<br />JEPSON/tm
<br />Line #1T7194
<br />tif5 t.e #
<br />iiORTGAGE o~~ a ~+ 4
<br />This Mortgage is enG~ted into between. _.lamoc _gaatf rA ~ G~ng1e_S?ecsou---~-
<br />--------..._._ _.. _.- _._ _. _.....---_-~_____.__-.....-.___.. _____._...._.___.__.._. _.~.-.-.,.___~. (hrrein "MoRgagoa'; and
<br />First N@t}onal._3ank_and_._SYti_s=-~o... ei,--Kearney_._..._._._-_._.--.------therein ".Mortgagee>,)-
<br />MoRgagnr is indet}ted to Mortgagee in Lhe principal sum of .~ 350 rQOQ_00 _ ,evidenced by Rtortgagor's note -
<br />dated ._._~teL~r b' 7.98?..-_ herein "\otp"F providing for pasmenLs of principal and interesk with the. balance of the
<br />wdY:btedness, if not sooner paid. due and payable on... -emand _ .---------_-._.___ ~ -
<br />Tn4w-v rethe paymenE of the tiate, with interest as prnvided thetern, the payment of all other sums, with interest, - -
<br />sdvanced try 4tort}tagfr. to protect thr securifiy of ihxs Mortgage, and the pe[formantr of the covenants and agreements o[ -
<br />the Mot'tgaRor conta+ned heroin, Mortgagor does hrrehc mortgage and a>nvay to Mortgagee the following described
<br />Property Focatvd rn ._riai,t.. _. .. _. ... __ _ (:.aunty, tipbrastra: - - -
<br />'Marta ~zf Pan; o~.ated to Che .;.cautZl East Quarter of the Southeast Quarter -
<br />{SEYSE's> anzt the :~;etsth Fis? i of Lhe Southeast Quarter ;St?SEta7 and t31e - - - -
<br />;ourhxrsr_ C~t.:artr>r nF Ctte Souc'tt=ast kl!~arcer tS*~ySE#! alt =n the ~etion flrte f1..7
<br />"`!<-,xnsb it% t;ieser. +.! t ': ?;tsri!t, R.•tnc7e ~tra E~? +pest of Lhe bt_h PM, F1s11 County, -
<br />ftietraaku,rc=re czar*_:c~I.;rir des.:rtkac2d er. Exhni"=t "A" hereto attached: -
<br />`!.1r~tttfr sseh ati twsidtnR,. .mk«nsaexq.-:?t.;. fryt.ur,o .rr.•,•i.. a;1r::, pas.:artt•w~ay-s, ,-aWEnvnes, ngiY ts, pnvitsgex sad
<br />aypvfte+}ana~ taa-ated. t!YfrriMY t>r ~n a^i ww~ ;+r-nusn,r:a rt:+,rrt+,. a.•_<..z, , .., :.+u.~+ .~ui prnfsU., rsv~r'sis»}r and ietnal®d!D
<br />thrretsf, atptudint;, but :!a}a '•m:tru ta.. tre•atxnl! and .,cur, i; ?~+ia,pstrz•+st and ~;ariY prf~unal pnrprRy thaf is attaCtted tO rite
<br />}tss~+n.:vamer}*u* w az :!, ^wut.tuYr : '-:tirurr. aii „t wkvet+, a:+:ud,t;g re~peatvrmnt~ an+; addYritxts thereto. is hereby dreliltd
<br />*.u t+t a part ,~( tbf .'€at .?t~tP ~?'c'afr$ •`_,k Y!a- ::et, x,t !?-a-, 1t„xig~r • ant? ail ,>f t'ar farrgtwna tlrtrig rrfrrred to ttCTttn >s Lhe
<br />Wa}rt~tir tutthrr nrrrse€itnta atzt! agrer~. ,ti: '.i„ca~.aa+-+-. .:- „x~=:a-,
<br />2 Pa}~mrn~ "Cv pat ;_.« .nrirr+a<•etrxx. a., _. _?;- ..-.. sr.. .= r:.>.> ,i-~:k-;i ., >-, ss 3lonpagr and the Note.
<br />.. I'itk. 's zttg~esf >. ,.hr ,=w n.~c :.....: #'r„g,-,.. ..e •-. - ? ~,aU au..:.a}',ts i_, nrtastgage thr i'nrPetE.y. and
<br />atar»}ats ?hst 1?ir i;rn ~ ra-atrC ne3*•8t ;~ a .eY>d ese,1 ,ir r -.=,na -x - "`x.er.!"*. ryc4~rt 3z nosy s,ttu•tw},.e he :mot fnt'tlt hearth,
<br />- ,.r f'rc>F r ...ub;s-*~t z, a \t,,.c+~:t~.- ...,, ,. ,.- ~ - -- - ---- - ------..~_
<br />ea thr ktc~'taayr+°, re.•txrdt i at d.3ct 4~,,. _ _ ,r ik,er,ee.- t{r.r,r1 +rf _ - -_ ---iWUaiy,
<br />Y.rMs.. sa,, w Exq h ytaxtgagr rs a i;r<a pr,~.} :,, ,._. .~-... - ~ _ -..., .,. r.,
<br />_: ixsh['f jYltttf l}['ii~ iM x~t}yy,,l YktNEn~v~+
<br />9_ Taaaa, .tLlfaaUraGta. El: ia~ ~.h.•r~ :!u,~ x=i :.ir«r. .rn3,as a..v.~nYrnt, and at3 c,ttief :'frataati: agatnnt the PnrpeRy
<br />anaf. upaa artttrn d.•nxand t}y .'a#art~ag.~- ti+ati t.. u : ,. ,. -ems, a+-r t.,v titt_f ,t•rursd bt-frnt, sttrlr amtwnt az
<br />tAaV be wfi5. wnt to chortle thr ~~t.-utige~~+.. ;,, ;+a) -u.-n t.:.e~>~xs~r4,;;w~r.:a r,t .rtt:~, a±rac~-. a. thrti w~euntr dus•.
