:btcdnesx hcrCin-r~cit~d and the trust herein created. irrtvocablp~ grante
<br />a»d con•~eys to "Irostet. in trust, with- power of sale. the fol}iswing described prnpcny located in the County of
<br />.... I~:.1 ..... . ... .... .... ....... State of Nebraska:
<br />Ivt 13, Cast3e Estates S¢txlirisitan, f3t~.7. {~1ty, Nebraska
<br />`~ . I"_
<br />wAeeh fray tAt address af_ 7u.3~? ~ c~?ilt. ~f~~~^st,.,.(~f- ~itS~t .~+$E7!'?1.. .
<br />~4e,vpt ?Carl
<br />{ heron "1'+rap.rty Addrc+ti 't ,
<br />i94M rrrt lip tort
<br />Iak.rlr#tx wuh ;ell !ha +atpra.vicen.tu+ ream ,~ hx:rs~attc~r :~r.~t.~il ,at the txe~renti: alai al# easa-tmate, rt~ttte.
<br />ttppurtrnxttctc. rant r f strA}tt:t txrarevet to thr nghts ;end authixsttes gwtfi ftrrrm to Lender to ctrlh-et and apply auch
<br />nttsY. mynfiics, tuutttal, cal and &a* regius attd ptofAs, v.atcr. watrr rights. and w-attr sutel,. uml aU ft%turea stew or
<br />Ax€tra(ter attacttE.d ro tlx praprrtt. aH cif wfttcA, tnclud:rrg rrphn'~tmtttz artd :tiWauuts ehercty. shall he drern.x! to he
<br />and nt~in 3 fttttt .~{ the pr~Ytp ttiflcYG•ti Ry thts Oc~°d .~} Tru+t: amt afi cd ten forcgcxng, tcxgcthrr witA wid pt'upartc
<br />t_cx ih..k;txAaid e.t:rte tf eltss ik'td of Trust i. uet a kay.•hn1Jt arc hinm rrt4rred tp as the "PrQptYt~",
<br />- To SFrtsxt to tx~eder #;.r the rtpayatrot ~~~( the ~tk#Kdncs~ evtch:ntcxl b} 8ornxw~r't rteta dried IG'i t ~2.. .
<br />I hetcatt -"tdttt~"}. i:: tAc p~i~ipal s:utt .t1.~,1P~i-P3t6B '~E3at138»d.dz. 3lDI.L{}C}-,. _____'_r. ,
<br />CS~~.AQ) - E)eea4'tra- wnA +ntttr+t thet..hm, pre>vafing for ma - ~t+tatlrtxrtts
<br />ttt~-,~txL attlcxcsr. wltlt ilst taLttt4c .>f tAc teufeMtcd»ess. ,f nW xxxttY oat;L duL and pusrlste on -
<br />~~ ,1t r, t~~ Ehs pasmrnt trf alt t~f~tr x~, svuA tntsrc+t th+.-r,ean. 3dvancc~at
<br />a~:lt~nec hetY-yrith ter pnxc~et thr ~.tw,r> >>¢ ehss t?erd r:Y Trttct..tnci the prrfortnattet +ef tttc s'cmnuMa and
<br />~~»ta dlv*rtit n corttaHUti, aenl tbf eta: rsp~~•xt ci(any future aduancc^._ with n7tcna thcn^an. made
<br />. ~ to ~r t+!r l.crttkt pttrrtrtat ro preragniph ~ t frermf t hccctn 'Future Advances" t
<br />~rtiar€r fimck~naaty tArt Bttrtuvrvr is fawfui#p ~ct+~.tt ed th. c.tatc ttrrchy ctutvcycd arul kas tlu r:gltt to grant anst
<br />eupv4~ tAe Pt®>pxrty, tktt€ tlt~ Ihuptttts is trriia trcumitercvf. ,ttxl ttwt fkureswrr well svarratst and dt-feaJ gentrallY the
<br />- tide f7r ttY~ FESpCrtY~ ~pim5t aF# efitlth and tlCrtiaMls, H~nl=jti,t tCV anY ttcclrrat~ns- eascarrnnts ar reytrtette~, }istcd sn .e
<br />- #:dt'du7C.ttl Clli,'T:`Cta.tA~ {i?t:a+n€ragc it my till. in..ursets'E fa.l+~~- ?nsuritsg 1-ciKfCr`s ent4r~~t +n Ity i'trataptc~,
<br />-. '^, ~ rrpFb ~..' % ttWitttMltC- ipNr01111 aRl~t#ttxt
<br />