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<br />82--i~t~444y <br />nett personally liable on the Note. or under this L)sed ^f Trust, and (c) agrees That Lender and any other Borrower <br />heretmdu may agree fo ttnrnd, modify: forbear, or make aay other accommodations with regazd to the terms of this <br />Deed of Trust or the Notc• without that Borrower's tronseat and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Deed <br />of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. <br />12. Notks. Fssept for any notice required under applicable law to fie given in another manner, (a) any notice to <br />Borrower pt+awit#ed foe in this Deed of Trust shall be given by delivering it or by mailing such notice by certified mail <br />addressed to; 8orrowec at the ['xopertp Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender <br />as ptovided.ltereitt; oral {b) any native to Leartu shall ix given by certified mail to Lender's address stated herein or to <br />suci-olfier address as Lender mar designate by notice to @orrower as provided herein. Any aotia provided for in this <br />Decd of Trust sha0 be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whcagiven in the manner designated herein. <br />E3: Gavrsiog I,aw; Sseete6Wtp. The state and !Deere laws applicable to this Deed of Trust shall be the Taws of the <br />jurisdiction. in which the Property is Located. The foregoing sentence shat!-not limit the applicability of Federal law to <br />this Eked of Trust. !n the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Trust or the Note conflicts with applicable <br />taw, such conflict shat! not affect outer prarisioru of this Decd of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without the <br />conflicting peovision, and to Ibis and the provisions of this Decd of Trust and the Note ace declared to be seretable. As <br />trod herein, "costs'•, "expema" and "attorneys' fees" include a@ sums to the ezteat not prohibited by applicable law or <br />limited heron. <br />L;, Baerowar's Copp, Borrower shall be Tarnished a vn{orared copy of the Note and of this eked of Ttvst at the <br />time of enceeation or otter recordation hereof <br />I5. Rehehilttatios [,srm Agepmrtt Borrower shat! fulfill alt of Borrower's obligations under nap home rehabilita- <br />tion, improvement, repair or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender. Lender, at Lender's option, <br />may tegaire Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender. in a form aaeptable to Derider. an assignment of any rights. <br />claims ~ defenses which Borrower map have against parties who supple labor. mattsiak err services in connxtion with <br />improvements made to the Property. <br />iti. TrrrsNr of rLe Prspaty: wass~tloa If all err any puL of the Property or an inteteat <br />rhesein is sold or teassferred b1f eorzotrer without teadar's prior written congest, <br />arteluding (a) the creation of a 2ian az socuabcat~e subordinate to this Deed of <br />Trust, t ) the creation of a purchase aonay security interest for household appli- <br />anees or (c) a transfer hY device, descent or tsy operation of law upwt the death- of <br />a joint tenant, iwttdec rsy at Leraier'a option, declare all the ears secured by this <br />Died of 'trust to be i diately duo a payable. Lander shall have waiv ouch <br />oop~tion to accelerate if, prior to tea sale or transfer, Lender and the parson to <br />whorl the Property is to be sold oc transferred ranch agrement in writing that the <br />credit of such pertton is satisfactory t:o Leader and that the >,nterest payable on the <br />sup aecuzed b7t this Deed of Tzuat shall be ac such rate ere Lender shall request. <br />If Lander ercert:isea such option to accelerate, Lender shall rail tiorroiar notice of <br />acceleratios in aceordartce with Paragraph 12 hereof. Such notice shall provide a <br />period o! Dot lean than 3Q • Trot the data the notice is mailed err delivered <br />within which ttocrowr say pay the sags declared due. if Borra+er fails to pay such <br />sows pilot to t:he ertpiratioa of such period, Lertdez aay, without further notice or <br />dasattd on 9orrowr, imoka any reaediss peratitted by paragraph 17 hereof. <br />Npy_Lt#~pgM CovtZrr,txri Borrower and Linder fuc#ha covenant erred agree as follows: <br />11. Aweiseatisrt Revedir. ~ a. pravtded m paragraph 16 6arsst, apou 8otroxer's trMSeh of nap covenant <br />or agcasrisrt of