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<br />OG """ S) (J ~~ 4 ~ ~• ttS~1RTGAGE <br />'f'hisMortgagetsenteredintabetween Larrv L. Evers <br />FIVE <br />(herein "Mortgagor") and <br />-(herein "Mortgagee"). <br />Mortgagor is indebted to Mortgagee in the principal sum of g55 .000.00 ,evidenced 6y Mortgagor's note <br />dated 10112 /82 (herein "Note") providing for payments of principal and interest, with the 6alence of the <br />indebtedriess, if not sooner paid, due and paya~blie on ~,~gher 12 t 1985 <br />To ~ .~~ ~ i '~rwith Interest as proviaea therein, the paymen6 of ail other sums, with interest, <br />advanced by Mo 1 p~y)ipypf this Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of <br />the- Mortgagor con rte erem, ortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to Mortgagee the following described <br />property located in Ila1-1 County, Nebraska: <br />Commencing at a point six (6) rods south of the northeast corner of the <br />east half of the southeast quarter (E~SEtt) of Section Faur (4) in Town- <br />ship Eleven (11), North, Range Nine (9) Gest at the bth P.1•t., on the <br />east line of said east half of Southeast quarter (E~SEk), thence running <br />south twenty (2D) rods, along said east lire, thence running west eighty <br />(89) rods, thence runrine north parallel with said east line twenty (20) <br />rods, thence running east eight}• i80) rods to the place of beginning, in <br />Hall County, Nehraska <br />Together whir all buildings, impmnments, fixtures, streets, alleys, passageways. easements, rights, privileges and <br />sppurtenaneea ]otx-ed thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto and the rents. issues utd profits, reversiom sad reroaindera <br />tbeeeof; indudiag, but not limited to, heating and coding equipment and such prraood property clot is attached to the <br />impmretoenta so as to mostituta a Rxture; ail o[ which, including reptacrmsvris and edditioas thereto, b hereby declared <br />to De a part o[ the rent estate secured by the ilea of tltis Mortgage and aH of the totegang being referted W herein ~ the <br />~t~Pe~M. <br />Mari~gor further c<arveaants sad agrees, with Mortgagee. as tollows_ <br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest threeon as pwv;ded in this Mortpge and the Note. <br />2 Tltb. Mortgagor is the owrver ut the Property, has the ri$ti and tuchority to mort~e the Property. and <br />watzaata that the lien creatrd hereby is a Rot wd prwr lien on the Property, except as may otherwise be set tomb hereiri. <br />17 The Property a snbjecr to a Mortgage wherein <br />to the MoRgagee, recorded at Book ,_.~_~ ,Page __~ ~__.. of the Mortgage Recorrh of ______ County. <br />Nrattaska. wbish Mort~@e b a lien prior to rite Lien cleated hereby. <br />C7 Other prior flans w eacumbraaaes: ____ <br />$. Tune, Asaearmaata, Ta pay when due aq taxes, special assessments and aU other charges agAitut the Property <br />Card; upon_wtitiea derwad by ~. to add to the papaumts required under the Note secured tureby, such amount u <br />ms4y to artfBcieat to enable the Atortdegee to pay such taaea. asseasmeats or other charges as they become due. <br />4. ~ To keep the improvemertis now or hereafter totwted on the real estate described hereto insured <br />agtimt dama/e by Bra and suds other hazards as Mortgages rMh' [again, In amounts sad with eompauies areeptabte to the <br />Morlpyiee, and with-iotut_paya6ie ks the Mortgagee. In pce of toss under Bach pdietea the Mortgagee b authorised to <br />adjust, collect and eanpronrbe, In Its dtscsetioa, as claims thereunder at its sate option, authorized to either apply the <br />p to We rsfstoration of the Pmpe:ty of upon the inrbbtedness secured hereby, bat paymenb hereunder Yuli tna- <br />tioste unW the w®s saeurad ttmaby ate pdd la toil. <br />5. O 9setow trot '('arras rata irstaraaea. Notxethstanding aaythiag rxfnieiaed in paragraphs 9 sad a hereof to the <br />~l~y, pav- to rips ~ at the h~ Qt paying the muttthly Ioctsttm.,,trs of prtncipal and iataartt, <br />e~taadfltr nt ~ y lases, a4se~ea#, lfaaasd irsurance premiums, and stared [eats (if say) which y attain a <br />pt3rsrity o4a<, Ibis liautdye, ad sa renuna6ty rstirasted from time to Ume by fire Mortgages. The amount- xsd shall ifs <br />bid bT tfine liWsgptpp vrit(rost3 latezesf sad apptted to the payment of the ltatrw in respect to whidr such ainuuntc were <br />~• 'tire atmaa pdd io ~ hisreundar are pMdgad as additional security tut the indebtedness secured by fhb <br />~arre8 pW to-6ior'tpgea t~ antoaat of turfy deBcianty between the acttrd taaes, aaerssments, iasurraras <br />asd eanq sad tie tMpaeita hasvundex within .lA days attrr denraed Ix made upna Mortgagor requeMing <br />pNYt~Mrtt thatew[. <br />6. RAyNfis, A#tingdtt4pa clod t)tfe, To protmptiy reWrlr, restore of reb:.ild any butldings or Iraprosemeogf now or <br />lrer~l~fr op Ure lRopprEy; ~ -~ flat Pappesty is good et>aditlon and repair, without waste, and tree hour mechanic's or <br />Mherlkrr atft~ to the lira haseof; oat to rgake. atetter or permit any nuissnt~s to eaidt, nos to dimin- <br />lah of loapif3r' ttpt wftre of clap Ftopsrty by any act or oruladoa to a.^t; and to eomply with alt requirements ~ !ew with <br />~~. <br />