<br />
<br />ORDINANCE N0. 685»
<br />An ordinance creating Streec Improvement Olstrict No. 1016; defining the boundaries
<br />a€ Che district; providing for the improvement-of a street within the district by paving,
<br />guttering, acrd all incldentai work in connectLan therewith; and providing the effective date
<br />o€ this ordinance.
<br />SECTION 1. Streec Improvement Oiscriet No. 1016 in the Cfty of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />1s hereby created.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />Beginning ac a point alcn~ the-westerly right-,}f-way 1ne of Broad>~ett ?venue,
<br />said paint also being ,'ha i_rcheast eraer 4 ;rant Pi of the a'outheaRan~eaater
<br />of the Korthwest ~,aua rter :,~;t y,;l~ :f~Seccf any?1, Township ]1 tiarth, g
<br />idest of the hth P.M., rtali ,o unc„ 4eacas ka~ thence southerly along the westerly
<br />line of Broadweil Avenue r - distaaee of ?eat: thence deflecting lift
<br />for a distance of SLR *,eet{ta thx Scuthwesc.~:.orner ~:i -tract Q; ttzence ~:efteeting
<br />:fight I01 feet trxxm and carailel .a the west Lint of the Ccaunty industrial
<br />Tract for a distancr. <~•. St,:7 feet; chrnce deflecting right 304 feet from and
<br />parallel r.a the sauCheriv ?inr <.i Sne i~?ciehoma street right-of-way to he acquired
<br />to a pof nc where this line ;nccrsacts chs quarter seccfan Life between the
<br />Northwest and Southwest ~.'uartrrs _~.. _ectiun ft; thence deflecting rifiht atang
<br />this Quarter erection ::roc ?where;.t intersects with the easterly taoundarv
<br />of Hn rrisan Street; (bent cr ,iefLectzn¢ riRh[ atang the ea sterty line of harrison
<br />Streec for a disCrnce a+ 6&3 :cat, care or lase: thence deflecting left for
<br />a distance ~f lt}5.17 feet to .~ :>otnt 16.i *trt :rom the ~ornc~ast corner at
<br />Lot 2, Btack x. rarkniil ~:ri `..u~ciivlsion: tncn_e =ie.lecting ..fight fcr st discsnce
<br />of d0 feet to the Southeast doraer r,f ..at 1, Ricck + "arkhitl +econd Subdivision;
<br />thence deflecting ri Rht alorzR the na r_herly Lkiahama.Aac nue right.-ci-way line
<br />for adfstance .~i 3t.4 set: thence defleetinK ri i;ht slung the Wert herly fine
<br />of Okfahzama Avenue aand~ar, extension e=i this .fine c.r n distance ,.aE .'L i.: feet
<br />', fine ~i !la rrison Street: thcncc
<br />to a pof nt alenq the ea>ter,v right--^[-way
<br />deflecting left along the .raster:: s:nr ..: Harrier:-*n street for a distance of
<br />218 feet, ^ure :: t ss, .., the \artnwas[ corner :,.. iracr M; thence de `flreting
<br />right 12. feet :roac;ind ;aaralieL c thm nartizerivyrignt-af-way line of z~klahama
<br />AV[nue for 3 di>ta RCP ::t ab3.= ieei t:? the ~a2nC .`S heRtnRtng, ii11 a>i >t16wn
<br />nn the pint marked ".xhi bit ~~.~" ittacness hereto azzd incarpurated tie re in bV reference.
<br />SECTION J. The fattawing itrcet in t:ze dtstrfct +hait be. improved by paving, curbing,
<br />guttering, arid ail Inc identaf :ark in .-annecticn therewith:
<br />Oklahoau Avenue frcaa Harrison at reec to 8roadvelt Avenue.
<br />Said izaprovearcnts shah *.r c.ada in sccardance. .:th pions and spec[flcacions
<br />pragarGd by thr Ensfneer i.?r the °.:ity and appravad by the Mayur and i:auncll.
<br />S[:CTtON 4, The isyraveAents shall be made at gubiic uric, but the cost thereof,
<br />excluding Intersections, shall be aasaasad upon the Tats and lands in the district specially
<br />hwiafited thereby. as prgvided by tax.
<br />SECTION 5. Thia ordinance shall be in force end take effect from oral alter its
<br />paaaege, approval, and publlcaticn, without the plat, as provided by law.
<br />SECIIOft 6. This ordiz+,nni:e, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the
<br />office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska.
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<br />