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<br />TRACT Z. <br />~2-~ =~u4464 <br />A part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE~SE~) of <br />Section One (1), Township Eleven {11} North, Range Nine (9) West of the <br />6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the South Line of said Southeast Quarter of <br />the Southeast Quarter (SE%SE~), said point being Five Hundred Thirty Eight <br />and Five Tenths (53$.5) feet West of the Southeast Corner of said Southeast <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {SE~SE~); thence running Westerly along <br />the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE~5E~} <br />a distance of Seven Hundred Twenty Four (724,0) feet to the Southeast <br />corner of a tract previously surveyed for, and deeded to, the Geer Gompanp; <br />thence deflecting right 101°33'30"J and running Northeasterly along the <br />Easterly line of a tract previously surveyed for and deeded to the Geer <br />Company, a distance of Seven Hundred Nineteen and Nine Tenths (719.9) <br />Feet to a point on the Southerly Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway No. 30; <br />thence deflecting right 51°35' and running Northeasterly along said right- <br />of-way line a distance of rive Hundred Ninety Seven and Fifteen Hundredths <br />{597.15) Peet; thence deflecting right 134°:,0' and running Southwesterly <br />a distance of Two Hundred Fifty One and Eight Hundredths (251.08) Feet; <br />thence deflecting left 132°52'~and running Northeasterly a distance of <br />One Hundred T~enCa Three and .Kifteen Hundredths (123.15) Feet: thence <br />deflecting right Il~'10' and r,uuxing Southerly and parallel to the East <br />line of said SE~SE~ a distance of Seven Hundred Eighty Eight and Twenty- <br />two Hundredths (78$.2} Feet to the point of beginning. <br />TRACT II. <br />A tract of land located on part of the South Half a_* the Southeast <br />Quarter (S~,5E) of 5eetion tine {i), Township Eleven (11) North. Range <br />Nine (9) West of the 6th '.~1., more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a t7oint on the South Boundary ?ine of the Southeast <br />Quarter {SE;) oz Section One {1), which is the intersection of said <br />South Boundary 'ine with the East _ine a the -'raet corrveved to the Geer <br />Company, a corporatic.c., by ~tazranty Dee3;recarded in Book 95 at Page 437, <br />in the Office of the Register of Oeeds of Mall County, 'vebraska: thence <br />;worth along raid rest line cif said Bract sa conveyed, to the Zntersection <br />of said East line xith the south right-af-way line of United States High- <br />way ~vo. 30; running thence :Eortheasteriv open said right-af-way line a <br />distance of :?31.» feet, running thence Southwesterly at an angle of 128° <br />l7' to the Right, t~: a paint ,gin 'he South Tine of said Section One (1), <br />which paint is +a2.? fert East ~~f~s.'.:e :Place of Beginning; retuning thence <br />idest slang and upon the Sc?utre €ine :Pf said Section One {1}, said distance <br />of 62.1 feet ,. .he polar ._, ;eginn:xxg; being a tract cif land 231.w feet <br />wide aion~ the`Souti: right-Uf-wag line #~= gaited States Highway No. 30 <br />and tP2.l eet lode aian$ t_ae South line ~.~f said Section One (1} irrmedia- <br />tely adjoining un the East the tract conveyed tc the racer Company by the <br />Warranty Oeed hereinber:rte referred to. <br />TEtACT III. <br />Part of t:xe Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWV„SE~) of <br />Section One {1), Township Eleven (lI) tiorth, Range '.vine (9) West of the <br />Pith P_!±~, amore particularly described as fellows: <br />Coamencing st the Paint <af Intersection of the Southerly right-of-way <br />.'-.ine of U.S. Eli busy ?so. '3<, as now ..onstructed and located, with the <br />South boundary ine of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(S6f~SE~) of said 5eetion One {?): running thence east slang and upon the <br />South boundary line of said Southwest ?uarter of the Southeast fjuarter <br />of said Section One (1}• for a distance t~+f 1i0~.4 feet; turning thence <br />Norttx at as Angle of 90"and running :worth for a distance sxf 569.6 Feet <br />to the Southerly right-af-way line of said k.S. Highway :yo. 3tI, as now <br />canatruoted sad located and running thence in a southwesterly direction <br />aic~ ana uporx tixe Southerly right-of-way line of i'.S. Highway va. 3€? <br />as new constructed and located, for a distance of 1'?5$.55 Peet to the <br />Place of Beginning- <br />%3ttl ZB IT "A°' <br />