<br />~.
<br />:. 82-A-REwL ESTATE MORTGAGE-(With Tax Clause) R?v. 7g Nuttman and Felton & Woll, Walton. Ne. 6&461 ~ -
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thas Fox Construction, Inc.
<br />' of Hall County, ettd state or Nebraska , in considerataon of the sum of I
<br />i
<br />;One Hundred Thirty Thousand and 00/100-----------------------------j~OLLARS{
<br />in hand paid, as hereby SELL and CDN'VEY unto The First National Bank of Grand Island,i
<br />(Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />°t Hall county, state- nE Nebraska the following describe3 premises situated -~ ~~'
<br />'; ;n Hall County, and state of Nebraska . to_wit:
<br />i
<br />i !
<br />E
<br />{ ;
<br />Lot Seventeen ill) Fenner View Subdivision in the City of Grand ~
<br />Island: Hall County, Nebraska. ~ ;-',
<br />c
<br />The inirntftm being to convey hett+by an ahsciiuie title in fe.~ stmp3e, inducting al! the ri¢hts of hotnestead and dotter. ~
<br />TO HAVE Atii) Tt7 tN)I,Lt the Ivemcsrs atxrve d«=scnbzxt. .vcth a}I thr appvrtertances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />tnortxageels) and to his, her nr the•tr hrtrv urxi aasir;us iorerver- itrovxied always, and these presents are upon the espreaa j -
<br />czxtditton that if the sarci trsortgaqurtst, hts, hrr or their hrtrs, rxrcutni,, administratorv or aastgns shall pay ui t'attae to be ~
<br />paid to the said tttort25agerla}, his. her or thecr hacrs. rxcc'uwts. admtnixtratvt9 nr asaigtts, the principal sum of S 13~ , 00() . ~Q ~.
<br />payable as Follows, to wtt:
<br />f1s per "'!aster vote" ~f the same =fate.
<br />i
<br />! with tntrreRt nezroniirtx to the terutr arni ,•ffrcx .>E the mart ;acs rs ,w•~rcttrn prwncsKOry note hranttg rven date with these pt~eesnta
<br />- '; sad ehali pay a[! taxis anti n.~=vr=~rtrnt !,•.~u+.t uts>a ~tei r~-ni rtfatr. axtti ati <•thrz isuea, iern~ and asa'"cvmenta lericd utwn this
<br />martgaKr +rr the nnxe cvL•;ch ti. rti nr:+rtea;;e <.~ .n ... >.. r.:. txfvrr :;^.. -.,u:x~ F.~~ruru-. cirlcnqurne. and 'nrrp the bitiktiags on
<br />satsi premtx¢s xcxwrrcl fnr thr +ucn ,ct S 1 3t}, ~Qt; _ .~]{) - '.+me.:f rangy--. frav~atdr to ihr sod nn>rr>;agrr, then these presents
<br />to be at+&1. athrrwtae nc he ami rrmntn m futi t~.rc`r
<br />PT !S FE'R-PHE.R AGRE~I) ? i s `("hat cf chi sacd cz;„nxa ~c,r atsai! tuzi ir, iraw xu<•h tears sr pnrrurr such insurance, the
<br />sagl nu~rtgager inty pay such tase,z arni Scrt~,rrr ~us-h ;c~vrarree_ unt oar sum w adsattzreti, wtth uateresf a[ l~ per
<br />vent. shalt !~ rrttaid by yid mvnaacur.:uxf rhea imutxaxr shalt =raact xs w xcrt= f..r the racrr~. t?2 7"'cat a failure to pay any
<br />- j r.f satd memey. titlur prccx-ttu+i ur iutrra~t, wtx=n thr .saner iM~cnnes .toe. .cr x fazlu rse In icarcliiy with any of the foregoing
<br />- aYt+vunrnCc. shall cause thr whole .um ut m..tcrv hrzru; .~•«ured t.. Ewcentr ,.toe and c'x?tlea•u}ete at ona:r at the option of the
<br />ritortttaxrzt.
<br />Stgneti th>s 16 day of December ty '+= .
<br />in terrrs"r e~f E",~;x r.structior., .Inc.
<br />f~ .> _ ___
<br />i _" r'
<br />~fe'~`± ~' president
<br />i
<br />+
<br />~=
<br />!~Sary ~ Fox ~.risr~-~regsi~gnt .. .
<br />SPATE OF ...Nebraska . ..... , Louat} of .. iial-1 . .. . .
<br />The fa was ttrknowledked taefare me December i G iy E31
<br />by %h 3.r' .~"fa~.«';CC77SC;~.~~~, ~`lilCtlC anu '.iir~r' .~. ..:'. ?i, viCt:-i'rE:Sl~3`c'.ilt psi Ff?X
<br />Constr• titan ^e~>~ ~ half of `he e ~>t-atic::..
<br />•+ .a ~egnstsitre. , rt3nn Taktn(z Arknowleti~tnent
<br />My Comanxs- ~~~ 64 ~ iic>r3r;- P*.Sb.iz~,
<br />
<br />~' 't~it3e
<br />... - .. - - - Enterx+d an rutvarica! itxtr>< mot llled for rrcurd
<br />_ ,~ ~' m tix liegntar ui IMxels i)dlz~ :cf ssxl C'vttxety the
<br />tB a +~ikc:, uxt-.. rautut+xt 3~1..
<br />at ai patr ...
<br />Rf+g. +tf T1..ad,t
<br />8y Deputy
<br />