<br />82~:)~34476
<br />III mnaideratioat and as sectuity for a loan made tx purc?lased by Commercial National Bank
<br />& TRust Co.f~~~{fir called "I.eatder") which Loan was made for the improvement at real property described
<br />_ below attd is evidenoed by a promi~ory note in fa~nr of
<br />The Cotrmterci.al National Bank a TEUSt Co.
<br />~~ October 8 _______ 19 82 , in the atttotmt of Three Thousand On°_ Hundred Twenty
<br />Fiueand I8/100----, ---------- -------~I~#§3,125.18 )
<br />ttk tuuletsigneri, and each of them. i heminafter called "Borrower") hereby cocettant and agree with Lender as
<br />follows:
<br />- 1. Tire r~:l prope:rty referred to herein v located it _i?all
<br />CitylCottnty of~. Grand Ssland ~~~ of Nebraska and is described as follows:
<br />iat Nineteen ±19), Block 'Twc (~), F:cees First Addition,
<br />i:ddi__~.. '.o r:^.e ___, .,_ .:a.^.= -_la~c:, fzal_ ..ou ty, !veb•~=ka
<br />,- Harr ,.. _.~: _; _ _,.,: - v ~ . ~ 3ac ~ ucrrcw•er as rental nr othernise for
<br />or an acr-vurt :,f F.,-.EP `-rc ..rr _ ,,.t ... .a.'.«. and retain any such mone~~s prior
<br />to IInrrow~ar~s : etautt .. ::.r Wit,. ...a -,t , , .. .t.~ j'~'sC..»:u :.;•.r: e:
<br />3. L3arm,c.~r ,x::i :; , r,-st,. p,~mnt a .. ..., .,~....e=:rar:ee tether Shan those presently existing) to
<br />exist en sa:d =gin. .e re _: .mcl ..... .r~t - _. .. u-:i.' ... - --.aann•r ~spase of slid real property ur
<br />..,. ..,
<br />any interest tlcrvt tt~r-.. .,. , ...;en .--r.K~nt •a ~f ~z~r.<....
<br />4- i..end.,r t. t r~~i ~,~: u:: - -t -•~ ... -~ : t.r;;n utstrument to be recorded at such ume and in such
<br />pieces as Lendet e!t :., .., , ...l. ...-, .
<br />5 7i:nv :.: rr, --r-nd ^.• .., .. .. _,. -„__. _[ iszd,~r and :,1t sutlse,~luert rtoldets of
<br />the rvh~ ~ , .... c: • ~.~:. . r., . ... , .. .- .. .... .... ... .. e-r3c~. t:8c<3 r cai rrnFerty.
<br />~. .ks .._n,,,..: ~a~; :,*,. ,.c: :` `. .. :--.. ,. .. ,`*,.., ..: .,.,~~ -..s: -:err fired ab+.n.e >:.a:i vlve 6ivro
<br />paid in f-uit =..r ~;c:i ".,- n., unc ~. ...,__ ....... ..., .«. 41,.... ,.. ,.. - ar~.~t.r rt :tt~undrtstt~ncd, ~ ~hichc at
<br />first occurs. .
<br />-- ` v
<br />Dates : -'"--~-'
<br />STATE Gk s~
<br />~~
<br />4,_ ;t'ITtiESt;~-~~_` .~~~If -mot
<br />C2ty;Cauniy ai-,___.v _____..._...---.----- i \t°27:\ES~~_•~__~~ ~)~ `~},~,•c-t-.~.`
<br />On t?:is~_._ dot, ,s '~,roi:er __ ,n -%
<br />l~fare roc, the u:t;ic. i `r ., ., ,, r,~ r. ., ~. ,.t
<br />for :aid Cit}-, t:cunt; .rd State, , c-r~acaEy ;. ;,-t':;r~t:
<br />Jtc'Ve it"lr Et
<br />4'xckv Dorn
<br />and __._=_.________.___ _.___..,._.______. his wete
<br />lmowa to me to t,~ '. he persons uitasc t=ames axe sub.
<br />scri6e~i to the ~ithtn instrument and ackn~a~+li*:fgi~ to
<br />me that the)^ l:at~c executed .l;e same, as :F.eir awtt
<br />free act and deed.
<br />VrrTTNESS my hand and afficiat seal
<br />r
<br />and for sari C'it*~ xnd Mate
<br />igWag4~ht~stasl
<br />8E1'FVl, 6M11tRR
<br />1y twa Etc. Ate, t5.1l~
<br />rMF'~Ma~w~w -.>rMiM Le.. Z]q! I !kh- Sr, W~ewia,tu, M.,rt }y.p.t !A.w.. )SA 3'I[
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<br />
<br />G...~.
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