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I <br />MORTGAGE <br />82= i1t,~49Q <br />T'fiis mortgage made and entered into this ~ t_ 5.~._,._ day of . _~r„~obe <br />t9 82 , by and between Fred 3, Janisch and IIonna if. 3anisch, Husband and Wife <br />{hereinafter rtterred fo as mortgagor) and Commemia; National Bank and Tntst Company <br />{hereinafter referred;o as <br />tnot'tgageej; vrho maintains an office and place of business at . Ti7L Lrnar rt,; rrl street in Grand Island, <br />Haft County, Nebraska. <br />WPrNBS5E3'H, that -for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />dtxs hereby ~, sett. grant, assign, and convey unto the mongagte, its successors and assigns; ail of the foi- <br />lowittg described property situhied and being in tht County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. <br />Lora Twenty-Four {24), Twenty-Six (26), Ttreacy-Eight (28) and <br />Thirty (3p) la Villa trot Dees Subdivision, Nall County, Nebraslta <br />together with all the ttnemcnts attd appurtrtttsnces thereto taektnging, aI! the rrnt+, r_isur3 and profits thereof, and all <br />etesemertes, rights, rtyyaitits, mineral, oil lord gas rights atsd profits, water, .eater rights. attd water cock, and itxluding <br />aN heatittg, plumbing. rcfrigtrauan. ligtiung• etluiptntnt artd aH fixturrs of retry drscxiption txtonging to the <br />mortgagor now or httcaftcr attachcsl thereto or us~l in c-onrstction with rite prtnrisis herein dtxribed and in addition <br />thereto the folic»ietg or~;rilfed propert[ra wh~h are and styli txr :termed to txc fi+cntres atnl a part of the reahy, and <br />aze a prxtipn of the security far the indtbtedness herein stated. I!f notre, start "none"I tione <br />To have sort to lwtd the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided; <br />Tht tttartgagtu is law€uUy seized attd poasesstd of and has the right to salt artd curtsey said ptoptrty: chat the <br />stunt is Etta frtwti alI rngttnfirat~s except as hertiMtrovr ztcited; artd that 44ortgagor cuvettants to warrant and <br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and entry part therecsf against the claistts of all ptrststis whwttwevrr. <br />Thies irnttutntat is given to stcure the fraytrterrt of a promissory note tfattd ~ct>zft~t 15. 14$.2 __.~ <br />its the priaeipttl sum of S 1;,,>]flfi_tlfl _____,^ ~__,__. sighed by Fred M_ & Ronga t~f- ,Igo,&eh _,._ <br />bePrU! of L[tt.~maelgsr-...-.._..-...... -~_ _ ~. _ __ ., _. _.__. _ _.._..._.. _._..._.._, <br />alto, as such cu twtrs may front titm to tithe be tturdif~d, renewed ar pttattkd in wridag. <br />Ia the tweet tht title to said mtI esta[t ix traasfened, or contrasted to bt trattsfartxl, from the umkrsigtted fat any <br />rthfsaat>ot by 3tly tacthvd iv§staoevtr, the entire princapai sitm attd accrued itnerest shall at ome bcr:tttar dut and <br />t%lyabir; oat tfMe eftt;tiost of the holdcq Itereaf, f=atturi c to t~ttrctse this option bes~us~e df ttansitt of tide as ai%nc stated <br />itti txtte,it~saa« qot ttm€fitute a waiver of the right to exercise that same in the event of arty subsafueat transfer <br />f, "I'lwt.t#st~nr_ouvt.•aiutta atxl ttgttes as foibv+s: <br />~ ~+~ ~ A«Y ~ tvidmeed try sari proraissary tn>tt at the titers any .e, thr manner <br />ckmein prc+ridad, <br />b. ~a'pttiy aIf t7Rfii~, t~sessatertts, worst rafts,. and triher govtrtugeutal yr municipal thart{rs, t7nr,, <,r <br />I~J~lititM-. t*"x r-fttCh+ ~ Ims tuu L+seII tttadt itartinbafotr, attd will promptly de4ivcr ahr atticiai tntint~ <br />tpaettfitr to tht sort! tom. <br />t, 1`a ~s s?.tsJi rtp ate Errs : may k!e incurred in ttte prottctiort and maintenatei~ rtf wild pr~•t+rtt+. <br />tfte ilea tri toy tttfurtxx tttttply=d by tits tt"or tha c~Itt,.Kion of ary cx alt a?f usr tnifet+ttdttrss <br />iltrr~ titt'utttt,..K f,~xr~4riittrt bt nurrtaagtt`s sa3e, c?r 4-i~ctt~- l+tc*itedinga. !'.r in an.~ i?rtfet li€istatic t- - ;•scx.rcii,:g <br />afls~:ir,a txttttttt?. <br />