<br />82--004449
<br />t)Flsb OF-TRUST is madr+ tdu .... Qom :...... ......... day of ..October ... ..........
<br />14 the Ttroatar, Lb.cltard G Van ;2,g1, ,~ci $and(:a, F., V~ .$Y~ c . hgs~nd ;apc~ ,W?i,~G ~ .... ,
<br />`'aeaosg to .......... .. ... ..
<br />Ehem •g~,~= •)~ Custer Federal Savings apcl;
<br />Lr~an itseociatscsn of waken Hatil( t3ehraska. , , „ , , , , , .... (herein '7rastee"). attd tlse BauSciacl.
<br />tie. ttebraeka ~~iage ttinaooe 1hmQ Lfaooln. 1M6zaska, d .~adY..R~.~P. dAd:.:.. ; .
<br />tagmt3ed and
<br />RAP.4~~ .......:.........`.:......::.:................ ....... ...
<br />e~~g~krthelatra~ ,.thi.*..Staae:txf.tfsti6ra~ica ....................... -....
<br />trhese addtesait...;2~~ :".~K"5~ree~,. ; .tt;,k~ .~QX..L~X~CP1P:. N~ 6$~R& ......... . .:.....:......... . .
<br />HaattcawEtt; in ~naidaatioo of the ittdebtedaess herein recited anti tfie trust herein ateuerl itte~occabif°grattts
<br />aad ~ T ~Iin taut, with power aE sak. the foltawierg described- praQertp located: in the: Couahc of
<br />- ............................................StatenfNebeaska_ -
<br />Lot Tarrasty (20), in Hlock Thrae i3_): 8rent+~rood Second Subdivision, Hall
<br />i5uurlty. City of Grand Island.
<br />3112 itast Brentwood e2vd, Grand Island
<br />which has the address of ................... . ............ . ..... . ..... . ........ ~ , ............ , ... ,
<br />tsuut N.af
<br />i'ieUnrliuc . , . , ..... _ .688ti2 ...... , .. , (hestlia "PtePea7 A+ddtess°);
<br />~~
<br />with aii the iatpavt tWw ar heteafler entered ca the pta~lerty. anti all easelatata, ~~.
<br />ati!d tepaa /subpet hareeter to-the anti audwc+da gives hteesin ro tattier to cdlect and app~r wdl
<br />tespa~ ait:ef wlridt.shaU ba deemed to ba std nteaia a pan of tht ptopett7 coveeed by this Dead ad' Trugrc; anti art of
<br />~,~: te~r~lp~ wi2El said Pt'eP~" dx ~ lama6sKd estaat if this Dead of Ttuu is-~ a laaealtoid)~ ate
<br />-_ - h tefias~ed ~ s the °Ptopat;t":
<br />- Tt3 ~Sto t,tttldK tilt! ~ efr the ~ GgdpiCOd ~ BOtrtitrlt 3 atHt dared ..... . . ......... .
<br />. , ,QKFA!AtiF.,~.. ~ .... . ........ . anti aatttsiem awd tenewaJs thetwtflhatein "Nooe"). is pile principai snm of
<br />U:5,1: 3~.4~t P4 . ..... . .. . . ... . . ..... w~ it>~ riplroea, ptariding fer monthly iastaihnsnts of prineigd and
<br />taatetai, widl!ehe ba{eree of the tadehradlr~. if not sloeoer F~-tint aaet payabbe on , ~!'a!i!'t?r„1,., ,1~
<br />the.. epT< d art etMr sttsep. inier+eu t~eR'eaY. adraaeed is aCCepdan4t herewith to pl'emea the stearity of Ch{t
<br />Gea4.rrd7'tws; and dle.~adth~e CRrCtte4ti-aadapee~aa ad iiencwer herein eoetamed..
<br />8arrowrat <e that Beetea~er is laerfnily wiped of the eststr heMty and has the right to grant std
<br />'t,t11a Plde~ttt)€. atsti•tltat ttit i'sapeetlris arae~mhaed. Mtaegt far eacumbranca of record. tiatrva~er cmeaaats
<br />that t~aeatsa[ac anti daptrd gea~eAy ttta riot m the Prugest7r agaiaK art ctaims and demtndp, tit no-
<br />~ar€teett~.
<br />- ._
<br />tPOI~ (~tivl~.>,>7~ anti txr a+ov~sas easel spree ss felkmn;
<br />L .af ~ alR ~i1lepi. tiore'ovtet sttatt p~ptly i~ dsse the pttnclp-.' =rd intarapt
<br />~p ~ bS ~Nt lVmeCeuud t+wprhtrgpp# Praedgd in tare Nao,
<br />1lteaiit titer 7'+lpia erlrk R4rNttMrtl-i ~ tv ~t 4a~ or a written waiter by Leader. Berrnwer shall psy to
<br />aaf tilt des- yta~paoas•~'. ptt and=iaereah axe pa~rab(~e ender tisa ~te4t: uatti the "toes is galtid
<br />m hsM. a moor Owpaipl ~•[pt®sdti"Veg4ai to effete-texlRA ~ titer feMrty aastep anti uaeats itt~iud:ag coadaesiainaal anti
<br />piaaae4 oait dev.ia~fat~srtt ~'~ ax~l v stay art ptirority ~ thFt Eked of Trips. and groiaad reett ae
<br />teen ~7• ~ W p~4 tail~t.nlfUe elf riy ptetaibsn itts far- hcwd itpuraace. pttn aratwalitil of
<br />~xwm urtedleaaaa Mr esartgsgK ittseratpt, 'if pas. all xs r~aaably esrinwttd ~aittaiiv and t}utrr thee- to nine b7
<br />4,talde+r ee tint tensor of asitasiatm»es atld hills aitd reeit~alhit auirtaatas titereoi, Sarrn.r~ vhalt mn be cfbtittaeed tai make
<br />f ad fiords ro L,rladcr ro the eslear thstR+arra'raakpp ¢a~tarnte en the htitder ut s Eariur mwteeyt.x
<br />Q~nrd a~larmor st saeis +toi;dvr u aa.%pttdte»aNt cedar.
<br />iIMl2` -valet ~: fif &3 -
<br />