Haiew,a'tn tbds 1)esd of Test, isciwdiog Bsrrower's faUate ro pry, br the and of 10 calendar days aEtar <br />dtey ~ dra, py sat secated by tka Dead of Trost, L~dv prior to sccekratton shat) dre notice to Borrower w <br />provided is prrsgraph 12 haeef spectfyiag: {il die btaeht 12) fir acNea regsired to sane such breach: i3) a data, not <br />less firs 20 days from the .date the aedce h malkd m Borrower. by wtaiC6 each breach mart be saredt cad i4i that <br />~ to care aeeh 6teseh as w reefers ter data specified to tie ereNce apV' rwntt to aixetgatiae of the sums secured by <br />reek Eked aETrasi astd irk of the Ptspsrty. Ths itoNca sltati farther lafotm Harrower of t1x right to relnatata after <br />reuNeatiar asd the tight to ticker: a saint acNoe d. asseK the seastisteaee of a deficit or troy other defense of borrower <br />is a~eedaatks red oak. u the breach 4 sw sand ere err btr[rea the fists spssifiad is the notice. Lender, at Ldtderh <br />somas, say dadan aEE of the seep seeerad by tttb Dsed of Treat m Ise latmedhtety des cad pryabk wilhoet fnr[har <br />dsaasd cad py lavwlte the power of eerie cad rsy other ie~s perms[tad by apptitmitk taw. fsadec shaft ere ardtkd <br />4 esfiact di rassaahM coati aa«f atitsesw ttttvsrd Fo parsr~g the retnedkr prevWsd m this parsgtapit L7, lnclad{ag, <br />tits sat thrdted ter. tearasabk aRtsrra7a' foss. <br />u the pnru d sds N ta-dc+i, I'teatse tlMdi tecetd a aotks of dsfaeit k ertch arowary in which the Ptaprty or same <br />pert Nttreuf ii iastad asd shd! serail s!~ etsaeh ostler is tie atrsser prweeibsd h7 appltcrbit law to Batrswse asd <br />a tYr adssr P~ pt+~ hi ~ ~". a8ttr tie tapes at seep tkta err rosy Eie regtttred by appbeahk law, <br />Ttsw riefl giw pr#Wie eedse at ask a the parasa ari m the eswac pserrribed by rPPtlsshk taw. Traa&re, wittrost <br />tirs~d er Brrawet, >'isrN seb the Peapwty at pehlte rstetlatt m tbs lttgieat d the titae aced purr asd wader rho <br />trot derigertad ht the eetlce of sak tw ass err uses piteeh wed m reel rder w trustee may detsrmtne. Trstar may <br />peaytars tale of fit ee artp pattd et tits Prapett7 by P~ iraoracartmt at the dine and ptrrce of aay pnniosly <br />achedrMd tatie. twwdar err Lasder+s desigatse Ep- ptrelass the i'twprrt> u nap sak. <br />Upsa nesipt of prya#swt of tM prks bid. bertha slrY defiver to the parchret Trstee`s deed cosvepttr the <br />I!tepeRy aid. The reeit~ Ie the Tlarrbe's dead ahsti be peforrt facie evidmtx of the troth of the sti/tmtsatt mrdr <br />Ntaete.'TrisNsa Sidi apply the precwi of efts tak to tits feYewlag eedsr+ yu ti sti eeasoaaWe cash and eapesrr of Nee <br />sek, + tiro set Etadted ter. Trassw`s few acttrtp leeerrad of rat mace iben ......... , eo of the grass sak <br />gaior, tsasasehit atttss-rya' feat and asst st tlgs ev!dsrea: {ht to eft aesar secured by rhea Deed of Trmut rwd {e) [hs aa• <br />ors, Bent), to the ps~eer err praes MeyslAf aeNatat dtaete. <br />2>?. Beerenter•s Right a RNsstara. Na4nttstandirsg Lender's accrtcraaan at the sums secured '•~ 'hu iketi vt <br />'fYtut, dirt m-Batrow~ s breach. Borrower shalt have the nghs to have any pracsedings txgun by Lends zforce this <br />17tird of T~ttst diteotttianted at any ntret prior to the sorrow ro occur of tti the titth day before the sate Proporty <br />ptttsesst etsths patter of oak cas-tattted in this Lit of Trust or ;ill en#n of a 1udKinent sntorcing tins C)eett ot'Trust itr <br />#al Bbttoti~t' pays t.enrkt alt sums wAirh wooed tit torn due utader this [tied cf Trust and the Hats had no acceleMUOn <br />acttt>;eadi #bl Barrorratt curers art breaches of env outer carenants oc agreements of Bomiwrr .rontaintd in thu eked at <br />TtttN;, fn1 wawa pays al! reiaoarabk sxpeosts tn4urred by l.eaier and Trustee to sntarcing sets covcaants and <br />agptof Hatnrarercentaia~ is tits dead of Trtts# and rn enCtwsmg Lender's and 't'rustee's remedies as provided in <br />patagtttph l7 trersaC, iasltufia(l. trot nw limited tu. rcasonat+ls attorntys' 'ass; and td? born+wer takes wt'h achian as <br />retacaahly require to assure that tfie tiro of tAa L)esd of'Trusr, t nder'c Inmrest in the Properrty and <br />8pltraexr"s ottilgatiewr r~r ,pity flu soma scented br this Dasd at Trasi shall k~..+nttnur mnrrnpaire~.i. E Flan such payment and <br />tort by fiarratrer, itru L)eed of Trust and fete ubligrttons secured herstry ihatt remain rn Cvll Toter anti sli"set as if no <br />axcsdtriat~ And +arrurrect, <br />