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<br />82- ~1i144~2 <br />C. Pay all taxes and special assessments levied ar assessed <br />against ar due upon said premises before delinquency, <br />and to deliver to 8eneficiazv conies of receipts showing <br />payment of such taxes. <br />D. Procure and maintain policies of insurance against the <br />usual hazards of fire, hail, windstorm, and other <br />similar risks, i.n sums and unclerwritten by companies <br />acceptable to the Dereficiary, with ions parable to the <br />parties as their interest may appear. <br />Trustor covenants and agrees that a failure to make anv <br />payment, either principal or _rterest c., the note secured hereby <br />when. due and payable, or a Fai_ure to campi.y with any of the <br />covenants Gad agreements !:ezein made shall cause the whole sum of <br />money hereby secured to become due and c-ollectible at once at the <br />option of the aer.efieiary, and Bene`ieiarv shall have the right <br />to cause ?totice cf Default to be giver. and the rezsises to be <br />soi.d as arovided herein, . <br />Zt iS mutnal2v aczreec? that= <br />A. Rt. anv time anal `rom time tc+ time uoar: written request. <br />of Bereficiarv, garment o* *ees arc presentation of this <br />'_"rust Deed and *he rote `er a~rd:+rsemen*_. (in case of full <br />reconvPyance, For canccl3at_a~ :~nc', r^±entianl, without. <br />affecting the iiahisitr ~..~ arv ;?ersan gar the payment o* <br />the indebtedness, "suttee P:av ta) :~ensent ca the makira <br />of any map orr,.iat .. _ said pracerty; !b1 ~fiin in <br />Granting _.nv easement .,_ ~reatinc -.ny restriction <br />thereon; Ic) -join n an•~- =ubardination +>r other ayree- <br />z*!ent affecting thi= ^rust '?eed oz the :ien nr charge <br />thereof; (d) reccnvey, .Yithout warrant.}~, all nr any of <br />saki progert~+. <br />B. `?'!:e Grantee it an}~ reconvel.°ance 1^av ~~e described as "the <br />person or ner<ans entStie.:' '.hereto," and the recatals <br />tf?ere_in {)f e~n~' ?fattc.rS +_. _ `iCtS vhai 2 ~'`G' ,^_c~nC lt~s14'e <br />preaf of the *_ruth*ulness r.herea~. <br />C. *3par. dezault by Trustar ~n the payment cY any indetated- <br />ness secured ':ereby ~., the ^erfcrmz~rce a= arv aaree- <br />mPr.t hereunder, ~ereticiarv -a~:• c':ec-:are ali, sums secured <br />hereby immeciistely ,ive :~rd ^ati~ab?e by delivez;~ to <br />Trufitee of written deciaratian o* default. ~f Pene- <br />ficiary desires said groperti, to be sold, it shall <br />deposit with Trustee this ""rust ~7eed and ail promissory <br />notes and documents ~:videncina er'genditures sPCUred <br />hereby, and shah deliver tc Trustee a written notice of <br />defau?t anti eiectic-n to :-ause sair.: crcpertr to he sold <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />