<br />82-,~~:;9398
<br />i'oA7t?ITIa;VS ~+OR "REGEAICY B`~ `^NE GREEN"
<br />IOW AL1.-MEN BY 'i`HES~ PRES&NTS ;
<br />WHEREAS; Ftegen~y By T'hs Green, A Partnership,
<br />is the-.owner of al? lots in "RE'GENGY SY THE GREEN", an
<br />aadition contaSned upon a ~;artion of-the. Southwest quarter
<br />(SadrGk of Section 'twenty-Eight {23}, Township Elelen (ll);
<br />North, Range Nine (~}, West of the. btr P.i+t„ ir. ?3ai1 i}ounty,
<br />?debs'asItaa-all as more specifically described in the plat
<br />of s2ia Suodivision as the same is recorded in the offi~e-
<br />of the Registers =~f needs of riali County, ;debraska; and
<br />WE?EREAS, it is desired ~?f the aforesaid owner
<br />-~' s~:id sutrdivision to improve "RBGENGY ~Jv `;`HE GREEN" by
<br />the sa,3e ;~±* ' cts and <~neau^.^.~Zit::~ the --aonstructi~n of modern
<br />and desirable dwelling ha;,<~+:~:;
<br />vflbd, .F;HE-R~„F.^RE, in cor.iderati.cn thert~~ i', and
<br />of the mutual :;en*~fi`w vo he e^'.xed a;;• the owneru of raid
<br />sutdiuision, and a,s, puru:~as=~r cr c~archasers, uheir heirs;
<br />acirninistrstars, ezecutc~ra ar~ci assYgzzs , she •~,+mers st ipzalate
<br />and agree that any and ,31. ?ots it ;said sMb:?iui4i~vn sold,
<br />trainsferrei ar:d ~cnveve~i, ryha b} iz::d rare -,:fY~fieGU ~o ahe
<br />followin#~ pre*<,~. ive covenas~tr~ , . v str! ~ti~?rzc and ct~ndi*.-it>ns.
<br />all of xhich .,..all rut wit": who „and, ~ t'c< <=~ws:
<br />i. Al"s. -.tit: :!±; "1ze .. ~hdi •i<:i:-,. ._..,x.i' tic>mply «ritY~
<br />the ultq in. ^,rand .stand huil;dir~~? ~v;it :`~r g-i. ,'do ,~partmez~r.
<br />hou4e, nc~r °wz'~all ary uasemen;: ,.wzzse *:e !~,.i1C :xrs :any .let.
<br />Na stz`~.zcture shall he ~>re~rte_:,texture=~; 13~•=„i :~r =~~*.rmi*ted t..
<br />remain sir, any lot thF~~r ar: <ix¢.z~g ~Y~u 4-riate garage .or r;at
<br />- lC'43 Iran twC ^~.r$, a.1+~ i3r ~£-'S' t`~y *1<~'si~^_~' jFr~t.'~~.,,: i!°=ip~'^ i;iL'=~u~-?:i,'i. .~..
<br />tek the use ~f the pl~xt. °~£~aE'»r~`iai ~:r L:ttsir;:: s enterprise
<br />s:~all ~L`e ccnduCtP.d ~r i,GC?rF1L,WUa ii1 ~,1id add'tiFn.
<br />,,wa C, _ :f' :'_~5 ~,c lyi g t'~:i:`st' ~r~a. t :'e :nG+VC d
<br />into said ~s}ut~ivisiczs anv ~•sa,t`t;i :pc., a _.:~t. .o trailer,
<br />~e used iz: ~a;d _uCciivisz as a :lxe liz,g at a'z time,zcr
<br />sha~ii anp s€rucrur«~ ~s±' a temccrar u~tarxc:ter are :s~~~d :~s
<br />- a. resi~enc~?: 4'c itsr±.~, +~,:~k~- ' ~~us~~s, tavuse traSlers,
<br />cos~nericaI xc~r~ or sa3es r~ap,s, Ear >°t!aer auildings for rile
<br />- 4'$Z'4 snd tr.c.Uai::K ;'<.£ :'.w~ttl., r8:,~i;3'-is ,_; Y" i °L'l°S G-(?Cl£ ., ttai.i M
<br />- p:i..~Ge;:; ,;.$int$i:~@`3 :*~$ ... i ..:i, ::i:rT' sha.il dll;f ,.^Sti.x.a
<br />ra$bits, ar an#ma13 otaer tFan rir.~.~ehc~Id pets b.w kept*upon
<br />tat, and household a:=ts shazx" t t;e kept, trod rz° main-
<br />- Lsined for any- ^czs~arc,iai urp~se.
<br />~. Va 3eteli:zt3 ~f a .i:~~ala level natuz•e sha11.
<br />Ge aprzzsLxuctefi ttitM leis t'.;rc_r, i,~ ~ sn~~arz-- ?'rot of living
<br />8i`~'9 aot ineladirg g~-rage; s>r ,ca ~ixe c tn(z i~° a two-atory
<br />des#gn s3~s,ll ha~~r lf~as ~:?-;an l,'r „,.are ?eer. :~c: the' ground
<br />floor noiF inc2tcelirtg the garage, °r :c. .axe:-'ping c,=`
<br />- tri-l-cool design s~~aali 'zaavr Ie ~`ha: ~zz o*~erp~a t~:?t2~1 ~P
<br />t,~t}U s€guare feet not including xsrsge.
<br />~..
<br />i
<br />