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<br />a <br />CERTIFICATE OF REVIVAL OR A~~vi s OFFICE <br />~ ASKA <br />~~~ t1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OF A DOMESTIC OR NONPROFIT CORPORATIfj~IORIE NAUBOID, COUNTY CLERK <br />To be suhmitred, in du cafe, to: c <br />Setxetary of Swn, Suip 2300 State-Gpit I, Lincoln, Nebraska b'8509 ~ yT 1 N 982 <br />718191101llI~Il1213141516 <br />KNOW ALL IyIEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ~~ <br />LB© M. Adattt3r :4. D. Shirley :i. Aaiatns <br />i. Now cornes.....__..........._.._...._..._.._..._._._......._., President, and.._.'___...__._._ ..............._..--.°-.-.-°.----.-----, <br />Secretary and(or Treasurer, who on ..-_.J,&riuary 23 lq S2 ,were duly elected as officers of <br />~~rnitat~loyy, ?'.C" , <br />- ..-.. <br />CPrrec+ Carporara Name as ^arod n, A, i:: r••. ur in corporatran ur mss! recent Amendrr,ent <br />IS'I7 West Faidley _~vsnuer Grant3 Zslandt-.^7ebzaska-_58$,Q_~,,_.._..-_--__-...._.. <br />locatedat....._ _..._._ _. <br />Full Address o, Yrne;pal PJace Pi eus.nea - <br />a Nebraska corporation duly organized under and by virtue of the laws of the sta,e of Nebraska, for the <br />purposes of reuising or renewing said corporation. <br />....................~ 19 ... <br />2. The existence of this corporation becamei19t4~d4~4~ inoperative on august 2 82.. <br />because of dissolution by the office of the Secretary of State by expiration of existence, or for nonpayment <br />of occupational taxes or annual fees. The revive! ai this corporation shall be perpetual unless sooner dissolved <br />by peoper action of its stockholders, or by due preres, of law. <br />3. The registered office of this corporation in Nebraska shall be ~~~7 '•.sst FsidlteY ~v4nue, <br />c,. <br />.,.. tie, Aadress• <br />Grand Island lietll nH801 <br />_.. .._._. .-. _.._.._._ ..-- .............. Nebraska... .and the registered agent at such <br />City t.P,ln [Y `:P Cc'rar <br />address shall be I so *3. Aditma : Ai. ~ . .. <br />Nam. ~r rtev~x+arC aye,:, <br />'Adtitass shall be cetnpkte, ustnq fWl street address- :: t,:~x ;,,,mi,er a a:xepta5ie vny tie those eases where sweet addresses are <br />not aratlable. <br />"'If the above~r:arrted reyuterad agent ar regrstered tiff,. ti• :~.,+-.?=,nr.+ a :t:anrte Crean the prer+uus destgnauon, this information <br />will be en[aretS orua the carpcrauo+,'s records u+ tius o1tr,<• ",: te+rher nvc:f,c~twn ar 4hny of a ~}wrata form a necessary. <br />::eGNA7"u'kti ~h~ AT_~:1ST T-lVt} UFFI.GIE~RS R UIRER: <br />F[LtN(a FEES- f~`r~ ~ '~a.~t.._.. <br />fre>adent -'~ _ <br />4amestic Rerival......--...51200 f O ~ ,. i~Btn~ * ,~'t':~" """""' <br />Aloupra€tt kenval......,,5 8.00 'xrrerary (SYiIrI~ ) <br />•... ~i~81itH <br />Treasurer <br />OdtMi:STiC GQRPORATtONS. A state tart lice ~ heen feted aganut thrt corparatitm. The lien was filed with the county <br />etuttaiaiaq iht ptiWi address of the tau-named rotpstaced sgene o0uuted from the tear records at the time this aarptuatioa <br />became ditaoltad tar tailing to [:tsar tits sututaty deadline f« the fi#ittq of tiw annual otxvpatioa tax [sport. <br />'the iiert rritl be released when this cetri[iad dceutttant u titled wtth the etwniv clerk artd retpster of deeds in the couq~y in whkh <br />the ttesiynatsd registatttd office was Iocatted u shown by ettr i:cv potate rectxxdx in the Crlfib0 of the Sacrotary d Stag at the lilac <br />tbt lien was fillet[. Tina document releases aU Oc4vtaunn taut Lens ttkd a~rxnse above natiwd corporation. <br />PlOttiPRflFl7 tX1RPORATiONS, Notice has been tttade t<a the apprgpnaro county that thu c~poratioa tailed to pay its <br />brNmial teas. The nottw was Cited with tlx trouatY caawuuny tlta postal addrds of the last•natmd registered agp[t obtained <br />fitlm the tax cscrxds at the fleas thi: tncporatian taiMd to trwrt the statuttxy deadline tar payment of biennial feu. <br />TM nauca wilt 6e cleared whoa this certified docutaent is toed wzth :he county clerk m the county in which the desigaattid <br />registered office was located ax shown on the cotpotare reco,ds in the attics of the $eaetary of Stara at the time the aotice ws <br />f3ftd, This dexrtnuat rsltasos aU noticat iikd against atwre atamed eorptxazion. <br />CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDING IN 7HE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />weer ~•+,. <br />i, ALLEN J. BEERMANt3, Sa~crvtarY of State, do hereby c*artafy the above-rwnted corporation to bs in good <br />staadinq. <br />1N TES"Y'tfdONY WIiERFOF, the Secretary cf State of Nebraska has'reerebY affixed k.u signattue ar facsimile <br />tEtearaot and seal ort the date set out in the recording data. <br />