f ~
<br />- 1G9~6-8t1RVfVORBNIP WARRANTY -DEED E3~""'d t } ~1 +~ !~ t7 ~ Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Waltun Ne 66461
<br />1
<br />r - s -' ,~ }W,°
<br />~ ~~:~`~t` OGT 13 198?
<br />herein called the granter whether oae or-more,
<br />C;oldie E. Ba11, an unret+aarrted widow,
<br />in¢ottaideraiionof Fifty-FivQ fihousand Twv Hundred Fifty and N0120p t~llars
<br />reeetyed from granteea, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br />Walter R. Werner and Mabel Werner, husband and wife, - -
<br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not a~ tenants in common, the following described real property in
<br />fra21 t;ottntF,
<br />
<br />j t r
<br />Zo£ Eigh£ ,81 in Sunset Fnurth Subdtuision in dart of i
<br />- the North Na1f of the Northeast ;}uarter. fN~N£}i) of Section -- -
<br />£Iaven {ZZ?,TOwnshin Steven t:.ZF North, Rancte ien (30} ~`i.
<br />Wesr of tt~ 6th P.:~t., Hal2 vottnty, Nebraska. - - -
<br />~!
<br />jr
<br />t - -
<br />Ta have and W bald the above described l~remiaes tuttrther with all tenements, hereditamenta and appttr- -
<br />tt+aanety thereto hetongiug ante the grevtaea and to theft aset~a, or to the heirs and easigun at the survivor of ~ ~~
<br />them fo~ever-
<br />:~nti grantor don hereby covenant oxrth ztte granterat any} H+th zhefr aasitcira anti frith the heirs and auaigna s ;{
<br />of the avreivor t+f them that Kraatur ix tawfuilg set~l of aaad premiarw: that they arc free- Protn encumhranae
<br />azcect o+asemetxts and restrzrtions cif recz:rd.
<br />that g:atttrrr has. goad rettht and lawful authntizp as cauvre- zhr yansi~: assd that ttrafaLOr aarrattta and sell! defemd
<br />t,-.,> tstic to aitid prt+ntiaez~ against. the iawYu( rdaimy of all ptrsaxvy trhamaoever_
<br />Tt is tits inte3xtian uT all i:artit;s hereto that in the evextt t?T the .Troth of either of the graxtLeea, Lhe eutire ; -
<br />ix »imple title tv Lhr reel eataLe sixa}2 test is the surviviutL gritntee.
<br />1>aLed iktoher 5, l9 82
<br />~ 1
<br />r-M., - ~,
<br />``. S'fRTE DF .. ~eftxAUSukd...,...... t>>, tAu. ~{ . +lav ~ t. t;f~ .G'ci,~.,' , iv..:1~~~ brjare
<br />Roll rt,
<br />...... ,....... Cuecwty mt, tke rndtrsL~rtaert a :1r`oturv_ f Wbttr ~talV cumtnittitxard axial yaalijied fnr
<br />iw aui,1 rewty, ptraattetty ;;fait , c.'txidie E. ~a1„ an unremarri trd
<br />uidoLV in :fez :wtt rir~hc. -
<br />i
<br />tc aft azweaw W bt tke idanLir'at pcrtaa izr prrspa,t ushust xtaebt i,: ur t+atats are ,
<br />i I (SfiAt.) a~tstml La t&r fiaroyaittg stettrtwwtrti ansi ac~>tuuvtdgcd the rt-trglioa iheraoj to i+e S`
<br />7xis. Isar ar tAtir twitwtuxry act aed deed.
<br />~~
<br />tt~Ya~LltMmia
<br />~ - li ttxsrsx x,xt, Aoad asd Na6arwt SaetF tke ~a axxri t~ lstt nl uw t:~rtttrx, -
<br />i t _...,
<br />} ..
<br />d!p f:oiMLLnisaivK expires !!tt 'ems/~.,Aay rtJ._._ . ~.,,.~:e~-~' sy o _.~...
<br />~ ,
<br />a~ra~ cry.. ... , ....... ,. , .. . ~
<br />~.~ ice, an+i itit«tl. Tor. r~urd ~ tlLe Tt:-siaur oT I)eedtt tr<Tflatf of said t~teney tlhe
<br />.,.. a£:..,.._a,,..>>...,_.. ,?8,,... .at...... ...o'elaok sad.. ......mittuLaa .:......,+~.,
<br />': ; ntr3 rntstL'~tN~ ~ tit, .. , .. ..... . . . . . .. ot, . , . , ... , ..... .. at p~-~c- ............ - . , _ ,
<br />~. of t?eLeis
<br />
<br />