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<br />EXTENSION AGREEMENT ~rj~ ~}~~ ,~~~~ <br />In consideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promissory note <br />hereinafter described, the undersigned, Marvin t~,. 4~QIl7hCiff_s~tld_.? inch t WPmhoff <br />Husband & Wife hereby covenant anr'f agree to pay to "fhe First <br />Natrona! Bank of Grand Is?and, Grand Island, Nebra>ka, ar order, the principal sum of <br />Fifty Thousand and 00/100------------------------------------------------------------ <br />55Oy000.00 ), together with interest thereon at 16yi__ per cent per <br />annum from the date hereof, such sum to be payable r..n February 22L1483 tnterest <br />shall be payable at maturity on February 22, 1983 __ _ <br />The original principal note in the amount of Fifty Thousand and 00/100------------------- <br />--------------------------($ 50.000.00 ~`) was executed and delivered 6y <br />the undersigned under the date of Februarv 25. 1482 , to The First National <br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, and was due and payable on the 42 th _ <br />day of August, 1982 together with interest at _~(~ per <br />cent per annum and secured by Real Es a)e M1tortgage to The First "Jational Bank of Grand <br />tstand, Grand Island, Nebraska, S__ Gu~urirerii. =o2-uu0i07 <br />in the Mortgage Records of i ffall __ County, Nebraska <br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance cf principal of _Fi ft~i thousand and <br />Q0100---------------------------------------------------~=50.OOO.DO ), together <br />__. _ _.~. ~_~ _..~_ ---- - ...- - f-__ - <br />wrth interest thereon at _ib~~--~T_ --- _ Per ~ e~nt {~~~r annum, such principal and <br />interest to be payable in ,awful martey rzf the .~niir:t3 Statt~-. of A:+rer-ica at The Fi. st Nat- <br />ional r3ank of Grand Island, t; rand Island, Nebrask.:. <br />Ali of the ea:-anants and agrc~em€nts in sue?: ar~ytn.r? r.r:te <anci tt=.e ?:eal Esiaie "tortgage a- <br />ixxe-described, other than hereinbefare motiifie<i, viral? t>~ anCi rern.,in unchancteci and in <br />full farce and effect durin3 such ex [ended pc~no<i. if <tefauR i;e made in payment of any <br />principal sum, the entire Yr'irrc.ipal sum with mte'rest tir€recut =trail he~come immediately <br />due and payable at the election of the leelai balder thareof. <br />In further consideration of such extension of tu:n~ of payr~r~nt of such indebtedness, I here- <br />by ratify and confirm such mortgage recordcie? ,,s ~ ~-rQG.1dlP~.nLa.$2_i].QQZ07 <br />in Real Estate ttortc{aclr, rce.ur'cts of }{alt <br />County, ebrdskd `~ as the first rnorigaye ?ten upon <br />t?~e real property described therein, aril ti:e }+hc~ie ,~C the title there-to as now owned by me. <br />T+:e undersigned executes this Exiensian AGreemr'nt :vrth rcfcr~ncc to and on the faith and <br />credit of their property, which they now yawn ar nave an interest in ar hereofter may ac- <br />quire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to charcle any and all of such <br />property with t':e payment of the indebtedness, the la:tyment of which is herein extended. <br />1N WITNESS WftEREOF, the undersigned hate hereunto set this haruts thisg24th <br />day of _. Au93L# l~-~_« ~.--.7._~_ <br />~ ' ~ ~;_: <br />.fnd~ ~ a€~tc±tf <br />t~larvtn A. mltaff <br />. <br />~~ (+= <br /> <br />STATE 4F Fiebraskd ) <br />CQUNTY 4Fria`s i ) <br />The foregoing tnsiru~ acknowledge taefare me this 13th _ day of <br /> <br />ixt_n8er_ ~?~~{Al <br />by Marvin S_ _ r~tttf~iL + *nda L _ <br />i~a~toff 'sissband n <br />` <br />4#~. <br />~, ` ,r a k--~ `-: <br />v {t ~ <br />u <br />i~1 <br />' <br />r <br />~ <br /> <br />' <br />" <br />4 <br />2 ~ <br />~ <br />,_„ ~ <br />. <br />1~y CtvrAnissiatt Et~ttr~ .;;--~1 <br />,~-• <br /> <br />~~~ <br />l~ <br />'~Tts~ +tiS:'i" <br />i G ++~.8~~)~i l~#: YK4 ~L'J ;_dke Jdl'tS +t~Y'QS Fourth ~u6d1 Vi;S1Un , i9a11 1,.0UntV, Vt~tara.c.kd. <br />