<br />I
<br />tu&8-8URVIV~DRSHIP WARRANTY GEED Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf. Walton. Ne. 6&461
<br />I{NO`t AI.L MEl\ BF THESE PR.E,gE.`3TS, That ~+~' "" `i ~+ ~~ ~ 1
<br />i t
<br />f'" ! Ronald D. Peterson and Becky M. Peterson, each in his and her own right
<br />and spouse of each other
<br />,herein called the grantor whetber one ar more, ' -
<br />inconaiderationof Six thousand dollars and 00(00 cents {$6,000.00)
<br />rviceiced frvm grantxev, :fives grant, bargain, ,ell comes and cvafirm unto
<br />Kenneth L Henman and Vera L. Hentnan, Husband and Wife
<br />' 7
<br />a3 lOtnt tenant8 {rttil Tlglaf Of anrr[r4rtihip. and 110E as t.CIIaRt.c ttl COIDIDOn, the fOllOwing deserthed real prOpertY ]ri
<br />Hall Cvontg, Nebraska
<br />Lot Twenty-nine {29), in Westroads Estates Fourth Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />- 1vE8RASKA DQGl;1vlENTARY.
<br />n-; -, - `
<br />/~ ~`~~/T i ~ 198?
<br />To here and to hold the shore desrrlbed prrmis.~s tta;etfler frith ail tenements, here ameuta and appitr-
<br />teasneea thereto beurngizlg unto the grante+±s and to their sxigns. «,r to the heirv and assigns of the survivor of
<br />them fvrever.
<br />and grantor dorm hereby Iwteuant titth the rratazrws and kith ihelr ri-ti.ii¢tys and faith the heirs xnd assigns ~ _
<br />of the survivor of tltetu that grautur t+ iasrt'u:lp ,.o.ed ,.f aatd premlEe.,. that thry are free frvm eneumbrsnce
<br />excepting those easements and restrictions of record
<br />that grantor has gvwi right and tawfut authvritp to e=:tar:*r zi,r ~aene~ and ;hat p;rantur x~srratlis and will defend
<br />_ the t.atle t4 said premitaes againxt the taw ful claims of xii t,.•r~ntt.4 x-bomsveser, -
<br />ft ie the ,aneniivn ut ail par~tiea ftrreta that in the et~eut of the zieath ,cf rithrr of the gmnrers, the entire
<br />- _ fer sitaple titlr tv the reef estate ,.hall vest is the surrir€ng grantee.
<br />- Ltated S`iCtober tj lq$C - _ _
<br />::
<br />~c.'" ri.
<br />._..
<br />~Z.~TF LiF ~ }a tku. r:.? ~ .leis ti....A~c`.GPt.L.. ..... ~ ~~~. brjarr
<br />sr.
<br />1t'~i~>~Cvrtary~ tar, tkr rxelrrsut+tr,l u .\ rt;u~ f'rLlu°, :txf~ c.,xtrtttsst:.rrd aed :~aufttied lilr
<br />tr. r«tir! rGar»!}', prrsvra:fy rur.r Ronald D. Petersfn and, Becky M.
<br />Peterson, earn in, his and her own right and spouse of each
<br />other
<br />to x+r kasrua fn ~e iltr idrsricul j+rrson ur prtavrr trhvse ttarete i; et. xuxtrr urr
<br />{$EALj a~iarrd to tkt 'c~rrWaittg dttrrraunt sad ari'xvu4.•dy.-ti thF rsacrtiaa tberra~ to I^c
<br />ksr, i,tr ur fletir tvirstary a:r ur.l IleeS.
<br />>C~f4NOMM-NM?M waa~ "
<br />~i+ -~';...._.~ ...r...r a~r'-r ,~•v.... ~ t .... r '+ . i 'i u7,.i u: uaa ~t eiiirat.
<br />- - - ,ye f a.;/_..Iy,~.t-c..«r,,,}`otarv Caif/ii -
<br />~ ~ti.-.
<br />1fy C`.•r+zraitsws r~pircx ttt:` <4~F 3y ~~'~e~~-.~ t.t., tvi~~
<br />~~.
<br />L ` {~tx ................. ~
<br />iittteeed do ntrtnericai iudex and filed for reevrd in the kngittter of 13eeds t)fficr at said Cauuty thr
<br />... _ , _ , = dtty uf„ ... . . .. ..... . .... },y.. , at..... o'eloeh attd, .. . _ . .. minutes . _ ..... 1d„
<br />and tvearudtd in Ctouk, ..... ... ....,.f. .. . , .. ..at page... , . .. ,.
<br />lieg. of L7aeda
<br />Hy .. fkpnly
<br />,.
<br />ori. _.
<br />