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<br />Farm ~-~6 ,~,~ - /~ -.~ ~ 3 <br />CE$TIFICATE OF REVIVAL 4R R~~R~•sc~E~ <br />OF A DOMfSTIG Olt NONPROFIT CORPORATION ftiliL COUNTY. RtEBRASKA <br />MAR10Rlc hAUB ~~?. iii-+hTY Ci=R , <br />~~,.... i) {~ ~-~ ~ ~ To be submitted, in duptiwre, Yo: <br />seerepty of sane, suim 2300 Stseeq espitot, t_ineoln, Weftraska t:e5o9 Q CT 1 ~ -1982. <br />A!A p~} <br />718191~1u~~1'dts~141SIQ <br />ICNf)5V ALL MEN BY THESE FRESENTS. <br />Seraphine Aguilar president, and.._.._~Orman Buck <br />1. Now carrtes..._._,..--._..__.. ._._. <br />9xctatargartdfor Treasurer, who on ,...August.. ~.. _.-..__..........., 19 .. 8 ~....,tvere duly elected as officers of <br />Vogt-Aguilar Pr intirtgj Inc. <br />- Comet Corpnraa Yarrx as stated :n Artktes of /nrorporatian or most recent Amendrrant <br />located at .....i22 Bast 4th Grand Island- i,IE ,68801 <br />- purr Addrao of Pr,ncipai Ptaco at eusinen - <br />a Nebraska corporation duly organized under and by virtue of the laws- of the state of Nebraska, for the <br />gtt~soses of revising or renewing said corporation. <br />2. The etstence of this corporation became (or will become] inoperative an......._..rAUgust_ 3„--,- .... l9 _g_2_., <br />hecat>.ve of dissolution by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, or for nonpayment. <br />of occttpatiottal taxes or annual fees- The revival of this corporation shall be perpetual unless sooner tiismlved <br />by proper action of its stackhaiders, or by due process of taw. <br />3. The rt~stered office of this corporation En Nebraska shall be ..... ~ ~~...Bast nth <br />Street Rddxec* <br />Grand Islant3 Hall Nebraska ,..68801 and the registeredat~tttatsuch <br />i,r Cuunty sp C~ <br />arf~,essshailbe Seraphine Atluilar .. <br />None ct Rt~utrxd Rgaat <br />_ `AddteB shat! br itxnpirts, :cssn7 iu,t »traet address- ;~ box mtmber u a,~table only :n thnzs caws tvhcre street addresms-aro <br />not soatlattle. <br />`~tf the above-named rsQtstereti agent w rsgtsieteti of7iro cflnsututeet a rhattas from ttn prertoux desegttetitut, this inftsrmatictn <br />rriif be atstaet! ctrtto tits xwporauaa's reeterdt m thts office. No fttrit~ nottficaaan o< fdirtp cr! a separate tarot is nern®aty. <br />SivNA':`r;RF ~~.'~.i.Eli$'fr2'W(3TJF.P~HSft~QUIRF.U: <br />F7LINC FEES. ^ ~~'~ ,,^' ~, ,^"~ <br />Uaatertic Remd.... ~-. ~,~.~,#~s~"t*-`„?~`~.,t;~r~c,.~'~€.br' .............. <br />- .-» - ~-3 snc~ - ! <br />NOaptvtitRenwL_...-.#+~ `?` :. ~ ~ecresasY~~. ~ .._.. .....,- ..-.._._.... ,.._... <br />flO~IESTiC CQRIaORAFtflM3. A stair tax nett has Men filed ayautst this eacpwa:ton. ?he flea was filed with the county <br />aaatatatnq ilia postal atidna ai the lan~aamed ragistaced ayatt zibtatned frtxm tM tau tec«ds at the tins this mtporatitm <br />ttetaame di~red fix fttihag to aea tree stntutaty deatiiine f« tits fi4nv of the attnttai txxvepatwa tax report. <br />Tice liar seifi be xeieaeed wbm thu cernfud daiotttte:tt ti fired wttts the county ciak atW teyistet of deeds in the awaty ut which <br />the dengaated r+giet+rsd ~2Sae was located as ahuwa try eM eaeyruate teowds ut the utfisa of ehr Secretary of State at the time <br />tlN tieo ape ttl•d- T'ais docserssrnt retwasos a,~ accuuattcxn :ax ;teas filed ayatast ataax ttatrgri vrparat~a. <br />FKyl1p'RIaF!'f GOi3PCiRAtiON3. tbua has tMl3s ttsetie to tits appsuprtate ~awaty that true rospwatioa faild to pay its <br />hitmaiai ba. 1'9se ttatsw was Elled eattt the cttuary ^=ontattwtq the postal addt+is at the last-rataed cegistmd agent aMcatnsd <br />Rata iLt tax tetxxda at the ttttte this eorporatioo faJe1 tta tttea tM statmay deadline itx paytamt of hitxtaial fea. <br />TUe notice will be c3eated wttsn thta twttfied datvtttwt n filed wrath the ewtnty t~feck to Ute county is which the deaitgwtad <br />tlQisoetad office teas ltxatad as stterta on ttm csrpotata tertxds to t!~ office o4' :fie Setzetary cf State at the time the notx:e was <br />6Y,d. This tiot~tmsat rekafea i{I atsuces flied agatttst above aamtd cote«aiton. <br />GfRTiFiGATf OF GOOD STANDING 4W THE STATE OF WEBRASKA <br />i, AIai.EN J_ BEEiiAA}i3Yfii, Secretary of State, do h~eisy ~erttfy tie airravit~natned corporauon to be in good <br />siartdbx}. <br />ItA Tls'tiipNY iNHERFAF, the Secretary et State of Nebraska has aarecy affixed his signattue ar facsimtk <br />tl tlttd seal on the dare set out ut the rgcartting data. <br />