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<br />$~---~)~j441t~
<br />i1OTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Contract of Sale
<br />dated the .3C day of September, 1982, Peari R. Frown, an un-
<br />married person, and Margaret P. Kennedy and William T. Kennedy,
<br />wife and husband, have agreed to sell,. and Robert J. Johnsor. and
<br />Merleen Johnson, husband and wife, have agreed to purchase the-
<br />following described real estate, to-wit:
<br />A tract of land comprising a part of the North
<br />Half of the Northwest {?uarter (N#CNW4) of Sec-
<br />tion Twenty (20}, Township Ten (10} North,
<br />,ange Ten I10} West of the 6th P.:~i. , in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska, :Wore particularly described
<br />as follows:3e~irninc at the ;northwest corner
<br />of said Section Twenty (20}; thence southerly
<br />along the west line of said Section Twenty (20),
<br />a distance r,f time hundred Seven and Forty Five
<br />Hundredths ;40?.4~} fiat; thence deflecting left
<br />l20°?5'49' zinc runr.inci northeasterly, a distance
<br />of `^,~a 'iundrec '.net; si:< and '.salt=e :{undredtt'ns
<br />;.x.96,12} eet; thence t:eflect~nc~ rinht l4°45'l4"
<br />and >_^~nnxr.c ,ortheasterls•, a distance of Five
<br />t ;,
<br />s#;.ndr°d 5i.. :~e~..... =and x`o-_ .er.ths i6'..4)
<br />`-eet. :: hence derlect?^.~: -.. 66°13'Q3" .and
<br />::nnxng northcast:erly, aiciistance of :3inety
<br />"wc and '=ctt~n `1t.=.;.=rcdths t4?.__'} _~e*: ±hencc
<br />:'ei l+?c:t_nv .. ctht744°~z0' .v' snd . ~rn~..., north-
<br />c•astcrl~ a ~iist,xnce :~f :>e.~..tt° _... :and .ft}~
<br />.....ht i"_.uidr_.ths _.,,5} .Rz'', 'hence ::?e~£lect-
<br />_. :cift ~~°iS`~c," an;. ..:nn_.,.. ..t~x•^h~:cstcr~y
<br />a ti3istanGe _.. <kie i# .^.ctted ~,~-~: :`wo 242.0}
<br />'. L'. ~. t., +hen`,:f; ::e.li=Ct_nCi ~ ._. ,YK+~1? ~;" .anii run-
<br />,.lnra .yasteriy. a ._.rs*_.ance .._, s'c~.ar .#uac'r~el ~t:~~onty
<br />e ;in:. .,ixteen :#undredths =4"a.1+~) .=net: thenc:
<br />:zetle.ctinq i2.[t S9"32'0~" and *unnir.:: ortherly,
<br />a ~i;~tance iii "'~:re? rtun~_ ,~; 1'otrtc«.. snc? `'`~ao
<br />Hundre~:ths ,:4.;i2} .~,~.*_ to the north inR c,*
<br />s~aiu ~ectz=~n '_*~rent;~ ?{t3 : £t;.~zir-e •;estc~r?v alonc_t
<br />the. :nor*_h } ine €`~t aai;,' S~cti4*:: ,+enty : 2~} .x
<br />distan^u ,.: ~^~ =^.'lousand "'brie ..undrL,-d ?Fart:
<br />I,340.6} ~_~~t ':cr .,''^c ;;iac>• of t>ca,nna:nry and
<br />._v..t a'-nifnc: _ ... ? 2t, 3cr.?S °:?are ._-_ i~?. SS,
<br />t Oge~£ner `.. t.'i 2i11 3t?Lt :iYCF'n sn~e5 ~hC1L. tt? ~~E'-Ian~Ji;T:7.
<br />'"he . i na1 cyayn>ent o such Font raot. ~~ .~ ale , i r" not saoner
<br />aaid, 2a -due anu ;.~aya3.le :?n the aa~ ,iay +a f' ~'t.~t
<br />.~.~.~~ '
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<br />. Feari R. 3rau+n ;?~C/rt/icr~±~,/r... .zQan
<br />?'48 Q .t Fi. f+e;`..'f+~'d}' tilet'~eE'n ti nSGit
<br />., lF 3i;YE;?z.S
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<br />€°~ this .~'~~~,_ ~iay oY S~pt~mber. I~92, ?ae;`oro ~~, "-hr. ~anc~cr-
<br />signed Yotary~Pubi,c, c~ualzfsed i'ar zr~ic3 ,~~~~ur.ty. ,~ersona3l~.' f~a~:~c.
<br />rmaYl R. Brcxrn, .~sn unma>`.:~e~i saerscrn, ti#~11t r, <:c~ =,.e ;:nzswrt to bc. thr*.
<br />ear cur
<br />c
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