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---- <br />~'r <br />3 <br />~~-~ t)~~4416 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 6942 <br />An ordinance creating Street improvement District No. 1024; defining the boundaries <br />of the district; providing fnr the improvement of a street within the district by paving, <br />gutterfng, and all incidental work in connection cherevich; and providing the effective date <br />of this ordinance. <br />B£ Ifi QRDAINEA SY THE MAYOR AND COONGIL OF THE CITY OF CRAND ISLAND, NEHRASKA: <br />SECTION 1. Street Improvement District No. 1024 in the CiCy of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />is hereby created. <br />SECTION 2. The boundaries aF the district shall be as follows: <br />Beginning aL a paint along the easterly tine of llli nois Avenue, said point <br />also being 183.4 feet North r=# the northerly tint of Twentieth also being 163.4 <br />feet North of the northerly tine of Twentieth S[ree[; thence easterly 163.5 <br />feet from and parallel to the ne rt heriy line of Twentheith Street for a distance <br />of 927 feet; thener deflecting right in s southerly direr tiara slang [he essterly <br />line of Lot 12, Geer Sulxti vision, `or n distance of 158.8 feet; thence deflecting <br />right slang the nareherEv tine of the storm drainage right-oY-way far a distance <br />of 990 feat to the Sauthwasc earner ~~f Lot 26, feer Subdivision; Chance deflecting <br />right along the wtsterly tint at Lc~t '6, Peer Subdivision, end a pralanga Lion <br />of this lino far a distance of ].8.» #eet; thener deflecelnR right along [he <br />r~rtherly line of Twenthitch Street for a distance of 60 L'eet; thence cicflecting <br />left along the easterly Lint a# iitinois Avenue fnr a rii stance of 183.4 feet <br />Co the po#nt of beginning, all as Shawn :?n the ,plat :narked Exhibit "A" attached <br />hereto and incarparated herein by reference. <br />SECTION 3. The following xC reel in the disc riot she ii Lre improved by paving, curbing, <br />gu[tering, and all fntidentai ;+ark in tenmctian therevtth: <br />1lrentieth Street from the east line of Let 12, Geer Subdivision, Lo tht west line <br />of Illinois Avenue, tying north of Twentieth Street, <br />Said improvements shall ht made in accordance with plans and specifieatians prepared <br />Dy the Engineer for the %ity and approved by the Mayor and Council. <br />SECTION 4. Tht improvements xhatl De asade at public cast, but the cost thereof, <br />excluding intersections, shalt 'x assessed upon the lass and lands in the district specially <br />Dtnefited thereby, as provided by law. <br />SECTION 5. This ordinance shall >k in farce and take effect frog and after its <br />passage, approval, and publleatian, without tDe plat, as provided by Taw. <br />SF,CTION b. This ardinancs, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the <br />office at the Register of Deeds, Hatt County, !icDraska. <br />SEC1'I~ X. After passage, approval, and puDlicatian of this ordinance, notice of <br />the creation of said district shad De published in the Grand 2slarul Daily Independent, <br />s legal nerepaper publish/M and of general tizcuiation in said City, as provided by law. <br />F.naCtad l/~~~b/r^ ~. <br />~ 'R~ YQa~ X - <br />ATTEST: y y a~_ -1..~,~,~; ' <br />OET 3 1992 <br />if =4 nFp~ <br />