<br />}.. tasuraace. a Acep i5e -::xpnts..n.r;;c. ,:«.=u ~ r -'H•fel1~~} nxal.,a +„r sy,~ r,•ai t-~tutr drscnhr<S hrtxin sttputed
<br />rpwnt~t sietgy$e by fine eo6 ~i>ctc cxt:uet ita..txu.~ ~, ttx:vt~+fiT~ c:a. ma,v=rt~. •,: ,tnrnu;a~ azr«i w+;ta <..ntimnu•~ at-avptablf !.x the
<br />int. aa4 wttn ktea pa+_a3Yif• 4u ttYV ti,rfta: ;; :ar~^.rP s«e,, t::+cvr.u: t; lxrik.r,~ the ~tuRgagrr i+autMuYaed to
<br />x•
<br />ad~i, coiltat and tgwttprtwnYSe, ,rc :'.,~ dua~rrtY}.'M,. n:t a,*tz, :.~.,n~tr a:,{,.. ut ai* _«. r ,>ptron, ;tukhtaf.a•d to e~trYVtappEy' the
<br />yasx^o~e+Att tU ttte reatc+rsu ~ a>t tb« Pr.xPrrtti .,•t utvu: ca,• ,7det=trstn«s+ =••~un~+f a,=rr h; - hul pay nrr=attx ltereundrt ahaii tott•
<br />nwtfr unto ttte cwtac Y~rtfred irera#> arc ;;atti +r= {°u.:
<br />5 :: l~csnr+s Favt Tasss and t..xafaxYCe ~- ..u ith ac+d: ~ a3;;+.#,e„L ,v+:,la;n<x± rn pafag xpE:: '1 and t hrrtn}f to ttx
<br />:~:s..a...4, S~.T.e.~ u flawtj ~` ~ .tom S~.t.~ ., at '--, -_.~ -- _---. _^ -`_ _-_ aEF:i. x€sct.v_it ett«AL of pnEtcxwtE ,utd .atrte.i_
<br />iserttth tsf t#w Fgsstt :assn, asae~.;~h,~., *azsfti }s:;uraax~ ~ere....a:st+ _.n. r.•a: 3 - .}tf ;}f any t v:htt=2t rtY:!}` attatn a
<br />priwfiv u}ftrr ttSi ,i{' Yxfi~t, sit ac rfvn+awfr4c n+t3ens4..-A €ra>,rt t+me to trnt<= k}, she >t.rttg~all:s~ I'he afneunL; °~ar pa}d xP+a1{ be
<br />hrdd b,+ tits ~iertgitga.r v}tthatt srttefvaa and apptwd :.r staf+ ;iayn~'+tt .,, „R,• <t+nsa :n =<'•R`ct to v:h}eh uch amuunEx wrn
<br />d~tott€ted. Tkra aurtta }qrd to ~tn:Klgagee tr.n•under an• ;~«ti~•tt a.: arttfsSSt.t:ai e,-runs. t„t tf?t~ :¢-Ydebtrdae.s a+cured 6} 1!a}.
<br />3iartgt~. iArfigtigcM ft~t pay to .'Ntvtgagec tfity ar[routtt ,+f a!t: *+Csz-„-r}ey h.=rxr n ti:e y,-rust taca^, ate..-c:a, ne. ,s:urmrf.•
<br />pretpnutm asd >xrn>uad tpni4 acrd ti4e• de}Ytas:.ta - <z!+tzndr r.?h,a Na;-s a€?e! tknur.} cs mark= up s 4t<+rt+~-~ _uht:t}!t
<br />rttf•ttt tlwxrtrof
<br />6,- itvtPravt,'Slattgta'iraarCe and L:Mr~~ 'tl,} tnr.,tts.ptle tryY+Adt, m-st„ir ,rr rt+btuld stn baetWrrpS .u:n;pr>ne«rrnen:,e ^nw- ut
<br />$r8lnsftef out tEyr EMxpanx, i;r kvtt:Y tff? Prtzaw--r1r et, y x sS - ..t ?t - .s.a;7 Yr}ta-r. 'a}t?}:r.:t x}~ctr-. ;set+i {s*~.~ !nanr r:xrx }saxti.'<;xr
<br />dM-~+'f tikrx ;test esprp?s€1a ai,;E+rrtt~t+tstt+rt' ta; tMe #~,^„ httte't - t:>s €c, 2,aar. .rt?rt ua prrttt:i an;~ ster.un..• ..> rtt<t -u =_s atrrxs;a}-
<br />7iYb i'w• c~5{rIIif iaa~ ;:7i:W .>#` G:•r Prw}tcr'«y Fxt a::.a ac, :, u, ., .x.; -. - .. !, an,+ - - r..n,;er a,,t; ash n-.r,e;r - t.tn,~ :}t i::w rit61
<br />!4RpiQA'( C<2 tl*6 1ytiNbM~.t£:.
<br />