<br />3.~~ i1~1'~~9i~
<br />6. In the event said propetty is sold at a judicial fore~dosure sale or pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabove
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc-
<br />ed by said promissory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount of the
<br />deficiency without regard to appraisement.
<br />1. !n the event [he mortgagor faik [o pay any federal, state, or local tax assesmen4 income tax or other tax lien,
<br />charge, fee or other expense charged against the prapetty the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay
<br />the same. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee shall he added to and become a part of the principal amount of [he
<br />indebtedness evidenced by said no[e, subject tv the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and shall dischazge all
<br />taxes and liens and the casts, fees, and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this
<br />mortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered.
<br />g. The coyenanu herein contained shall bind and the benefi[s and advantages shall inure to the respective successors
<br />and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the
<br />singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders.
<br />9. No waiver of any coyrnan[ herein or of the obligation secured hereby shall at any time thereafter be held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof or of the note secured hereby.
<br />10. A judicial decree, order, ur tudgement holding am• provision or pardon of this instrument invalid or unenforce-
<br />able shall not :n any- way impale ar nreclude the eniarcemem ut the remaining previsions or eoruons of this
<br />nstru ment.
<br />l i. Any written nonce to hr tssurd to the mortgago: pur;:;:u;t to the previsions of this instrument shall be addressed
<br />to the mortgagor at .~1?6__Arizona_Ayenue~, Grand Island, NE 08601
<br />----.- __.+....__.-. _-. __. --- -_-----._.__.__.__-_-._._ and any :v,-iurn Warier to be issuEni to the mortgagee shall
<br />be addressed to the ntorigagrr at_ r,. ©_ Box.2006,_Grand_Is and, t3E 08802
<br />lti WtT~fss ~'HERtOt, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the martgagee has accepted delivery of
<br />this instrument as of the day and year aforsatd.
<br />C. ::- Industries. Inc.
<br />i,_ Wa}•rte !~tl:!y( Presi.derit
<br />Executed and driivrrcd to the presence of the i'uiiowtng wnttesses:
<br />tAdd Appropriate Aeknawtedgementl
<br />STATE ()F NEHRASI;A ~ 8efore me, a .iuaitficd Votary Pubhr, personally appeared
<br />C"OUr3Tl' OF ) -. __. _ _____~.._. -- -_______--
<br />known to me to be identical person ar persons who signed the foregotng itutrumtnt and acknowledged the exrcuuon
<br />thcretrf to be vaiuntan• act and dyed.
<br />witness my hand and Votxriat Seat on __.~ ---• l9
<br />{SEAL)
<br />Votary Public
<br />SiyCammtssiunExpires ~ .-_.-___--_. _, ls? __.___.
<br />STATE ~P NEBRASKA ! Bcfote me a t~uatitied tiatar; Pub3i;, +rrsanally ap~atrd _- __-_-_ - _ -
<br />ss. 8. Rayne '4olck
<br />Hall ~ --- ___.-__,~~.-_..__.
<br />~- -.
<br />C'UL4TY tlF ..~_.._..____._-_. Prestdcnt of - __~.,_C:„ Tndust:ri~st lne.
<br />a acxpwatian, knowr, to tnr t;r i*e tier Pmtdrnt and :denttcal persun who stgnrcl the foregoing u;st~ ...;,rnt. ,tnd
<br />acktwwltti~td the exttuticrtt thrrtt f to !+r his voluntary acz attd .lend a. such ,sfficrr tnd the vatwuan a,t .trtd dent of
<br />stud corportttic>rt and that .ts carptrratc sea} was affixed thereto by tts autharitr.
<br />,,,,
<br />SI-i!MS; my hand and 'YOratiai ~cai •~n C3ct:aDer 1, - .. t•j _ _a..
<br />{~EAI.I t>~A-11iY0-Nr~rgtlw.at. .,,~r ~ ~ _ a
<br />~1q~tOtlt, Vata Y,~
<br />ffur tbt- *~ '.4 +aa: C7 _ he
<br />t1r ti:v~nrm++[ism i=.tpires __ ~ ' . 3v .. `;.
<br />